Author Topic: Deeper pains, growth?  (Read 3401 times)

Offline Traveler

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Yeah, I guess you guys are right. I had ignored the twins for so long myself that once I got to the acceptance stage I feel like I’m now a little more militant about spreading the word. But once I found that I’m not alone it really was eye opening. While I did notice other men with gyno, I feel like I ignored that too, Compartmentalized it somehow. I do want to somehow spread the word of the quiet issue of Gynecomastia, 


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Good for you. With you 100%.
For me the normality of gyno (in most cases) is crucial.
If we get our heads round that we win our own battle and bras are a pretty obvious way to cope.
Thinking everyone will notice (they won't) is another hurdle that we all know but it is much more sensible than expensive surgical mutilation IMHO.

Then as you say, there remains the job of educating society at large. Go for it but, as you say, gently on and and off this forum
« Last Edit: September 21, 2020, 01:31:33 AM by DW20 »

Offline Traveler

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I am getting better and better. The anxiety still rears it ugly head some but right now I’m out running errands in my most comfortable bra that also has the most projection. Had been limiting myself to minimizer bras when out but it was my wife that told me when I was about to switch out bras to just wear it and let’s go. 
We are our worst critics. 

Offline Traveler

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Hey DudewithBoobs, 
You said something about KiK earlier, could you pm me some contacts?

Offline MarcoB

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I agree. I have only been asked about my breasts once by a friend after spotting me with a bra in an unexpected visit and she came to the yard but after a brief explanation she understood and said “I remember when mine were that size and how much a bra helped even though they were [weren't?] so big” and I was like I wish society was this accepting.

Wow, that's great!  I asked my wife what it was like, and she said she didn't remember.  Her memory for long-ago things is not very good.  Before I had my problem and started learning about all this, I wondered why girls wore bras when they didn't have any breasts yet to support.  Of course a large part of it is just that they want to feel more grown up, and not be left behind their peers; but I did not realize that the other reason is that there is, in many cases (apparently not all cases), soreness and irritation even before there's substantial projection, something I know now from my own experience.  One of my sisters did not want to wear a bra when she was in 6th grade and her budding breasts' shape was really ugly.  My mom had to get kind of hard on her.  The other sister started wearing her bathing-suit top under her shirts because my mom was slow to get her a bra, possibly because of the experience with the older sister.


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I am not mute but I wish more understanding women would speak out for us including our own wives.
I think our wives / partners are less supportive than they might be because they don't wish to share the stigma that being partnered to a full breasted man brings. Essentially they struggle with same mental blocks as ourselves.

Mine, count my lucky stars , is an absolute gem. I wish the same for us all.

PS Hands off - she is mine
« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 11:03:31 AM by DW20 »

Offline Goodnplenty

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I am of the mind that most women don't care or are indifferent as to whether we have breasts or not.  I also think that there are a fair amount of women who see a man with breasts as a turn on.  Mine is one of them.  It seems  to be a best of both worlds scenario for my wife.  I see as a sort of taboo.  They're not supposed to like breasts on a man and would probably never admit it to anyone but if presented with the situation they will take full advantage.  There are plenty of men here in the forums with this experience.  Women in general tend to be more fluid with their sexual tastes.


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My wife takes full advantage and I do not mind in the least.

Having shaved my chest for some time I can say that she takes advantage more often now that taking advantage does not involve a mouthful of hair. 

Win win I reckon

Offline Charlee

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Goodnplenty and DW, You have to be very lucky to have a SO that attends so well to you. I miss that and am envious. Give your mates a hug.
Happy to be busted.

Offline taxmapper

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Mine loves to tease me by actually ignoring me to a point. 

She also can be mean at times and smack the nipple to let me know her displeasure to the lack of an Arnold style viking chest she desires. 

I try to get her to think of Lagertha instead.... 

doesnt work. 

Offline blad

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I am getting better and better. The anxiety still rears it ugly head some but right now I’m out running errands in my most comfortable bra that also has the most projection. Had been limiting myself to minimizer bras when out but it was my wife that told me when I was about to switch out bras to just wear it and let’s go.
We are our worst critics.
When you have been wearing a bra every day for ages, you don't even think about it anymore. I go about my day and the last thing on my mind is the I am wearing a bra.
If the bra fits, wear it.


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Yes blad. It is great to arrive at the point where wearing  a bra is as natural as breathing. Some years ago now for me.
I feel underdressed and a tad vulnerable without nowadays?
I sometimes have a day off, but always regret it.

I never quite understand folk who wear "on and off" except perhaps in the early stages of getting used to a bra's comforting hold.
Though, thinking about it, I am one of them........on around 7am, off at 10pm 99.9% of days.  Aaaaaah! Comfort!  No going back for me

Offline Goodnplenty

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I don't wear a bra all the time but when I do it is very comforting.  It gives me a sense of security.  I also get that vulnerable,  exposed sensation for about ten minutes after I take it off.  I've always thought I was the odd one on this because I've  never heard women describe their bra experience this way.  I usually only hear them complain about their bras. 

Offline Traveler

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My wife calls it being “ loosey goosey “ without a bra on. 😂 Don’t know where she got that one.

Offline Dmajman

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I get those sharp pains from time to time. (and the itchy) Definitely signs of growth. Sometimes I massage mine with Blue Emu when they are sore. It really helps. 


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