Author Topic: Massive breasts...lactating.. HATE them .. love them .. feeling fucked. Help.  (Read 4768 times)

Offline djdj

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Aside from getting groceries at night, I haven't left my house in a month.  literally.

I've had pretty serious gynecomastia for years .. but it's gotten so so bad lately.
I'm not talking like you can barely tell .. I'm talking HUGE.

I've always hated them .. but too embarrassed to go to a doctor.  darn I feel so fucked up.  but now they've even beefucking lactating .. LACTATING !! WTF.  God.

Anyway .. it's so embarrassing to say this .. but .. sometimes, lately, in the last few weeks .. I LOVE them .. and I hate them .. at the same time .. this is embarrassing to say .. but sometimes I feel turned on by them ..

I feel like I could accept, but at the same time I HATE myself and my body ...
how did you guys accept yours?

are any of you lactating too?


this is fucked up situation we're in so fucked up.

Offline walt

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hello lactation in men is called golactorhea sorry not proper spelling, I have had this happen a few times but only minor leakage.we do appreciate your posts but refrain from using the F bomb so much, some of us do know how bad it can be .best thoughts for you.Walt


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You will find many of us here on the forum have lactated as well, but as Walt said we also don't need that kind of language! 

Your will find tons of support here, but please use more pleasant language!

Offline Alchemist

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Hi Djdj,

Hammer is the expert on really huge breasts.  Some of us only have D-DD cup, pretty sizable on a 48 inch chest.  I don't know your age, but I've had these since 1959.  I finally adopted the motto of our generation's great hero, Alfred E. Newman, "What, me worry?"

Go to a nudist club, get used to being you with breasts and everybody sees and everybody else is equally nude.  While 50-70% of men have breast growth most are smaller, you will see that you have plenty of company and ther is nothing at all to be embarrassed about.  Get used to yourself..  You might want to see a doc and find out why you are lactating.  That can indicate a medical situation sometimes.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Lactation is not common, but it is not unheard of either.   This is a problem that needs the attention of a Doctor.  Probably your family Doctor at first, but most likely a referral to an Endocrinologist.  The presence of Lactation points to a problem with the Pituitary Gland. and that should be checked out thoroughly without delay.  The cause could be a prolactinoma, a tumour on the pituitary gland that produces the hormone Prolactin.  That hormone in turn causes breast enlargement and Lactation.   This is treatable, but only if you will overcome your shyness and have a serious talk with your Doctor.  
The conflicting feelings you are having are also not unusual.
Grandpa Dan


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Mine are big enough to be a bit of a nuisance, and I've lactated off and on for the last 7 years.  My endocrine system is messed up and my prolactin level bounces around like a ping-pong ball.  On speed.  Just out of curiosity once, I checked my wife's old manual breast pump that was left over from kids (many, many moons ago), and I got about half an ounce out of each breast.  A few weeks later, nothing.  Seven months after that, they started feeling full and tender, and then one day at work there were embarrassing spots on my shirt and that got progressively worse for a few months.  My boss at the time was a woman who was pretty cool about the whole thing - she joked that if I wanted, I could join her for lunch and pumping (she had a newborn), her recommendation for nursing bras, and that if I got more, maybe she could use my milk because she wasn't producing quite enough for her child.  Given what was happening, her light-hearted friendly kidding really helped me cope with lactation.

But yeah, it was strange, scary, and yet, after watching my wife nurse our two sons, the experience was a curiosity-provoking thing.

Offline Jin

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If God chose to give me breasts, I have decided to love them. If I gotta pack them around, might as well have fun with them!
Mine came in with puberty. Decades ago, when the kids were babies , I did lactate. Watching my wife, and our same age friends nursing babies triggered something. I could get a few ounces from each one daily, and it hurt if I did not empty them. Not really enough to help with the feeding, but did greatly help with the bonding.
To this day, whenever I see a woman breastfeeding, my nipples start tingling and the breast will ache for several days. I may even leak a few drops.
Would you feel the same if your hair grew a different color? Embrace the unique YOU and love all of yourself. Please.


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