Author Topic: thoughts on gynecomastia  (Read 3614 times)

Offline don_joe

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Hey guys,

I wasn't too sure where I should post about this but here goes. First off, I am now 2 years + post-op. I went to Dr Lista in Toronto and I couldn't be happier with the results. My chest is now naturally beautiful, I've been working out for a while and I look amazing in super tight shirts.

Now, I've had a hell of a shock over the weekend when I attended an outdoor music festival where many guys had their shirt off. I was amazed to notice that most of them(2 out of 3 ?!) had gyne at various degrees. I actually had the smallest nipples of everyone I saw over there.  It really made me think and start to wonder if I was not too self-conscious on this one.

What do you think ?  Does knowing that small nipples are in fact so rare in the general population help the acceptance process ?

Offline Chicago

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When I'm out in public, whether guys have their shirts off or not, you can quickly see just how many guys have some degree of gyne or not looking like the perfect chest that many on this board consider "normal". So yes, situations like that make me think that people are striving for something too perfect just like some women get too caught up in what models/actresses look like in magazines that have been photoshopped (and the said model has the JOB of looking a certain way..)

That being said, I can also get a little frustrated when I see someone with a huge beer belly and their chest is flat as a board.

Offline Raider Fan

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I think what this comes down to is the differences between guys when it comes to "mild" gyne.  Mild gyne is one thing, but when male breasts start to take on an actual female appearance with large nipples, that's a whole other thing.  One you can ignore if you want, but when it's noticeable and moderate/severe, there is no ignoring it.

If mild gyne interferes with your ability to be happy, feel normal and live normally, then regardless how "mild" it is, I think the person should have it taken care of.  On the other hand, there are millions of guys who have mild gyne and don't even know it.  They probably think they are just a little overweight and it doesn't bother them that much.  If you can have mild gyne and function normally and be happy, there's no reason at all to consider surgery. 

So my take on it is.....if it bothers you, get it taken care of.  A person has every right to get something that bothers them taken care of.  And if it doesn't bother you, great.  We all think, feel and perceive of things differently.  It's all about the quality of life.

Offline don_joe

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A person has every right to get something that bothers them taken care of.  And if it doesn't bother you, great.  We all think, feel and perceive of things differently.  It's all about the quality of life.

Well said. Very wise post in general...

In my case: almost 1000cc of material was removed during the procedure, so a lot of extra stuff in there. You are right: the guys I saw at the festival were nowhere as bad as I was. Still, the perfect flat chest is more rare than I thought !


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