Author Topic: My son has gynecomastia, should I wear him a bra?  (Read 9970 times)

Offline GeorgeIII

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Consider a tank top, a traditionally male garment. With some wide shoulder straps and an inner, hidden layer of upper chest support, he will look and feel better with reduced risk of discovery.

Offline Athena12@

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Hammer make's an excellent point.  Go to your doctor and make sure it is gynecomastia and not just what we use to call baby fat (I know I had it until I was about your sons age).  I know you are 99.9% sure but just get it confirmed.  You have probably been like me and read everything you can on the internet, which really isn't that much when you boil it down.  My doctor sent me for a mammogram ad they confirmed the I do have it.  Confirmation by an expert is always a good thing in this case.
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.

Offline Mystia

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Sorry that I didn't put that we go to doctor.

We have go to doctor, and the doctor said that it is Gynecomastia which can only be remove by surgery or sometimes it would be gone after puberty which I don't see will happen.

Offline Athena12@

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Sorry, we did not now about the doctor.  AS far as his gynecomastia goes, time will till. Some of the folks here have had it since puberty like your son and some of us re very late comers.  I was 67 when mine shower up and my doctor wanted to ignore it until I wore a bra to his office,  I wish the best for you and your boy in the gurney you have both begun..


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I was a teen with it and never let it bother me, but things were much different years ago, and I'm 60 now and I am much bigger even now, but I still would encourage him to be strong and not allow anyone to tease or bullie him about it and that is why only wearing the bras at home is a good idea. I lived a very full life even serving as a Navy diver with having breast, fathering 5, 5 grandkids, owning my own business, so he doesn't have to let these defined who he is, they do not make him any less a man!

Good luck mom and to him as well!

Offline Emcginty

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What does he want?

There are some very good sports compression bras that would compress every thing into pecks.  
Without knowing how big he is it is hard to help.  But I would consider some compression top first.

Offline sofa

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I had it when I was a teen how big is he?  Kids in school can be mean.  I never changed in front of any one. I know it is not as good what about a compression shirt.  It makes a small diffrence. Issue is if any kids find out they are crule thats is what i would be worried of.

Offline Athena12@

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I agree with Hammer!  I just went through a mammogram and just met with and endocrinologist and his gave a through exam and ordered s et of blood tests to see what id causing my problem,  It only took my doctor 18 months to finally come to the conclusion that I needed to see a specialist.  I hope your doctor is better.


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Every one has a different take on what males with boobs should do.
I like having my breasts and I don't mind wearing a bra.  I spend 75-100 dollars a piece for my bras. I'd rather spend that money somewhere else but I'm ok with it. I'm also glad that I didn't have them removed or reduced. 

Offline SideSet

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If your son is more comfortable in a bra, then he should wear one wherever he wishes.  If he feels awkward wearing a bra to school, maybe something like might help some:
which the site says "firms the chest."
You might also see if he prefers:
Which the site says has a "non-compression bust offers a smush-free fit."
It is all about him feeling more comfortable and confident with his developing shape.

Offline Athena12@

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My doctor sent me to an endocrinologist and I found our my Estrogen level was 243.7 as compared to a normal level of 60 -190.  while my testosterone was with in norms but at the lower side at 564 compared to the range of 250-1100.  what al of this means I have no idea since the hospital sent the results to the wrong doctor.  I'll find out if my doctor got it today after I call him since they have a habit of not calling there patients,  But this is just one persons reference points you can compare with your sons  Hopefully your doctor will be better than mine,


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