Author Topic: I suppose.......  (Read 1664 times)

Busted (and happy)

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Anyone else getting a bit bored going round and round and often with low activity?
But there again with a forum for gyno, ultimately there are only two things to talk about  or alternatively we might try to pump a bit of life into the much underused lounge area. Appears almost moribund and may be past resus

Offline blad

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In the history of all the posts, the topic has been looked at from almost all angles.

But any new members can add a difference with their questions, history, and point of view.

And the topic is not as complicated as trying to find the unifying theory of gravity, it is simply boobs needing bras and get over it.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Evolver

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Can't remember who said it or when, but this isn't the first time that the subject of low activity on the forum has been raised. I do remember one of the replies though - some people join up and seek advice, get it, and move on. For others, it brings a sense of community and it becomes a cybersocial thing. This place is important enough for me to normally quickly cast my eyes over it once or twice a day without logging on, then I only log on if I want to contribute or check other things. But there are also times when I'm away from it for extended periods. Maybe the forum is quiet at times simply because the relatively small number of regulars are otherwise busy at the same time.

As I write there are 301 Guests and five Users online. Are the 301 Guests actually Users that haven't logged in and are just lurking, looking for a new subject to respond to? Or are there potentially 301 people thinking of signing up? It's somewhere in between of course, but I don't think it really matters. If an aspect of acceptance is raised that might not have been explored before, Users will come out of the woodwork and respond. For me, I actually like it when the same subjects get raised time and again, because of the different perspectives you get from the different respondents compared to the last time around. Sometimes I read and agree with a post and don't log on to respond because I can't add anything worthwhile and I'm sure many of us do the same. It would be good to have a Like button though!

The Lounge area, yeah, it is quiet compared to other fora I've been on. I'm very glad that things like religion and politics don't get discussed there though. Too divisive. I might have a crack at resurrecting the Weather thread I started and see how that flies.

Busted (and happy)

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Just thought I would stir things a bit. 
Of course, as some are saying, there will always be new people wanting responses to their situation.
If a query is worth raising by multiple folk, it is certainly worth answering them. 
We need to show interest even if, for us it is the same old, same old

Offline Herbert

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Seasonal weather may also impact the forums activity. More clothes, less boob projection, less forum activity. Warmer weather, less and thiner clothes and more boob projection and more forum activity.

Also, all the gender stuff going on may be making men with boobs less worried what others think. Others may be more accepting now too. However, I still get a lot of chest looks form both sexes and just ignore. I live in a warm climate, wear thin moisture wicking shirts and no bra. 


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I have not been here as long as some but feel I have learned a lot and at times feel I have nothing more to say or contribute.  As life Ebbs and Flows I'm drawn back into the need for conversation and the community here.  There are many times I make a quick check and don't sign in.  Then there are times I feel my thoughts are just that.  Mine.  Others wouldn't care or need to know.  I have often said there is no stupid question, ever.  I do walk away after I comment thinking a day later wow did I feel that way yesterday? I got past it not realizing it was the act of talking about it that assisted in me getting beyond it. 

  I'll keep checking in. Signing in when time allows and make comments.  Some thought provoking others just plain wacky.  No harm no foul.  ;D
« Last Edit: December 08, 2022, 09:06:51 AM by Orb »


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Whether it's old topics or new topics, it's healthy to talk about what you have going on. I know that I had felt isolated and thinking that I’m the only one like this. This forum introduced me to others who also felt alone.

Even though I technically no longer have gynecomastia and a bra is just something that as a woman, I'm expected to wear, I know that there are others that have no idea how to deal with their breasts. They may think that surgery is the only option. They may think that wearing a bra is just for women. I have stayed here and grateful for everyone else that welcomed me after I transitioned. 

There are new members on the acceptance forum and they are looking for guidance. I have learned so much from so many over the years. 

I ❤️ all of you guys 

Sophie ❤️ 

Online Johndoe1

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I have refrained from mentioning this,  but maybe now is a good time. I recently was asked to contribute an article to a women's blog about my journey with gynecomastia. It turned into a two parter. The blog is run be a lady who used to have a lingerie shop and I was a customer there. The comments have been from men with gynecomastia. If you are interested in taking a look,
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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That's great Johndoe1.  I'm glad you took part in it and am looking forward to the read.

Offline Evolver

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Well done John, that was a good read. Getting the word out there is important. Kudos.

Online Johndoe1

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Thank you. Many of the same stories I have related here.


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Johndoe1, I thought you did a great job with that.  I was also glad to see it was with and on Erica's blog.  She has always been one who understands this and is willing to help without judgement.  Well done.

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I was lucky enough to have visited her shop and got a fitting from her. We just hit it off and she made me feel very comfortable. Wish we had a a shop like that here. 


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Glad you made it there and got to know her.    I used to be in that area a bit but never made it there.  Wish I had now.


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Firstly...and off topic...Great write-ups, John!

As for the OP, I'm new so I haven't really started relying on the site for community yet but I can see how a slow site could be a bummer for those that have. I will say that most of the forums outside of a couple in this section a) are subtopics and shouldn't have their own sections necessarily and b) not conducive to community (sex, exposure, and photos are valid topics but I struggle to figure out why they have their own boards). The rest of the site is dedicated to another life path. This doesn't mean you can't commingle in those sections, but they're looking for other things than what you find in Acceptance and Acceptance Garments (which also could just be included in the Acceptance board).

That said, I don't see a reason why you couldn't use this section for an off-topic thread here or there (or just one general post we all use for off-topic conversation) or request a new Acceptance-focused off-topic section under the Gyne Acceptance section.

Or, perhaps I'm just an agent of chaos in a well-established community. ;)


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