Author Topic: Binders  (Read 4554 times)


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I was just wondering why no one here seems to investigate Chest Binders? Many Transmen from A-DD use them.


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I've read a view things about them when I was looking for something to wear in the pool, but at 46H it sounded way to uncomfortable, so I never tried them. Other then that I can't be any help.

What I end up using was called a rash shirt, it is heavier then tee shirt up still didn't hide much, but being in a pool with a bunch of seniors didn't really matter anyway.


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I don't remember if I've read how big you are, but try it and let us know how how it works for you! I've moved to a place that I now long go through a lot of trouble to hide them. I do wear a bra most of the time for support and comfort and not much more then a tee shirt one size to big. At 57, married with almost 4 grand kids I no longer feel a need to worry that much about them anymore!

Offline expedient-traveller

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Age does seem to grant wisdom. Early on I tried many things to "contain" the "guests" including the use of duct tape. Image was everything but comfort cannot be denied forever. I currently use a tight sports bra to do the compressing but I am switching to comfort and getting a few molded cup bras for the sake of the "guests." I also hear the molded cup bras do not advertise your "assets". There may be times where compression is needed but not all the time. Ouch!

Offline dbweb

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When told I needed to support my breast, I started with sports bras, or "binders" as suggested in a different format.  If you have worn a device like this for more than 4-6 hrs at a time, you will soon understand why most would not choose this.  OUCH is the least of it, it just plain hurts after a while.  Once I found what a properly fit support bra will do, it was an easy choice.  I now have the support I need, have bras I wear 16 hrs a day with out issue, and will never consider going back to a "binder"

Offline expedient-traveller

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Dbweb: I totally agree. I am in a sports bra at least 16 hours a day due to work, school and sundry other vicissitudes of life. Sometimes I am so tired I just lay down fully intending to get up and do not wake up till morning. I take off the sports bra I have on and put on an identical bra then off to work, resulting in more than 16 hours sometimes 36+ hours in a "chest squasher". I am still shopping for a  comfort bra. Can you tell me what kind you decided on and save me shopping time? Thanks.


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I would highly recommend going for a formal fitting! It is the best thing I ever did for myself! If you have a girlfriend or wife to go with you it might help you feel more comfortable about it. My wife said the the place that I went to (Allure) and the fitter was much better and treated us much better then when she took our oldest daughter.


Offline expedient-traveller

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Hammer: I think you are right. I have thought about it and it tried once (the store did not do men). Your suggestion about having a female with me at the time is what I will do. Good idea. I can prevail upon one of the ladies here at work who caught me adjusting my bra strap about 2 weeks ago and when she gave me a look I told her "bra strap". With that she said her brother has to wear one for his breasts and  she has been a source of info on life in a support device ever since. It really helps to have a lady who cares and can help. It is just a touch odd to be able to sit down and discuss hunting, fishing and such with her (raised with 5 brothers and is divorced) and be able to switch and talk about bras and breast care.


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Talk about being on level ground! A little guy talk and girl talk all at the same time, nothing wrong with that, lol!

Offline expedient-traveller

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Sometimes you need to talk to someone more knowledgeable than yourself. Saying "bra strap" could be taken as a joke and laughed at by the both of us but it went in a totally different direction. Every question I have had about my breasts and how to deal with simple things relative to their care and support, my friend has been able to expound on. We all need a source like that, and being single like I am, she has been a God send.


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Sometimes you need to talk to someone more knowledgeable than yourself. Saying "bra strap" could be taken as a joke and laughed at by the both of us but it went in a totally different direction. Every question I have had about my breasts and how to deal with simple things relative to their care and support, my friend has been able to expound on. We all need a source like that, and being single like I am, she has been a God send.

Be sure to let her know that you and other guys that are in need of the understanding and help that she is giving you appreciate her too!


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Hammer,I can attest to most women being understanding of our situation. I work with an entire shift of female nurses at a hospital. They all know that I wear a bra. Wearing a 38G,its hard to miss. Some of them are envious, some are jealous, some are curious. But they are all understanding.


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