Author Topic: Gyne is the best thing that ever happend to me.  (Read 11601 times)

Offline xXSocialPlagueXx

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I have been thinking about this for some time. If I was never 'afflicted' with Gynecomastia my life would be terrible.

Gynecomastia got me to my breaking point, when I got down with a knife and cut myself hoping to have the balls to bleed it out and die. Ever since then, life has improved for me!

Gynecomastia was one of the biggest influences in my life. It got me to sit down and write out all my problems, and slowly work with them. Even though I thought they were impossible (I was wrong). Slowly month after month I devoted my life to well... fixing it! From Anti-Social Disorders to Conning people for my own benefit.

Now that I have learned to be myself (it's hard) people respect me and find my presence of value to them. I simply never accepted myself for who I was... also don't think you just 'accept' the shit life you have; improve yourself. I used to probably be one of the uglyest/dorkiest kids ever, people still laugh at my very name. Now, I got a girlfriend who which I love; and all the friends in the world. I feel accepted, and appreciated. People love me for the way I accept myself, and am so very kind to them (I used to be a hater).

I love Gyne :O

Patches (15)

By the way, talk to me on AIM at xXSocialPlagueXx or for MSN! It really does help to talk to someone  ;D

Offline TennisRocks

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Wow.  Your post really blew me away.  Have you had surgery or want to have surgery?  This was a most orginal post.

Offline bat21

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Thanks, that was exactly what I needed to hear.

Offline headheldhigh01

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blatino (triplex), accept away, but learn respect for others, most op people come out just fine.  if we can respect accepters, you can give up your digs at non-accepters. 

but i'll give you props for once for hanging here with people that share your view instead of rudely telling underage kids on the main board you think they look hot. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline headheldhigh01

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i'm not sure i understand, a few people are disrespectful towards accepters too, but i think merle is very good about that.  if you meant blatino/triplex is a bad poster child for responsible acceptance, for which i have full respect, then i would agree.  but that patches/social plague is at peace with his is of course also great. 

Offline Jan

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A pretty nice story...

not everyone in this site accepts that they have gynecomastia...
and i am one of them... :(

but i guess life is like that... we are given weaknesses to show our strength...
and after 5 years (i am 19 yrs old now).. maybe its time to heal...

to accept myself... to be who i am and not who others want me to be...
to bring back my lost self-esteem...

<this is my first time to be in this site and i am very happy that i am not alone in this world ... hahaha>
thank u guys for keeping this site alive... we really do need each other... :)

Offline 9Wolf

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A pretty nice story...

not everyone in this site accepts that they have gynecomastia...
and i am one of them... :(

but i guess life is like that... we are given weaknesses to show our strength...
and after 5 years (i am 19 yrs old now).. maybe its time to heal...

to accept myself... to be who i am and not who others want me to be...
to bring back my lost self-esteem...

<this is my first time to be in this site and i am very happy that i am not alone in this world ... hahaha>
thank u guys for keeping this site alive... we really do need each other... :)

Welcome! and ask all the questions you want... I was 19 once (I'm going to be 33 in about a week) and I wish I had surgery for this back then! I am 7 weeks post-op and happier than a bear in honey!

I didn't find this site until after my surgery (and I traveled half way around the world for it) but can't stress enough that you shouldn't let this horrible condition linger more than you have to... do something about it, it's not that hard, nor too expensive if you work and save for it. I lost over 20 years of my life that I can't get back during my finest teen and 20-something years. I get to live 'normally' and happily now in the rest of my 30's so for that I am grateful. But sacrificing a few thousand bucks and about 3-6 months of your life to get your body right is SOOOOO WORTH IT! :)

The only thing good about gynecomastia is that after you get your surgery, you'll be THAT much stronger, and THAT much more motivated to take on the world and conquer it!
Triple Surgery done in Chandigarh, India (Jan 10, 2008):
1. Gynecomastia Surgery (simultaneously with #2)
2. Tonsillectomy
3. Septoplasty (5 days after #1 and 2)

3 lifelong problems wiped out in a flash of knives... Now recovering and excited beyond belief. :)

Offline FatM1ke

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Probably best to keep surgery discussion to the non-acceptance boards?  ::)

Offline 9Wolf

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Probably best to keep surgery discussion to the non-acceptance boards?  ::)

??? OK, I'm confused here... I'm new so forgive me, but I don't understand why there seems to be two factions at war with each other here. I haven't read any other threads about 'this', only this one.

I have/had gyno for over 20 years... I lived with it, I hid it, so in that case I technically accepted it. But I always wanted to do something about it, because it's not biologically natural no matter how anyone looks at it. So I finally had surgery and now I'm happy. What's the problem with that? Some people would rather do nothing about it? I don't get it. It seems that there's probably some rogue trolls that really don't have it (who claim they do) who are causing problems on the board and that's it. Just ignore them. I'm here to help anyone who wants whatever advice. I had a semi extreme case as well. Probably an 8 on a scale of 1-10.


Offline FatM1ke

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No Probs.. :)
Thanks for explaining... just have to understand theres a ton of pro-surgery trolls whose only purpose is to troll this forum and tell us that we are perverted if we accept our gyne..  ::)

Offline bman

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No Probs.. :)
Thanks for explaining... just have to understand theres a ton of pro-surgery trolls whose only purpose is to troll this forum and tell us that we are perverted if we accept our gyne..  ::)

i have a rather pronounced case of gyno  not talking a little extra flab.. heavy large breasts that hang down on my chest ,,a lady friend noticed my condition and to make a long storie short started buying me bras and encouraging me to wear them ..and to be honest feel more comfortable and secure ..there is no point in living in denial.. i have breasts and wear a bra for support .i like the way i look now more centered and compact .some times i'll wear a sweater or tight top when i visit my friend and she likes my developing new look ..why all the haters .. it's only underwear.. breasts can be fun if you aren't scared of them ..embrace your breasts wear a bra who you are, a man with breasts  if you don't mind  neither will others ..bman
38 b and proud
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 01:49:36 AM by bman »
i have breasts and i wear a bra ...
friends are like a good bra
supportive and comfortable

Offline good_guy93

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all of u need a surgery..... whhhhyyy noottt? it would change ur life


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