Author Topic: Mood swings regarding breasts  (Read 3201 times)


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My journey to wearing a bra fell more along the lines of a girl's. 

I was 12 when my breasts became large enough to be a concern. After the doctor said that they would probably go away on their own and didn't, my mother suggested that I start wearing a bra. She new that i was sore and wanted to help. I wore hand me down bras from my sister for a few years (only when I felt like i needed one). I was sixteen when she told me that i should be wearing one all the time. I told her i would but, I wanted my own. We went to JCPENNEY and I was fitted. I was a 34C. I also started wearing underwire bras. 

Needless to say, I was wearing a bra full time. Like Blad said, I becomes second nature. A good bra supports, shapes, and controls breasts. It will also improve your posture. After you accept your breasts as your own. Than others will accept them as well. At that point, there is no downside to wearing a bra. Your breasts are there regardless, why not have them look their best and feel their best.

Offline Johndoe1

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I had pain in my back and breast pain for years. My physical well-being was effecting my mental well-being and I didn't realize it. I was so afraid how my chest looked, it ruled my life in negative ways. I over ate to try and hide my chest, I slumped to try and hide my chest, I wore clothes several sizes too large to not only hide my chest but my growing girth. I withdrew from life. Became sedimentary. Developed hypertension, high cholesterol, gastric problems and ballooned to almost 340 lbs. All due to my sizeable boobs. I was finally faced with coming to terms with my chest or die. With that choice, bras were a no brainer.

It took a little time to adapt, but my back and breast pain stopped as I now had a support structure around the girls that supported and contained them relieving physical discomfort that translated to mental well-being. My posture improved and as I lost weight my hypertension and cholesterol and gastric problems disappeared. As my stomach disappeared, my chest became more noticeable, but I learned how to dress so they didn't become the focal point of my appearance by matching my bra to my clothes, something women do all the time. Since I started doing that, I hardly get noticed and if I am, rarely is anything said or done. Usually it's a woman who notices and the usual response is a smile. I am more involved in life and more happy overall. And all because of some cloth, elastic and wires.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2020, 06:23:33 AM by Johndoe1 »
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline OHboobs

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Regarding social situations, I have always worked in male dominated jobs and work sites.  Twenty years ago you would have heard comments about a man with breasts but now I think it's so common that I couldn't even begin to tell you when the last time I heard someone say something. 
I imagine the people who would make a comment don't want a visit from HR.

Offline Athena12@

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That is so true, HR would be all over them. But it is the general public the we are real concerned about and right now that is the least of our problems.  There is NO general public.  You could cross dress and walk down the street an be lucky to see anyone. But that ain't going to be me.  But if you are going to the grocery  store DON'T worry about anything people are more concerned about what they are buying and the possibility of COVID 19 than they are about you wearing a bra.
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.

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