Author Topic: Need more professional doctors  (Read 1353 times)

Offline Jrs2018

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Sorry about this rant, but I stumble across it searching for bra fitting on the internet.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2018, 05:33:19 PM by becky »

Offline Paa_Paw

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In August of last year I had a triple bypass.  They do not really stand in line for a chance to do that sort of surgery on 80 year old patients and I knew there were a lot of risks due to my age and several other conditions that I had which complicated things.   Normally after a triple bypass a person is ready to go home and start their recovery after about 5 days.   Of all the things on the long list of things that might go wrong, I think I managed to check them all off except the one  about possible death.   The long and short of it was that I was in ICU for 10 days, and went home on day 28.  I was home only two days then I was readmitted and had another procedure and another week in the hospital. 
I knew the risks and my doctors were great.  Gradually my labs improved and over the next few months one specialist after another was able to turn me loose.   One year after the surgery, I was breaking camp after spending two weeks under canvas at about 8000 feet.  I do not know another man my age (Now 81) that still goes camping in a tent. 
I am truly sorry that you had such a bad time, but I have been there too and I came away from my experience with a renewed respect for the professionalism of the people who cared for me. 
Grandpa Dan


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