Author Topic: First mammogram  (Read 9102 times)

Offline Cisco

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I don't want to bore you guys with a re-telling of my story but quickly I developed gyno as a teenager and I'm now 63.  I started to experience breast pain last year.  My urologist and endocrinologist have been following up with a series of tests.  Although I have a high-normal testostrone level with the resulting conversion of the excess to estrogen the doctors are most interested in determining why the T level is high.  They reassured me that there is nothing to be concerned about.  During my last visit with the endocrinologist after examining my breasts (btw not finding anything suspect) she wrote an order for a mammogram.  This will be my first.  Has anyone had a mammogram and can you share your experiences.  In particular how did the staff respond and deal with a man having a mammogram?


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Cisco, I pictured you as a man in your 50s for some reason, like me. I don't know why but I did! Man your old, lol.

I have had both the X-ray and ultrasound done on my breast. The mammogram X-ray hurt a lot! I don't know if its because I am big breasted double d or if it would have hurt no matter what.

I was supposed to have a  recheck in August but my wife lost our insurance. There was no cancer, just some questionable area that looked like it had some trauma on the left breast and I had no idea of any trauma! Now I go to the VA and nothing has been said about a recheck.

The only thing that was a little strange about the experience is that I was the only guy in the waiting room without a woman with me, and bigger breast then many of the woman!

Good luck!


Offline Paa_Paw

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If hammer thinks you are old at 63, I wonder what he thinks of me at 75.

The staff is professional You will not get a rise out of them. It can be humorous to watch the reaction of the other patients in the waiting room though.
Grandpa Dan


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Grandpa Dan you are much younger then me and I am just 54! I can't go sail boating or hiking! We are only as old as we feel, and I will bet you are in better condition my friend, then me! I will be holding the gate open in heaven for you not you for me!

Your right as far as watch people looks as the look at you!

Offline phm

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Hey Cisco.  The mammogram is no big deal. If have had a colonoscopy, You can do a mammogram standing on your head.  Ask Paw Paw how to spell cononoscopy, he is the smart one in the bunch.   For the most part, the staff will treat you as just another number and they are aware that breast cancer can hit us all.  Even men without gynecomastia.  Now they will mash your boobs a bit and it is a bit uncomfortable but it did not hurt that bad.  Paw Paw is right about the humor associated with the response of the other patients.  I made eye contact with all the ladies I caught looking at me out of the corner of their eye.  Trust me.  Make eye contact with them  one time and they will not look your way again.  But then again, I can be a bit of a jerk that way.  Seriously Cisco.  The mammogram is just something else we have to deal with and I hope you too can look at this as no big deal.   Good luck.   

Offline Paa_Paw

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My mother describe a mammogram as being what she might immagine it to be like if a person got a breast caught in the wringer of an old fashioned washing machine.

Offline walt

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hi guys i had my first mamo and ultrsound this past summer not a big deal the tech said they do 4-5 men a week here [ thats alot ] i came in took off my shirt and bra and not any reaction from the tech
she said its no big deal and she has had more men in a bra in for a mamo seems like its getting worse over the years dur to all the growth hormones and antibiotics they feed the livestock meat animals .anyhow so much for ranting , first mamo not a big deal! and it was not uncomfy at all and im a B cup

Offline Cisco

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hi guys i had my first mamo and ultrsound this past summer not a big deal the tech said they do 4-5 men a week here [ thats alot ] i came in took off my shirt and bra and not any reaction from the tech
she said its no big deal and she has had more men in a bra in for a mamo seems like its getting worse over the years dur to all the growth hormones and antibiotics they feed the livestock meat animals .anyhow so much for ranting , first mamo not a big deal! and it was not uncomfy at all and im a B cup

Walt, the tech stated she sees 4-5 guys per week for mamo and many are wearing bras when they come in.  Where are you located?  I'm a 38B so it's good to know it won't hurt.  I've heard some horror stories about your breasts being squeezed between two plates.


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Maybe there are a lot more guys wearing bras then we even would think there are! It's to bad that someone wouldn't make them to fit us better!

And I am talking about guys that need them like us, not for fun of coarse!

Offline walt

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no no i meant that the tech saw 4-5 men a week but some of them wore a bra .she was not shocked that i was wearing one.

Offline Cisco

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no no i meant that the tech saw 4-5 men a week but some of them wore a bra .she was not shocked that i was wearing one.

Walt, I was referring to the number of men the tech sees each week not whether they were wearing a bra.  I was surprised that no many guys needed mammograms.  This only confirms how widespread gyno is among men.  Have other "mammogram vetreans" seen or heard that so many men are now requiring mammograms because of gyno?


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Gynecomastia affects 60% of males at some point of there life according to a couple news programs that a watched!



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I've had a similar situation at my mammogram.  My wife questioned if I was certain that I wanted to wear a bra to my appointment. I told her as I was laughing , " I'm going for a mammogram, they'll be expecting breasts. Don't you think that most people wear a bra to their mammogram?". The technician performing the exam told me "take off your top and your bra" and stopped. She said she was so sorry that it was habit. I told her that's OK because I was wearing a bra. She said not all of the men that come in wear bras but there are a few of us That wear a bra. She complicated me On wearing a bra and the bra it self.

Offline walt

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hello when I had my first mammogram I was wearing a bra the tech didn`t even blink when I took off my shirt , I asked her how many males get a mamo these days she said they do about 2-3 a week it used to be very really was not bad but the wife had a painfull boob squashing the next day.i guess it depends on the tech and breast size im at a 46B she is a 38D.

Offline Cisco

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I had my first mammogram about a year ago.  Everything was okay.  I was wondering is an annual mammogram the norm for guys with gynecomastia?  At my last visit with the endro last month she didn't mention an annual follow up.


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