Author Topic: An apology 😒  (Read 1081 times)

Offline Sophie

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I have been a member of this forum off and on for well over a decade. I love ❤️ being a member being able to share my stories and experiences with all of you. 

That being said, sometimes I forget that I technically no longer have gynecomastia or any of the issues that go along with being a man who has to wear a bra to get through the day.

I had worn a bra every day for most of my life before transitioning and did so like most women. I transitioned to womanhood because that's who I always was.

I sometimes forget the fact that when I share how as a woman now, how I deal with my breasts, bras, bra shopping ect..

So, if I seem like I'm being too pushy or giving advice about what you should do to manage your girls or what you need to wear or not wear, I do sincerely apologize. 

I do ❤️ all of you guys (and girls)

Sophie 🤗 

Offline Justagirl💃

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Like Sophie, I too have been trying to limit myself a bit in my postings to "keep them relevant".

I have about 45 years of "concealment experience" I can tap into, but I also need to understand that transitioning is not the path most will take.

I proudly wear my bras everyday, and wear them like any other woman would in outfits chosen to go with them. It's not exactly what most "men" with gynecomastia are opting to do everyday.

Forgive me if I get a bit over zealous at times. I do really enjoy being here on the site, and love all you guys and "girls". 💞
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline HeldUp

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Without hesitation, I would not say I've ever seen you post anything close to "pushy". Your experience in the bra department is pretty close to second to none here and you're just pretty darned decent to communicate with, so no apologies needed here. :)

I definitely know there has been conflicts of ideology here and there are conversations that aren't strictly "I'm a man...but boobs!", but I would say that given the type of people that interact here (at least right now) there's conversation because there are people that are willing to participate in those dialogues. Perhaps those dialogues are keeping some from trying to communicate here, who knows? (NOTE: if you're reading this and you're a lurker who doesn't post because "too much of the content isn't relevant"--post something that is to you!) That shouldn't dissuade anyone from participating if they're willing and have something to share.

Anyhow, Sophie, stick around. You have a perspective that is valuable--even if where you are right now isn't where others are or headed towards.

Offline Charli 💕

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I can guarantee you 100%, that nothing you post is offensive! I don't think either Sophie or birdie needs to apologize for anything,! I know I've left the form a few times over some rather nasty messages I've received but I'm not leaving again and I hope neither one of you will either because we all go through life with different lessons and both of you sharing helps many others that aren't brave enough to come in here and post but they read what you say and you help people everyday. So it is my sincere hope that you both will continue to post from the heart and don't be swayed by what may be a few that are just not human enough to comprehend. 
I love you both!

Charli 💕

Offline blad

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Sophie, you have depth of understanding regarding the issue of gyno that almost no one else has. Further, your experiences of starting your journey wearing bras as a teen would be extremely helpful to others in that age range considering managing breast growth  with a bra.

Above all, you have a PhD in bras.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2023, 08:13:43 AM by blad »
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline WPW717

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All the same sentiments from me, also
Regards, Bob

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Honestly Sophie, everything you share on the Acceptance side of this website is valuable... even more so now that the conversation has extended past the "you may wish to try a brassiere for the comfort it will provide" tenor that existed when I arrived.  It is true that not everyone here will choose to transition but the journey you've taken and the one Birdie is presently taking is definitely relevant.  As I often say, the estrogen that has so generously provided us with budding breasts is also working in the rest of our bodies and our minds.  We are all moving toward the feminine side of the gender continuum.  Acceptance really is as much about that as it is about breasts.  From a place of acceptance, how we care for our breasts and how we present ourselves will need to account for those changes.

A friend sent me an article today from a small newspaper in North Carolina about a transgender event in a small town.  As you can imagine, there was a great deal of anger that such a thing happened at a room rented in the local library.  There is little doubt that what we talk about would offend a great many people.  Like many men here, I've found great comfort in finding this conversation and learning I'm not alone either in having breasts and enjoying putting on an attractive brassiere that enhances them.  The US Census asked the question "Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?"  1.9% said they were "something else" rather than bisexual, gay or lesbian or straight.  That's a small number, but when you consider there are 340 million people in this country... that means almost six and a half million are "something else."  It is easy to believe there is something wrong with us... then we discover we are not alone and that it really is okay to be taking the journey we take EXACTLY as we are taking it... breasts, brassieres, shopping across the aisle... whatever feels like our truth.

Everyone who has taken the journey has something to contribute to this conversation.  Thanks for being here Sophie and for showing us one response to living with breasts and everything else that estrogen gives us.  And Birdie, I'm really happy you've come home to who you've always been.  The rest of us are working it all out.  Wonderful!

Offline oldguy

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You have been an invaluable source of information and helped me with how to deal with my breasts, both physically and mentally.

I have never sensed that anything you post is ever pushy.


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Sophie. You are literally the crown jewel of this site.
If anyone takes offence it is not for you to apologise for people with closed minds.
I pay tribute to you for many changes in my attitudes over a good many years.
Thanks for all the sage advice and for helping move us beyond using a bra as a sticking plaster over our normal boobs.
I  am male (and probably will remain that way), but my thinking  has always more biased to the female side.i have worked in a female dominated workplace as a sonographer specialising in obs and gyne. Wearing 95% female clothing is a simple next step and is embracing fully the feminine side of me and acknowledging  what oestrogen  is doing to my body.
I was born with a pair (diminishing!), I  am growing a pair. 
I can't envisage  having to make a choice but If I did I would make the same choice as you.
Apart from what I've written it is also minor surgery and cheaper....
Don't  ever apologise to anyone for who you are and........THANK YOU xx

Offline Began

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I agree with everyone else. Who better to advise on breasts than someone who has always had them and shopped both sides of the isle. 

Offline Evolver

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Same here, I'm in complete agreeance with everyone above.

This forum would flounder without your wisdom, Sophie. Nothing you could ever write would be out of place. You are a beautiful, caring woman, and literally, you are the wind beneath our wings.


Offline Herbert

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Sophie, I have been on the forum since 2011. I have observed members being very pushy. I have never observed you being pushy or unkind. You are an asset to this forum.


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I too would echo the comments above. I haven't ever considered your comments to be pushy! I believe that many of us would have loved to have the acceptance and support you received at home that set the foundation of how you interact with empathy with those that were not as blessed early in life and others beginning their journeys with acceptance later in life.

Offline leosud

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I have been a member of this forum off and on for well over a decade. I love ❤️ being a member being able to share my stories and experiences with all of you.

That being said, sometimes I forget that I technically no longer have gynecomastia or any of the issues that go along with being a man who has to wear a bra to get through the day.

I had worn a bra every day for most of my life before transitioning and did so like most women. I transitioned to womanhood because that's who I always was.

I sometimes forget the fact that when I share how as a woman now, how I deal with my breasts, bras, bra shopping ect..

So, if I seem like I'm being too pushy or giving advice about what you should do to manage your girls or what you need to wear or not wear, I do sincerely apologize.

I do ❤️ all of you guys (and girls)

Sophie 🤗
I have the same journey.
I had surgery (SRS) and now I have a pretty "pussy" that goes very well with my chest....
Friendships from France.

Offline Justagirl💃

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You can message me in PM's anytime girl. We keep the "other conversations" between us girls fairly active. 💞



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