Author Topic: Reintroduction  (Read 1119 times)


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  I feel I should let it be known that I have also rejoined this forum.  I was active a year and a half ago and left because of what I felt were comments posted in poor taste.  I also received a few PM's of the same.  They drove me away.
  I have accepted what life throws my way.  Chest development included.  I've grown this last year. Yes in more ways than one. 
For now I'm not one to post pictures or talk about size. Doesn't matter.  I'm back because I belong.  I am who I am. My body, my life.  I see a few new names, and a few of the same.  Great.  I feel I'm coping.  Still a bit taken aback by some comments from those I encounter  but that's the way ignorant people act.  I choose not to engage.  I always think of the perfect response when the conversation changes or they leave.  Working on preformed responses for those situations.  

  Anyway, glad to see some positive posts and positive words of encouragement.  

Offline Traveler

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Welcome back! The negativity does seem reduced.

Busted (and happy)

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Welcome back Orb

I too chucked it in a while back much the same as your reasons. Got chased around the site by a few (very few) who had an agenda and agressively kept posting their own very narrow views regardless of the fact that they were almost always totally off topic.
I have been back for a while. The tolerance on here is much better.
People are not taking up cudgels against those of us who firmly believe that a bra is one of the first no risk options that should be considered rather than a "last resort".

I benefitted from the advice of an blunt ex Royal Navy Dr  who suggested that a bra was a well tested and successful means of alleviating pain and soreness. He also was also wise enough to point out that a hormone shift affects the whole body, not just the breasts and that in time many womens clothes might well be more comfortable. He was right!

Straight up I am 100% male and no one meeting me would mistake me as a woman  or as trying to look feminine, but over the years I have got to the point where 95%+ of my clothing comes from the women's aisles.

Clothes are Clothes, nothing more. They either fit or they don't. 
Technically I may be crossdresser, but I am light years away from what that term conjures up in the mind of the common man.

I will get my hard hat on in case the trolls have only been hibernating!!

Seriously, this has once again become a haven for men and young teenage boys to get balanced sensible advice. It is back to the being a site that , as I did, you can encourage your wife or mother to look at to help them understand that you have not become a weirdo but need real help with something that mentally and physically has become problem.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2021, 02:40:47 AM by Busted (and happy) »

Offline SideSet

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I also took a sabbatical because of some individuals here whom I found to be vocally narrow minded.  Glad to see more acceptance here since I recently returned.


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Busted and happy,

  Thank you for that nice response.  It's true, there is a lot of good support here for those of us willing to be honest and open and not be judgemental.  There is plenty of that outside this space and place.  I too will only post things, as I did in the past also, that when and if my adult children look at this site to gain understanding can read without as you said the weird factor.

Side set,  Thanks looking forward to positive constructive conversation.
I do under stand that threads will get high jacked at time I'll just have to learn to redirect or start another one again.

Offline Johndoe1

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Glad to have you back. There's always people who don't get it. Part of life.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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