Author Topic: Experiencing additional breast growth  (Read 7016 times)

Offline Cisco

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My story is typical in that I developed gyno as a teenager.  I'm now 64 and seem to be experiencing a second round of breast growth.  About two plus years ago I began to experience breast pain in cycles perhaps two weeks of pain followed by a few weeks with no pain.  My doctor completed the usual drill mammogram, ultrasound and breast MRI.  Everything is okay and the tests confirmed the existence of gynecomastia. My breasts appear and feel a little larger with a bit more bounce when I'm not wearing a bra.  Has anyone else experienced a similar situation?  How long did this second growth cycle last and how extensive was the increase in your breast size?

Offline Paa_Paw

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Cisco, Where have you been hiding? I haven't heard from you in years. Well, at least it seems so.

I'm 76 and it seems that I might be experiencing something similar. A bit too early to tell for sure though. I am certain that my breasts are more sensitive than in the past. Since this is a bit erotic, I don't mind.

My Wife worked in geriatric nursing and she told me that Gynecomastia was present in the majority of her male patients. You might do a search for "Senile Gynecomastia" and see what you can find.

There is a whole laundry list of things that can cause the condition as we age. Diminishing Testosterone levels are a normal part of aging and that could be an issue. Taking Testosterone is not a good idea though as high levels can also cause the breasts to enlarge and it also increases the risk of prostate cancer. Medications used to treat conditions associated with aging also play a part.

I hate to sound fatalistic, but it may be part of the price for living a long life.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Cisco

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Hey Paa_Paw, I've been here perhaps more reading than posting.  It's nice to know that I've been missed.  I must admit I'm surprised by the lack of response to my last posting.  Am I the only guy with gyno who has experienced additional growth after their teen years?


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No your not the only one! I've been think I may have been getting a bit bigger myself! I made the comment to Debbie a few weeks ago that a I think this things are getting a little bit bigger or my head it playing games with me!

I have been having pain along the outsides of both of them but my primary care doctor said that I need to wear good support all the time as I don't always wear a bra, but then they don't always hurt either!

Offline Anon E Mouse

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I think I've been growing lately as well. One of my Dr's is adding a medication that is known to cause gyne. Given my health concerns and the breasts I already what? I don't think age is a limiting factor in breast growth. Especially given the causes for the majority of our growth (hormones, medications, etc.).

Offline Paa_Paw

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Not sure about increased growth, but that is possible at my age due to senile gynecomastia. I don't like the term senile, just like I don't like the term elderly but the condition is not uncommon as we age; usually beyond the age of 60 but I guess it could happen earlier too. My wife worked in geriatric Nursing and she reported to me that the condition is present in a majority of men in nursing homes.

What is odd is that I have periods when there seems to be heightened awareness of the breasts. It seems that the sensitivity increases and decreases unpredictably. The feeling is a bit erotic so I guess it would be foolish to complain.

Offline phm

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Hey Men.  I too have noticed growth over the past several months.  My doctor challenged me to lose twenty pounds to see if that made a difference.  After loosing sixteen pounds, I went back top my regular diet as I had started to cramp and and feel weak.  My weight bounces between 225Lbs, and 230lbs depending on the time of year.  I had gone down to 212lbs. And for those of you who understand farming, those are farmboy pounds.  I believe it a coincidence that my breast grew as I lost the weight.  On a good note, the results of the diet has finally gotten my PCP's attention with regards to the gynecomastia. As I went for my followup this morning, he has agreed to order more test.  Now before y'all jump on my PCP, let me tell ya he is a fantastic doctor.  Just took a little kick in the but to get his attention. Will keep y'all posted.   

Offline Cisco

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It sounds as if I'm in good company in that other guys have experienced additional growth in their breasts years after the initial on-set.  Perhaps we have a jump-start on other guys who just begin to grow breasts as they get older...they start to develop and we add on.  Hammer, you describe the pain exactly.  I also experience pain on the side of my breasts, additionally at times my nipples feel sore and at other times an overall sense of fullness in my breasts.  Fortunately I'm at the point in my life that I'm not bothered that my breasts are getting bigger.

Offline phm

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Howdy men.  Went for blood work.  Results were diminished  testosterone but not bad for a 63 year old man.   All my other results revealed I'm as fit as a fiddle.  Question.  has anyone heard or seen results of all the "Low T" medications?  I understand it can bring your count back up but at 63, could increase risk of prostate cancer.  I feel since I had gynecomastia as a young man, testosterone medication would not help reduce my chest size.  Hell, I don't know.  I do know this.  Gynecomastia most likely won't kill me.  Prostate Cancer?  I'll keep the moobs.  Y'all have a good nite sleep. 

Offline Alchemist

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Howdy men.  Went for blood work.  Results were diminished  testosterone but not bad for a 63 year old man.   All my other results revealed I'm as fit as a fiddle.  Question.  has anyone heard or seen results of all the "Low T" medications?  I understand it can bring your count back up but at 63, could increase risk of prostate cancer.  I feel since I had gynecomastia as a young man, testosterone medication would not help reduce my chest size.  Hell, I don't know.  I do know this.  Gynecomastia most likely won't kill me.  Prostate Cancer?  I'll keep the moobs.  Y'all have a good nite sleep. 

Hi Phm,

I wanted to comment on the testosterone.  I started with Androgel back in 2000.  A couple of year later as it got way too expensive I switched to injectable.  Mine had dropped out the bottom at 39, 13 years before.  The testosterone increased energy, reduced pain, improved mood and helped sex.  Thirteen years on, I have no intention of giving up the benefits.  The testosterone hasn't changed a thing with my already sizable breasts.  They are still the largest even after loosing the last 30 pounds.  They may be a cup size smaller but they stick out way past my stomach.  Good luck all.


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Phm, I've listen to the side effects and warnings after the low-t adds on TV and increased chance of prostate cancer is mentioned as well as swollen and tender breast among other things.

I was on injectable testosterone replacement when I first lost my testicles and I had many side effect taking the shoots! I was have extreme mood swings, along with other side effects that were very unpleasant and happening at the worst times, and unprovoked, without any improvement on sex life at all.

Maybe with still having the testicles the injections would have worked fine, but they didn't and the only other option was patches then and they did nothing to increase my levels and gave me a rash, so I had no choice but to go on with life without testosterone. So, bring on even bigger boobs!

Offline phm

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Hey Alchemist and Hammer.  Thanks for the responses.  My PCP told me my testosterone level was was just a bit under normal for a 63 year old man.  At 63, I still lead a healthy, active life style.  I believe this not only keeps my body fit but also keeps me mentally fit. And as for the sex drive, it is about the same as the Lyrics in a song.  "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm once good as I ever was".  The Lord has blessed me.  Y'all have a good day.


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I like Toby too as well as other country, after all that's my kind of music!

Offline TigerPaws

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I am sorry to say we do not have control over our breast development after a year of nothing I am once again sore and itching which means the breast gland is expanding. It is at times very uncomfortable but what can I do.... Will I get bigger? Only time will tell, I could say that I hope not but "Hope is all you have left when all else is lost".

As the Marines say:

Adapt and overcome

Offline MrSeb

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I did not know that soreness and itching were signs of continuous growth there, I started to think that was just something that breast do at the end of the day.


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