Author Topic: First Post  (Read 1269 times)

Offline NoWorries25

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I found this group after searching for support groups for gynecomastia.  It has been most helpful so far - from a lurker's perspective - but I believe it is time to become a contributer, too.

The diagnosis was first made a few years ago, with no particular fanfare.  Just a matter-of-fact statement by a dermatologist that I had "it."   I found then it was to be a matter of waiting and watching.  I knew that one day it would be a secret no longer, but I had some time to adjust to that reality.

I have accepted the fact that my breasts are becoming noticably larger. The hardest part was to explain to my family what is happening to me and that my decision to accept the condtion was a relatively easy one to make.

In the past several months, I have seen greater changes than in the past two or three years.  I attribute this to advancing age and changes in hormonal balance.  As more and more guys admit to having this condition, it becomes less an anamoly and more of a 'ho hum' least to those who are not affected.

I am comfortable in my own skin and find it easy to admit that I need additional support now in order to avoid much pain later.  I consider wearing a bra to be a small price to pay for comfort.....however.....finding the 'right' bra is becoming a real process.

Careful measurements have been made and several have been purchased via the internet, though none have proven to be satisfactory.  I have two more coming in tomorrow and if they do not fit, I have vowed to make an appointment next week for a fitting and consultation at an apparel store.  I have already made contact with that store.

Well, not to bore you, but I wanted the membesr here to know that I am serious and looking forward to meeting many of you.

Offline Moobzie

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Online Justagirl💃

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Welcome aboard, and I'm glad that you are going in for a fitting.

I tried many different bras via the Internet and did not find what I was looking for when I first started looking years ago. Someone did talk me into going into Torrid for a fitting and I have worn nothing but Torrid bras ever since. They have many different styles to choose from and they are very well built. My favourite bra at the moment is the Torrid balconette/underwire. It wears much like a sports bra but provides the support of an underwire. You could easily play tennis in this bra.

Again, welcome aboard.
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline NoWorries25

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Thank you both for the warm welcome and the suggestion of stores.  I did not know that store even existed in this city, but I have found a location.  Great new!  I will follow up on it.  As the old saying goes ..... "I'm like a blind dog in a meat house." right now.  Anything you tell me will most likely be new information.

Offline Sophie

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Welcome sweetie 😘! I am happy that you are here. Birdie is right. Torrid is a really wonderful store with wonderful associates that work there. I had purchased some bras and other clothing as a man and continue to shop there since transitioning to womanhood 5 years ago. They do have some really great bras.

I am glad that you are being fitted. All an all, it's easier to get the best comfort, support and shape for your breasts. Everyone here has their own favorite bras and bra makers. I have always loved Elomi bras. I also wear Fantastie, Prima Donna, Wacoal and Torrid bras. All of these bras tend to have wider underwires that encapsulate my wide set breasts. Having a fitting will give you the opportunity to try as many bras as you need until you fid the right ones.

Again, welcome! 


Offline Johndoe1

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Welcome! And welcome to the club! As someone who developed as a teen taking care of your breasts is not a feminine thing, it's a human thing. It's a feminine thing because society deems it is. There are many men who are as developed as women and deserve the same amount of comfort and support as women. There's no shame for either having developed breasts or needing support and containment for them. Society has so oversexualized breasts that they are seen as exclusively female when in fact they are not the sole domain of women. 

You are among fellow travelers here. You are welcomed here. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Parity

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Welcome aboard  NoWorries 25.

  I hope you find the support you need.  From those here and in the comfort of a well fitting bra.  As noted developing and having breasts is not for woman only.  Men do develop and have breast growth also.  It sounds you, like me and many others here, have accepted and will navigate life just fine with them.  Many have taken to the enjoyment in putting on a well supporting bra in the morning.  I do and just go about my day.

Offline OldSlowAndRound

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I’m relatively new to this forum too.  The advice of “go for a fitting”  helped calm my fears.  I had two fittings, the first at Lane Bryant and the second at Torrid.  Both were completely comfortable, but the Sales Associate at Torrid was a blast!  It was fun.  Both places the sales associate brought me bras to try that with my inexperienced self wouldn’t have thought of.  Go in with your head held high and a positive attitude.  And have fun! 
Old, Slow & Round

Offline NoWorries25

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Thank you again for your warm welcome and excellent advice.  I am already feeling somewhat at home.

Until yesterday, I did not even know that Torrid has a shop only a few miles from me.  I am planning to call them on Monday to make an appointment. I feel much more confident about it after hearing some very good advice.  1:  A bra is just a piece of clothing for people who have breasts  2. taking care of them is not a feminine thing, it is a people thing, and 3. (paraphrased) don't make apologies or excuses.  Perfect timing.

I don't know if this topic has been approached, but I assume it has been.  I found something comfortable to wear on the network until my appointment.  After a few false starts I ordered a yoga tank top with built-in bra with individual cups.  I got it this moring and I have been wearing it all day (12It does hours so far)  It is so comfortable, it felt like I was rolled up in a warm blanket.  I does tend to roll up a bit from certain siting positions, but then it just feels like a moderate support bra.

My 'girls' have been very happy today....and so have I

Offline Johndoe1

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NoWorries25, wear a bra or support garments long enough and you will experience all the joys and pitfalls of bra wearing as any woman does. It comes with the territory!

Offline Sophie

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NoWorries25, wear a bra or support garments long enough and you will experience all the joys and pitfalls of bra wearing as any woman does. It comes with the territory!
John is soooooo right! I wore a bra, as a man for most of my life. I have only been living as my true self for the last five years. I still wear my bras for the same same reasons, comfort, support and shape. 

While technically I no longer have gynecomastia since I transitioned, my breast and bra size have changed very little. I always felt that I was supposed to have my breasts. I still enjoyed having them even with the teasing that goes with growing up. I feel very fortunate that my mother never thought of my breasts as a shameful secret. She did the same for me as she did for my sister. The only difference was is that a bra was optional for me at first. It wasn't until I was sixteen years old and my sister saw me topless, going from the bathroom to my bedroom. She was shocked and yelled " your boobs are bigger than mine!" My mother came to my room and gave me the real "bra talk". She took me bra shopping and my first bra fitting. I've worn a bra every day since. 

I don't wear a bra because I'm a transwoman. I wear a bra because I have breasts. 


Offline taxmapper

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Jola from the SouthWest.    

There are a number of us who have been making substantial discoveries about our bodies and lives.   

Your part of a good group of men with chesticles.   Enjoy it and live it!   

Offline Sophie

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I have always enjoyed being a part of this group giving and receiving advice about breasts and bras. I love how accepting the group is about all the walks of life who come here. 

Love you guys!


Offline WPW717

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Chesticles ! I love it!
Greetings from the PNW

And I too will throw in a welcome. Enjoy the  friendly skies of this forum.
Regards, Bob

Offline NoWorries25

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I agree!  "Chesticles" is a great term. It could even be used in formal correspondence.  It should be added to the dictionary.

The deed is done.  My fitting appointment is Wednesday morning.  Actually, I'm kind of looking forward to it.  No doubt I will want to turn and run just before opening the door, but for now I'm excited.  I have promised myself not to 'chicken out.'

I drove by the store earlier, just to know where it is.  I'm glad I did.  It's in a new shopping center that is a complete maze of buildings.  And the signage on the building is most conservative.  My gps has been activated. 

This group has been amazing so far.  I would have been beside myself at the thought of going down this path "sort of" alone.  While my family is passively supportive (if that is a term), they can't know exactly what I am feeling right now.  Many of you know exactly how I feel.

A sincere 'thank you' is extended to each of you.

Because dinosaurs were still roaming the earth, I unknowingly had a little gynecomastia in my youth, it was not bad enough to cause me any real social problems, but it was definitely there.  Additionally, I now see that it was perhaps a hormonal imbalance that caused considerable feminization of my thought process, lifestyle, and approach to life - while still presenting as 'normal.' (whatever that is) 

It has  been relatively recently that "Bonnie and Clydette" have decided to demand attention.  Looking back, they have been talking to me in a whisper for quite some time. I'm listening now.  I must say that acceptance was a relatively easy decision - considering the alternatives.

My only regret is that I didn't listen sooner; but the understanding of the condition was just not at the proper level.


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