Author Topic: My New Doctor and a Mammogram  (Read 3348 times)

Offline itsjustabra

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Ok, after the disagreement with my last doctor, I had been without a doctor for close to a year now (around may, 2014). So I finally decided it was time to find a new doctor, and I struggled with weather or not I should wear a bra to the doc's appointment, it can be quite uncomfortable without one. I did decide to wear one, and she acted real professional about it. However, my doctor is strongly encouraging a mammogram. There is nothing wrong, at least she found nothing, however, she telling me this would give  her a baseline, so if anything were to develop in the future, she would be more able to quickly tell if it needs more investigating. My doctor has said, she is not going to force the issue, but is recommending it. I just don't know, what should I do? I know you guys are not doctors, however, I would still like to hear your advice.


Offline Cisco

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The recommendation for a mammogram is no need for concern and appears to be standard protocol when a doctor first learns of your gynecomastia.  The mammogram will confirm the existence of breast tissue and not just fat tissue and rule out any possibility of cancer as a cause of the enlargement of your breasts.  I'm sure many guys myself included will relate their experience with having a mammogram after their doctor first learned of the gyno.  In my situation the technician was very professional and when I mentioned that I was a bit embarrassed she assured me that there many other men who have come in for mammograms.

Offline igotum

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I went for a chest xray a week or so ago. The lady that did it looked at the xray to make sure it was OK. Then she said, "You should consider getting a mammogram. I see a lot of breast tissue. I don't see anything wrong though." I may get one but not in a hurry to do it.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The recommendation is just the Doctor covering her behind.  Just like the ER offering to do a CT scan for a minor injury on my wife. (which we refused). 

If there was any real justification for the test she would have pressed the issue and said you needed to do the Mammogram.

Grandpa Dan

Offline walt

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good morning , I have had a mammogram and two sets of [ultrasound] on the breasts and testicles. I have had cysts in the breasts  in the past as well as an extensive history of cancers in the family.
so I would say go for it and atleast get a baseline .I see a number of breast cases and the like weekly and have taken quite a few for post surgical mammograms.i am part of a surgical team at a local hospital ,most insurance will pay for it.

Offline Alchemist

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Being the plan management consultant and software analyst in group health I would like to mention the issues I'm going over for the mammogram question.  Lately there has been discussion of how worthwhile and WHEN mammograms are suitable for women.  That is because the x-rays themselves increase probability of possible breast cancer in the future.  Then there are needle biopsies and other invasive and painful procedures for a lot of false positives.  So, the incidence of breast cancer in men is about 1% that of women.  Most are found on physical exam or just plain noticing a bump because most guys don't have much breast tissue for it to be hiding in.  Gyne itself isn't a risk factor for breast cancer.  Further the fatality rate for men versus women in breast cancer is about the same per thousand cases.

So, do the risks of mammogram, radiation and false positives causing unneeded procedures, anxiety, expense, side effects, outweigh the potential benefit of catching an early cancer in a man?  As the cancer rate is 1% what about the other things that are enough of a problem to cause question of benefit in women?

I have a new doc who might also suggest one in a couple of days and I'm thinking about it in advance.  She also is talking spinal draw for suspected demyelinations and from what I read that is "outdated" thinking and there is no reason not to go directly to the MRI from what I have been reading. 

So, there are considerations about whether the hazards of over treatment are greater than not doing the procedure.  I don't even have an answer for myself much less anybody else.  So it is one more thing for consideration.


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