Author Topic: First Post  (Read 1272 times)

Offline Busty

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Good for you getting a bra fitting. Please let us know how it goes 

Offline NoWorries25

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First Bra Fitting Accomplished!  

I just returned from the fitting a couple of hours ago.  It was a most pleasant experience.  I got to Torrid just as it opened.  There was no one there except the store manager and me.  We had a pleasant introductory exchange.  At first she seemed to be especially careful about embarrassing me or hurting my feelings. After a few minutes everything smoothed out.  I told her just to treat me like any of her other customers and that seemed to break the ice.  

One kind of humorous thing happened.  We had just agreed on a bra to try.  I was 'modeling' it for her when another person peered around the corner.  She seemed a little surprised and dashed around the corner again.  Later I learned that she was an applicant to work in the store.  No doubt it will be a discussion during the interview.  Trial By Fire!  Surprisingly I felt nothing but amusement at her actions.

After selecting a style and size, she asked me how many and what colors.  I told her the colors that I wanted, and added one of her choice just for fun. --for my wife.  She asked me what size.  I told her that I would be wearing it for her.  She got a chuckle from that.  We choose sort of burnt red.  I am waiting for the appropriate moment.  

She later shared with me that her husband was overweight and he, too, wore bras.  I have no idea whether that is true or just a story to calm me.  I suspect there are many more bra wearers than we know.

I'm wearing one of them now and the others are safely nestled in my closet.  I can tell a difference in my neck tension even now.

That was the hardest one, the next fitting should be a piece of cake.


Thank you for your support.  I never once considered not appearing for the fitting and did not have trouble turning loose of the door handle ---much to my surprise.

Offline Busty

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So glad your fitting went well. Not surprised. If we go to the right stores, we are almost always welcome, sometimes even more so than women customers.  Some sales associates particularly sympathetic, and helpful to us.

Sounds like you were an ideal customer, albeit not the usual.

Did you wear a bra to and from your fitting?

Oh, I 100% believe her husband wears bras.  I doubt a sales associate would make that up. And, if he’s overweight, she probably encouraged him to wear a bra both for comfort and appearance. Did she tell you his bra size and his bra style preferences?

What size and styles did you get?

Offline NoWorries25

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The store manage  told me afterward that her section manager had called her to tell her that she was going to have a 'special' fitting today.  I must admit that I smiled a bit. The more i learn about this .... 'feature'  the more widespread it is.  It is just not acknowledged as it should be.

Since first diagnosed with the 'feature' several years ago, it has progressed rather slowly until the recent past. Because it has now increased more rapidly,  it put quite an unusual strain on my neck (though I am far from large)---hence the fitting.  Quite significant itiching is ocurring, so my belief is that I am in a growing spurt.

My lightly padded yoga tanks were better than nothing, but I was still having a lot of neck stress.  Some nights I could hardly lift my head from the pillow.  Also the tanks were of close-weave fabric that resulted in their being quite hot.  Summer here would never have allowed that.

I wound up with a modified sports bra and have been wearing it now for about 16 hours.  It still feels as comfortable as it did when I first put it on.  It has fairly wide fixed length fabric straps rather than the narrow adjustable ones. The size is only a '2', which is between and A and a B cup.  This could be considered more or less a 'training' bra, but also serves as an incrimental size increse which will be less noticeable as I grow. Most of the time (minus itching) I am not even aware that I have it on... (and NO NECK ACHE tonight.  yay!

I was prepared to wear it out of the store, but it was not mentioned, so I didn't approach the topic.  It was actually a little disappointing.


Online Justagirl💃

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The occupational therapist at the day-centre admitted that her boyfriend most definitely needs to be wearing a bra. However he would never ever wear one because of the thought of wearing one frightens him.

She was adamantly against me wearing a bra when she first measured me years ago and was pushing compression vests instead. She has since accepted the fact that I need to wear a bra, and I have her full support. Just one of few at the day-centre.
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Online Sophie

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First Bra Fitting Accomplished! 

I just returned from the fitting a couple of hours ago.  It was a most pleasant experience.  I got to Torrid just as it opened.  There was no one there except the store manager and me.  We had a pleasant introductory exchange.  At first she seemed to be especially careful about embarrassing me or hurting my feelings. After a few minutes everything smoothed out.  I told her just to treat me like any of her other customers and that seemed to break the ice. 

One kind of humorous thing happened.  We had just agreed on a bra to try.  I was 'modeling' it for her when another person peered around the corner.  She seemed a little surprised and dashed around the corner again.  Later I learned that she was an applicant to work in the store.  No doubt it will be a discussion during the interview.  Trial By Fire!  Surprisingly I felt nothing but amusement at her actions.

After selecting a style and size, she asked me how many and what colors.  I told her the colors that I wanted, and added one of her choice just for fun. --for my wife.  She asked me what size.  I told her that I would be wearing it for her.  She got a chuckle from that.  We choose sort of burnt red.  I am waiting for the appropriate moment. 

She later shared with me that her husband was overweight and he, too, wore bras.  I have no idea whether that is true or just a story to calm me.  I suspect there are many more bra wearers than we know.

I'm wearing one of them now and the others are safely nestled in my closet.  I can tell a difference in my neck tension even now.

That was the hardest one, the next fitting should be a piece of cake.


Thank you for your support.  I never once considered not appearing for the fitting and did not have trouble turning loose of the door handle ---much to my surprise.
Congratulations!!! It sounds like it was a quite pleasant experience ♥️. It can be a daunting task when you first start to navigate the vast ocean sea of bras and options. Finding the right size is less than half of wearing the right bra. Finding the right shape and feel is just as important. Then, you add in the the right style, material and color, it's usually good advice getting fitted by a professional. 

TBH, I had been fitted for more bras when I was still presenting male than I have as a woman. I have always been treated with respect but not many differences. 

Depending upon the bra and the top I'm wearing, I usually ask to wear the bra out of the boutique. They are usually more than happy to assist with the request. They want to see their handy work and how your girls look in your new bra. It gives them good insight for what the bra does for you and how it may work for other women and men. 


Offline gotgyne

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The occupational therapist at the day-centre admitted that her boyfriend most definitely needs to be wearing a bra. However he would never ever wear one because of the thought of wearing one frightens him.

She was adamantly against me wearing a bra when she first measured me years ago and was pushing compression vests instead. She has since accepted the fact that I need to wear a bra, and I have her full support. Just one of few at the day-centre.
Birdie, I like that this woman changed her mind and is supporting you now. I ask myself if she already has recommended her boyfriend to wear a bra or if she is hesitating to ask since she only thinks he could be frightened and might not do it. In this case she could be wrong. Nevertheless, sometimes masculinity is a big obstacle for men to accept suggestions from women, as wearing a bra.

Some of us were hesitant at first too, but soon came to welcome and even love wearing bras.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Online Justagirl💃

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The occupational therapist at the day-centre admitted that her boyfriend most definitely needs to be wearing a bra. However he would never ever wear one because of the thought of wearing one frightens him.

She was adamantly against me wearing a bra when she first measured me years ago and was pushing compression vests instead. She has since accepted the fact that I need to wear a bra, and I have her full support. Just one of few at the day-centre.
Birdie, I like that this woman changed her mind and is supporting you now. I ask myself if she already has recommended her boyfriend to wear a bra or if she is hesitating to ask since she only thinks he could be frightened and might not do it. In this case she could be wrong. Nevertheless, sometimes masculinity is a big obstacle for men to accept suggestions from women, as wearing a bra.

Some of us were hesitant at first too, but soon came to welcome and even love wearing bras.
Well, since she has access to my full medical records I'm sure she is well aware of the fact that I am intersex. That is most likely the reason that I have her full support. I also happen to know that she is an extreme right winger, and I mean very far right winger. Both her and her boyfriend are. So I do believe the only reason why I have her support is because of my medical records.

Although I was also surprised by the fact that she happens to be a very fundamentalist Christian by background, she had quite a few questions asked about Judaism in our view of the Messiah. One of her comments caught me off guard.

She doesn't seem closed-minded in the least.

Offline Parity

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First Bra Fitting Accomplished! 

I just returned from the fitting a couple of hours ago.  It was a most pleasant experience.  I got to Torrid just as it opened.  There was no one there except the store manager and me.  We had a pleasant introductory exchange.  At first she seemed to be especially careful about embarrassing me or hurting my feelings. After a few minutes everything smoothed out.  I told her just to treat me like any of her other customers and that seemed to break the ice. 

One kind of humorous thing happened.  We had just agreed on a bra to try.  I was 'modeling' it for her when another person peered around the corner.  She seemed a little surprised and dashed around the corner again.  Later I learned that she was an applicant to work in the store.  No doubt it will be a discussion during the interview.  Trial By Fire!  Surprisingly I felt nothing but amusement at her actions.

After selecting a style and size, she asked me how many and what colors.  I told her the colors that I wanted, and added one of her choice just for fun. --for my wife.  She asked me what size.  I told her that I would be wearing it for her.  She got a chuckle from that.  We choose sort of burnt red.  I am waiting for the appropriate moment. 

She later shared with me that her husband was overweight and he, too, wore bras.  I have no idea whether that is true or just a story to calm me.  I suspect there are many more bra wearers than we know.

I'm wearing one of them now and the others are safely nestled in my closet.  I can tell a difference in my neck tension even now.

That was the hardest one, the next fitting should be a piece of cake.


Thank you for your support.  I never once considered not appearing for the fitting and did not have trouble turning loose of the door handle ---much to my surprise.
Congratulations!!! It sounds like it was a quite pleasant experience ♥️. It can be a daunting task when you first start to navigate the vast ocean sea of bras and options. Finding the right size is less than half of wearing the right bra. Finding the right shape and feel is just as important. Then, you add in the the right style, material and color, it's usually good advice getting fitted by a professional.

TBH, I had been fitted for more bras when I was still presenting male than I have as a woman. I have always been treated with respect but not many differences.

Depending upon the bra and the top I'm wearing, I usually ask to wear the bra out of the boutique. They are usually more than happy to assist with the request. They want to see their handy work and how your girls look in your new bra. It gives them good insight for what the bra does for you and how it may work for other women and men.

  I'm glad you had a good and positive time.  It sounds like you helped put them at ease as much as they did you.  That's great.
Having a good fit is so nice, and being able to wear it for the entire day and forget about is is a wonderful thing.
  As Sophie said, asking to remove the tags so you can check out and wear it home would give them the assurance that they did good by you also.  Throwing them a compliment if you will.
  Good for you!

Offline Johndoe1

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Good for you noworries25! Picking the right shop is as important as picking the right bra. I have had wonderful experiences bra shopping because I found the right shop for me.

Letting the fitter know up front to not treat you any differently than any other customer jist because you are a man, you're there for the same reason women are, is exactly right. And then let them do their job by suggesting bras that they think will work for you. One thing to keep in mind is that bras are embellished and fashioned for women's tastes. You may find that a bra that works for you may be lace or satin or have other feminine styled embellishments. Go with it since no one sees your bra and there is no more or less comfortable with or without it. Comfort should be your number one priority. That's why you are buying a bra in the first place. I have had fitters suggest bras I would have never thought of but because I value comfort and fit and containment over style or fabric, I have gotten some great bras. And don't be afraid to experiment. My favorite fitter pushes my comfort zone and when she does, great bras appear! 

And remember, you're the customer and it's your money. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline NoWorries25

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The overall experience was great, and  I could not have asked for a better one.  I liked the store manger because   she was friendly, but professional.  I plan to call her tomorrow to let her know of my satisfaction.  It has been my constant companion all day --with no discomfort.  And thankfully, no neck strain

My new silk undergarments arrived today...naturally - one day late.  They seem to do what I wante them to.

As for the lace and fancy trimmings, I have no trouble with them - in fact I really kind of like lace and bright colors.  I played the bagpipes semi-professionally for almost 20 years and the formal Prince Charley jacket has a very pretty lace jabot that goes with it.  Formal shoes are Mary Jane style.  And of course  tuxedo shirts have shirred fronts.  (not to mention that high heels were originally created for, and worn by men).

We got cheated!

Did I pass my initiaton?  :)
Thank you again.

Offline gotgyne

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Well, since she has access to my full medical records I'm sure she is well aware of the fact that I am intersex. That is most likely the reason that I have her full support. I also happen to know that she is an extreme right winger, and I mean very far right winger. Both her and her boyfriend are. So I do believe the only reason why I have her support is because of my medical records.

Although I was also surprised by the fact that she happens to be a very fundamentalist Christian by background, she had quite a few questions asked about Judaism in our view of the Messiah. One of her comments caught me off guard.

She doesn't seem closed-minded in the least.
Now this is more than curious.

If she and her boyfriend are very far right as you state, it is interesting that she is open-minded. Yes she knows your records but often people are closed minded nevertheless. On the other hand I have some very conservative friends and nobody cares that I am wearing my compression pantyhose with shorts in their presence. My breasts don't seem to be conspicuous until now, since especially old men with 'pecs' are quite normal meanwhile.

Offline Parity

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The overall experience was great, and  I could not have asked for a better one.  I liked the store manger because  she was friendly, but professional.  I plan to call her tomorrow to let her know of my satisfaction.  It has been my constant companion all day --with no discomfort.  And thankfully, no neck strain

My new silk undergarments arrived today...naturally - one day late.  They seem to do what I wante them to.

As for the lace and fancy trimmings, I have no trouble with them - in fact I really kind of like lace and bright colors.  I played the bagpipes semi-professionally for almost 20 years and the formal Prince Charley jacket has a very pretty lace jabot that goes with it.  Formal shoes are Mary Jane style.  And of course  tuxedo shirts have shirred fronts.  (not to mention that high heels were originally created for, and worn by men).

We got cheated!

Did I pass my initiaton?  :)
Thank you again.
Ha, Ha, Ha.  I didn't know there was an initiation :)  You are however a top tear member of the club.
  I'm glad you had a great shopping and things are working well for you.  Good job!
As for the silk arriving today,  many of us enjoy wearing finer panties.  A little lace trim and fun colors that may match our top 
is not out of line either.  

Offline Busty

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Just my opinion, but I feel that bras look silly paired with men’s boxers, and go much better paired with panties or pantyhose or shapewear.  And, if we need to wear a bra, what’s the big deal about choosing to wear any of those other items?  

Offline taxmapper

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Interesting approach.. given that I wear exclusively sports bras, I stick with bike shorts..  Matches nicely... 


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