Author Topic: Like Women  (Read 4823 times)

Offline Busty

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Most of us here are men who have breasts like women and wear bras like women. Do you believe our attitudes towards our breasts and bras are similar to the way women feel about their breasts and bras?

 As evidenced by the handle I chose when I joined this site, I used to believe we were very different from women in that regard. But after years of regularly wearing a bra, I think I have started to feel more like women do.  For example, I not only want my bra to give me the comfort of the support I need for my full and heavy, and, yes, female, breasts, but I also like my bra to give me a nice lifted and shaped look as well. 

Offline Evolver

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Do you believe our attitudes towards our breasts and bras are similar to the way women feel about their breasts and bras?

I understand your curiosity, but if you surveyed 100 women about how they feel about their breasts and bras, you could get 100 different answers. So in my opinion, men would probably also have a variety of feelings about breasts and bras if it applies to them. That makes them the same! But, no-one really knows how the person next to them feels about things, boobs or not. One can only imagine.

bustymale, it could simply be a case of you getting used to being womanlike in regards to your breasts, combined with an ever deepening and naturally occurring pink brain as time goes on.

Offline Johndoe1

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In my own case, for years I hated my chest. I hated how they hung off my chest. I hated how they got in the way sometimes. I hated how they could sometimes hurt. I hated how they made my chest look. I hated how the bouncing and jiggling constantly reminded me my chest was different. I hated during sex my breasts would sag down and sometimes touch my wife's breast. I hated how people would stare at my chest with that look of puzzlement. I hated that some people felt they needed to comment on my chest size or question my gender or sexuality. I hated how some (men and women) felt they could touch them in some way uninvited. I hated how very few of my tops fit (well still have that one! :D ) I hated how I couldn't bare my chest on the beach like other guys. I hated having to sometimes find a way to hold them without being noticed while doing certain activities or exercises. I hated I had gained weight because of my inactivity and my girls had grown in size because of it.

After many years, it wore me down. I got tired of the physical discomfort and the constant fixation on my breasts. I had to do something. During a period when I was losing a substantial amount of weight, I had started to exercise and eventually jog. Very quickly I saw I needed support when I jogged. I tried different kinds of pull over bras only to find inadequate support and containment and to move up in support and containment levels until I was wearing a bonafide women's heavy duty, industrial strength, maximum support and control sports bra which left no doubt of about my need for support. I found that with the feeling of support and containment, with my breasts lifted and projected, my physical discomfort was gone. It wasn't long after I moved into wearing bras full time, underwire being my preferred type for support and shape. I decided then if I was going to wear a bra, I needed to educate myself on the proper way to wear a bra to get the most out of this somewhat expensive (for my size) garment. As I lost weight, my breast volume did not decrease. Support become more important than ever as my chest circumference size decreased but my bust circumference size did not. I went from 42C to 40D to 38DD to 36DDD. I did stabilize at a 38DD which is where I am at today. Learning to treat my breasts with bras and their support garments in the same fashion as women do has given me confidence as well as the knowledge to how to wear my clothes without looking like some kind of freak. While my chest looks feminine, knowing which bra to wear with a certain top has helped to tone my chest down even though it maintains a lifted and projected look under tops, just not as prominent or as feminine, still visible and shaped since I can never be flat chested anymore than a woman can. But I do use tricks and hacks that women use to diminish the prominent appearance of a feminine chest while maintaining comfort and support and containment. If I didn't treat my chest like women do I would not be able to do this. I admit over time I have come to like my profile when supported. I have found that when supported and contained, I get far less looks than when braless, sagging and bouncing/jiggling. Yes, I have large appearing female breasts. And so I just treat them as such and feel better about myself for doing it.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2022, 10:10:34 AM by Johndoe1 »
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline blad

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When I developed breasts at age 13 it seemed like a full on disaster.

At school I had all the usual comments that I needed a bra etc. This continual comments lead me to try a bra out of curiosity. 

A funny thing happened after trying a bra for the first time. In private, I stared liking having breasts and wearing a bra to contain them like the girls in my class were. In public I was still embarrassed for some time due more from perceived social pressures, but inside I had become more accepting if I had them properly under control with wearing a bra.

I guess much like girls, I became more aware and interested in bra styles and types, and wondered how each would look on me. It was more than just the function of wearing a bra but also how it made me look.
If the bra fits, wear it.


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When I developed breasts at age 13 it seemed like a full on disaster.

At school I had all the usual comments that I needed a bra etc. This continual comments lead me to try a bra out of curiosity.

A funny thing happened after trying a bra for the first time. In private, I stared liking having breasts and wearing a bra to contain them like the girls in my class were. In public I was still embarrassed for some time due more from perceived social pressures, but inside I had become more accepting if I had them properly under control with wearing a bra.

I guess much like girls, I became more aware and interested in bra styles and types, and wondered how each would look on me. It was more than just the function of wearing a bra but also how it made me look.
 I still don't know everything about bras after 30 years of wanting to learn everything! Last month I purchased my first push up bras! I was afraid to add any more volume to my girls. I was wrong, it may have added a little,  but, after 48 years of gravity tugging on this girl's boobs, I found that my new bras helped reverse the last 2 decades of gravity and put the girls back where they're supposed to be. 

Sophie ❤️ 


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Most of my development was later in life.  Johndoe1 it pains me to read your story.  I am glad to hear your in a good place now.  People can be cruel.  One thing I have learned is I much prefer the company of those that don't " fit the model, or mold", of what some impose as the 'Norm'.  I think we, the rest of us, are more balanced, kind, supportive of others, understanding and just plain better people!  Not to mention better liked and happier once we learn they are so out of touch with reality.  With age comes wisdom and contentment. 

Cheers brothers...and sister ;)


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When I developed breasts at age 13 it seemed like a full on disaster.

At school I had all the usual comments that I needed a bra etc. This continual comments lead me to try a bra out of curiosity.

A funny thing happened after trying a bra for the first time. In private, I stared liking having breasts and wearing a bra to contain them like the girls in my class were. In public I was still embarrassed for some time due more from perceived social pressures, but inside I had become more accepting if I had them properly under control with wearing a bra.

I guess much like girls, I became more aware and interested in bra styles and types, and wondered how each would look on me. It was more than just the function of wearing a bra but also how it made me look.
I still don't know everything about bras after 30 years of wanting to learn everything! Last month I purchased my first push up bras! I was afraid to add any more volume to my girls. I was wrong, it may have added a little,  but, after 48 years of gravity tugging on this girl's boobs, I found that my new bras helped reverse the last 2 decades of gravity and put the girls back where they're supposed to be.

Sophie ❤️
Sophie, when I went to soma for my fitting, the lady there handed me a pushup bra without me even asking for it and said to try it on because it offers the best support out of anything. When I tried it on I was amazed at how light I felt even compared to when in wearing a regular underwire. I ended up not getting it, but its on my list for my next trip in. 


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Oh honey! That's fantastic! That's why a full, professional fitting is so important to have done. While you are there you get a professionals advice about what you are looking for and they have several different options in different sizes and styles and colors so you walk out getting exactly what you want and need!

Sophie ❤️ 

Offline Johndoe1

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Johndoe1 it pains me to read your story.  I am glad to hear your in a good place now.  People can be cruel.  One thing I have learned is I much prefer the company of those that don't " fit the model, or mold", of what some impose as the 'Norm'.  I think we, the rest of us, are more balanced, kind, supportive of others, understanding and just plain better people!  Not to mention better liked and happier once we learn they are so out of touch with reality.  With age comes wisdom and contentment. 

Cheers brothers...and sister ;)
That you Orb. Yes, I am in a much better place in my life now. Learning to accept what I was naturally given has not been easy, and having gynecomastia since puberty has been challenging at times. But as I look back on my life, with those trials and tribulations, I don't think I would have developed the appreciation and understanding I now enjoy. It took many, many years to accept I have a very feminine trait and I just needed to deal with it for what it is and to get on with my life. Having several female friends and several female doctors accept my chest and advise on how to deal with my chest since surgery was not going to happen has been huge for me. To be able to not have to worry about how my chest looks around these friends have made it easier to go into the world with my girls showing themselves under my tops. I have always dressed my chest modestly, but maybe not with the proper eye to be sure that not only was my chest presenting modestly, but also presenting as not to draw attention. That last part has made all the difference. Also having a good friend transition FtM recently put me in a unique situation because of knowing of my gynecomastia, he could come to me for help and advice on how best to downplay his breasts until he was able to have a reduction. He too found out quickly, like many here, binding was not for him and I was glad I could give him advice as he had given me advice in the past when he was considered a woman.

If because I treat and dress my chest like some women do makes me, "woman like" then I guess I am guilty. But it hasn't changed who I am but has allowed me to make my way through life in a better mental and physical state, more matching my actual body and not what I wish my body was. I have never felt I was in the wrong body. I just have body parts that society does not commonly associated with being a male. I didn't ask for a chest, but since I have one, when in Rome . . .


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What I have or don't have between my legs has nothing to do with my chest. I wore  bra out of personal necessity for 30 years before I stopped pretending to be a man. I wore a bra because of having a chest that needed some management. A bra is still the best way to accomplish that. I was blessed with a MTF "starter kit " where I  had already navigated the in and outs of breast care and management. 

My only thing to add here is about breast exams. YouTube has some great videos on how to check yourself. I would also recommend asking your doctor about having a professional exam performed. That doesn't necessarily mean that you need a mammogram or ultrasound but, those would be helpful in establishing a baseline for future exams.

Sophie ❤️ 

Offline JoniDee

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My only thing to add here is about breast exams. YouTube has some great videos on how to check yourself. I would also recommend asking your doctor about having a professional exam performed. That doesn't necessarily mean that you need a mammogram or ultrasound but, those would be helpful in establishing a baseline for future exams.

Sophie ❤️
To All:

I totally agree with Sophie. I had a mammogram and ultrasound this past September to make sure there were no issues with my breasts.

Joni 💕


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Yes.  When it comes to women, I have always been a boob guy.  I still am but now I find myself checking out women's bras and sometimes comparing their breasts to mine.  I was in a restaurant recently and noticed that I had bigger breasts than 2 out of 3 waitresses.
I also find myself unconsciously pulling up my straps and dropping my car keys or cell phone into my bra when my hands are full.  Most of us now have a much better understanding of women's attitudes towards their breasts and the bras they wear.  After several years of wearing bras, you start thinking like a girl, which is not a bad thing.


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I also find myself unconsciously pulling up my straps and dropping my car keys or cell phone into my bra when my hands are full.  Most of us now have a much better understanding of women's attitudes towards their breasts and the bras they wear.  After several years of wearing bras, you start thinking like a girl, which is not a bad thing.

OMG 😍 yes!

I know that there are several members here that have started to or exclusively wear women's slacks and jeans for the same reason that they wear a bra, because it's what our body shape dictates that we should wear.

So, for those that have made the switch to ladies slacks and jeans, you have found that the pockets are limited or have none at all! Tucking something like your cash or debit card and license into your bra is safe, secure and convenient. 

Love yah guys,
Sophie ❤️ 

Confused old man

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Wow I’m glad I am not the only one who does that. I put things in my bra all the time. Keys wallet,phone.😂😂😂. And I adjust my bra sometimes in front of others without thinking. I wonder what they are thinking 😂😂😂😂


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Same in regard to what others think. I was adjusting my bra the other day and while in a cubicle with a partition that’s a bit high and padded my strap had rolled and was digging in. I slid my finger under it to lift and slide to untwist as is how I do it at least and it slipped, snapping down. A co worked on other side of the wall asked what that was I just said I was putting a rubber band on some mail and it slipped lol. 


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