Author Topic: New experience  (Read 1290 times)

Offline 40Cofficeguy89

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So my laundry machine got the best of my target bras that I loved.. just as I was gonna let the wife know that I was going to buy more. She suggested your deserve a nice bra lol. I was like target bras are nice! She said nope yeah they are nice but Victoria secret bras feel like clouds. lol so she took me up and we went in already knowing my size so no need to be sized or asked for that since they probably wouldn’t even bother to do so with my gender. Anyways they had a buy 2 get 1 free sale and I was going to let her pick out 2 and me get the free but she ended up buying 2 for me and she got the free and one that was on sale. So we both walked out with 2 bras. I didn’t pick any out she did all the picking and although I not crazy about push up bras. That’s what she got me and well she wasn’t lying.. they definitely feel like clouds are holding you up lol. And the push up actually felt great the fit was perfect! Anyways I just wanted to share if you haven’t tried a Victoria secret bra! Do they are so nice! 

Offline Justagirl💃

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I haven't tried VS bras yet, but I do love the push-up bras the best myself. I get mine from Torrid, and they are so much better than what I was getting on Amazon and Walmart. 

Birdie 💞
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃


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Treating yourself is most always a good thing, provided I do not overextend the funds. 

I may revisit VS at some point after some continued weight loss. I have not seen anything from them in a band larger than 40. I am in a 40, but have not found anything that fits as well as purchases from Lane Bryant and Torrid.

Offline Justagirl💃

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I was wearing my push-up bra under a T-shirt and visible lace panties today for vascular surgery on my leg. After they were done the nurse said, "you can put your clothes back on MA'AM."
That was quite unexpected since my medical charts have an obviously male name on them. 🙂

Yes, Torrid bras do fit so nice, I haven't tried Lane Bryant bras yet nor VC. Maybe with a bit more weight loss I'll try them. 

I really need to either wear out or shrink out of my current bra selection. I have collected way too many!

Birdie 💞
« Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 08:18:10 AM by Justagirl💃 »

Offline Justagirl💃

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Treating yourself is most always a good thing, provided I do not overextend the funds.

I may revisit VS at some point after some continued weight loss. I have not seen anything from them in a band larger than 40. I am in a 40, but have not found anything that fits as well as purchases from Lane Bryant and Torrid.
Congratulations on your weight loss! 💞


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Thanks love! Intermittent fasting has helped. I am looking into other things as well.

Offline JJ_Gyne

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VS house.. 
Really can get quite a lot of for you money with coupons and sales.
I agree with the "cloud" feeling as far as comfort goes I can't disagree.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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What strikes me about all of this is the pleasure your wife is having in outfitting you.  That suggests she appreciates your breasts and wants them to be well cared for... I can imagine that would be great fun to share both in the store and the bedroom...  


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