Author Topic: The Bare Journey article  (Read 2111 times)

Offline Johndoe1

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Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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Thanks for sharing that JD1. 
I liked how it was in print how most of the hormones in our body are shared within both sexes. 
Also I have subscribed all my life to identify normal.  In many things and issues.  We say because 51 percent are one way that's normal.  I understand we have to have that base line.  However, what we fail to recognize and fail to report is a a slight variation with a spectrum can and should be considered normal. Again, looking at lab results it that in the "normal" range we're after.


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I can relate to that article. I'm at the beginning of the journey. I wear a sports bra under my shirt. It helps a lot and I like to wear it. But my pain would have to greatly increase before I could bring myself to wear padding.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I always appreciate when this side of the website expands the conversation beyond the simple reality some men have breasts.  As this article points out this hormone thing is more complicated than that.  We talk about such things on occasion and personally I find that a relief.  We're not simply talking about finding a brassiere that fits our breasts, we're talking about coming to terms with changes in our bodies that affect many things, including our emotional life.  For those who've lived with shame over what we look like, it can be a relief to recognize what we've lived with is simply a body that doesn't fit the norm.  I imagine most of us have tried to "get into shape" but it isn't easy when your hormones don't give  you a break.  I spent years in the gym trying to develop a hard body and it was useless.  So we are learning to love the bodies we have, often bodies with curves that include breasts.  And even here there is quite a bit of variation.  So be it.  One size does not fit all and acceptance is the key wherever we lie on the spectrum.  All good.  Glad I found this place and these conversations.  Wherever we each go with the bodies we have is fine by me...

Offline taxmapper

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i am not part of the LGBTQ+ world at all.  

i dont participate in similar discussions for my own personal reasons.  but nor am I going to deject it or disrespect that conversation either.  I simply am not part of it. 

But the blog points out a few things that hit home as well for me. 

My odd body shape, the rejection and the off feeling I have had my entire life. 

I also have studied to a small level social aspects of tribalism and hierarchy in nature and man. I am of the belief that kids can sense when someone is different but not entirely obvious as to why.   

His (her) body is very obviously more feminine than a typical male. That brings back alot of memories of how I looked when younger and the arguments on what happens when one is at the gym to get the AAHHHHNNOOOLLDD look but massively fails in the process. 

There is a goodly amount on that web site that smacks of memories for me as well.  Alot to consider. 

Busted (and happy)

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"looking at lab results it that in the "normal" range we're after "

Typically  lab result" normals " are only averages (a central range of centiles often 25-75th, which embraces half the population!) being outside these, especially in the  case of hormone balance does not make one" abnormal ", just not average.
It doesn't have any importance other than justifying investigations to exclude rare underlying pathology. Once these are excluded it is totally irrelevant except for folk who want hormone therapy for some personal reason. If pursued it carries risks that should not be underestimated
« Last Edit: July 23, 2022, 04:15:20 AM by Busted (and happy) »


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Typically  lab result" normals " are only averages (a central range of centiles) being outside these, especially in the  case of hormone balance does not make one" abnormal ", just not average.

  Thanks for the clarity.  I didn't take the time to type what I had wanted to say.

  That's the point I wanted to make.  Just because levels of certain test don't fall within spectrum of "normal" doesn't mean its wrong all the time.


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