Author Topic: gyne surgery experience with Dr Hari Menon at Lakeshore hospital,Cochin  (Read 28001 times)

Offline anothergyne

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Hello everyone.Like i said in my previous posts, i started noticing gyne from the age of 16 and since im a sportsperson , i did all kinds of exercise particluarly concentrated on my chest to get rid off it.There were times when i benchpressed close to 60 kgs and did close to 50 pushups in one go.But no visible results manifested.Then i started searching online and found this forum and was extremely useful.I first consulted Dr susheel cleatus back in 2009.He gave me a quote of 70K.I told my parents about this but they were against it despite me trying effortlessly to convince them.Later i mustered enough courage and money and saw Dr Cleatus in March 2012.He gave me the same quote and we fixed the surgery for mid may.But due to project stuffs at my college i was unable to go for a surgery with him and also,Dr cleatus went to US and said he would be back only by aug-sept.I then contacted Dr Sandip Jain who gave me a quote of 75K including the vest and one day stay at hospital.I also happened to see Dr hari menons website at the same time and he gave me a quote of 48K .Since i was from cochin . i was more inclined to go for a surgery under Dr hari menon.I went in for a consultation with him and he explained to me how the gland will be removed through lateral pull through technique.But the only problem was that the hospital policy wanted me to bring a person for the surgery.Since my parents dint know about this , i told a very close friend of mine and after a little apprehension about the whole gyne surgery process, he agreed.So the date was fixed on may 30, 2012.Incidently , another forum member also had the gyne surgery under him on the same day as me  :)

Offline anothergyne

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May 30th , 2012
i reached hospital at 7 in the morning.Went into casuality and my friend paid 34K in adavance.The staff and nurses were quite friendly and they said there was nothing to be worried.I, was infact, excited a lil bit about the whole genereal anaesthasia experience ;)From the conversation of the nurses , i guessed that gyne surgery was quite a common affair in the hospital and they were casual about it.They gave me a gown and a lungi to wear and did some test on me.I was then wheeled off to the operatin room.
In the pre - OR , i was given a drip of saline and had to wait till around 940 for the doc to arrive.I was the taken to the OR in a stretched.The doc saw me and he was cheerful and cracked some jokes at the nurses.He then asked me to remove my gown and took some pics and did the markings.After that the nurse administered the anaestasia.I actually thot it was anitbiotic and i felt weird since i dint think antibiotics could cause u dizzined , lol  :P And that was the last thing i remembered and next scene was a nurse standing by me saying tat op went well.i was also wearing the corset at that time(the one which doesnt cover your stomach).i asked her the time and she said it was 1130.I have a faint memory of tilting my head side to side somewhere  immediately after the ops .This happened more than once and when i was doing so , somebody would call out my name and i would stop tilting immediately.This was kind of weird  ???
Then i was wheeled off to the general AC ward.It had 3 beds and there was one other guy with me.The nurse gave me more drips and i rested till 230 after wich i had some water and "kanji"  ;)The nurse askd me to check wheter i cud pee properly.I thot it as weird but only when i tried doin so i found that it was really difficult and took me around 5 minutes to pee.When i tried too hard some blood was seeping through the bandages and visible in my corset.This sacred me.When i called up the nurse she said they would have to keep me in the hospital overnight if i couldnt peeand she also said the blood coming out in small amount was normal.I got scared and did a quick google search and found that this was common after the surgery.i drank plenty of water.After 3-4 times ,i could urinate much more effortlessly and that was a relief  ;D.the doc had aroudn 4 surgeries that day and it was not until 630 that he came to visit me.The visit was was brief and he asked me if i could walk,drink and eat properly.When i replied in postive,he said to get out of the hospital without wasting much time.All in all , a really friendly and jovial person :)
i got the medicines from the pharmacy.Since my parents dint know about the surgery i decided to stay in a hotel for 3 days for recovery.The pain was very minimum and doc encouraged me to do some stretching and stuffs , but not to lift weights.i spent time by watchin tv and browsing through movies in my lap.i went out for an evening stroll every day and dint feel any pain as such.i this is my 4th day post op and doc had said not to remve the corset for 5 days.But i couldnt live with the suspense and remved the corset today morning for just 5 min ;) the chest looks really flat  :).There is swelling on my upper chest and slight numbness near areola.The bandages are to the side of each nipple under the armpit.Im still keeping my fingers crossed on the results as the real results would only be seen after a month or so, during which , the sweelling could increase.
I"ll soon get you updated on the pics.For the time being im confused at what reason il tell my parents for wearing a corset.If i say back pain they"ll immediatel take me to see a doc.Guess il have to say some sorta posture correction or type of gym belt to get the correct chest shape  ;) :P
the cost of surgery is as below:
cost of surgery includig OT,docs fees,nursing,taxes and stuffs : 44570rs
Room rent charges:450rs
Food charges:160rs
medicines:around 1000 rs
Total : 48580 rs
If anyone has any queries,il be more than happy to reply . :)

Offline princerockzz

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god !! yu wrote a too lazy to right dis much...mine was pretty much as urs !! :D

Offline anothergyne

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haha..i just felt like i had to write it for the people who are going through the same phase as us, before the surgery.I remember surfing the site,reading as many reviews as possible to finally have the courage to go under the knife.:D

Offline anothergyne

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my pre op pics
password: gyne 1234

Offline princerockzz

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saw the left chest is as yours while my right is slightly having asymmtrical..... :) i mean i was !! ;) :D

Offline dcboobie

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Hi stud It was nice of you to share your experience. I am also planning for a similar surgery, i am also from cochin. could you let me know if you had to take bed rest after your surgery, also is it painful after the surgery, if so for how long. for how long do u have to wear this corset, was this a liposuction  or did they cut you open. if it was lipo then how many places they pierced you.


Offline dcboobie

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Also please post your after surgery pics at the earliest.

Offline princerockzz

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hello dcboobie....well we wer released the same day...for the first 3 to 4 days i needed a bit of help to get up frm bed and to lie down and heavy hand movements too....pain is minimal i guess..well the tight corset on the wound part is the hardest...but painkillers will help yu through...the corset is to be never opened until the post op visit...visit ws on 5th on may30th... after that there is no problem in taking it off for when bathing days goes gets better and better...the appearance...lesser pain...better adjustment to corset etc...but still the corset is to be worn for 4 to 6 weeks....well dr.hari menon did the keyhole surgery...liposuction for removal of fat and lateral pull through technique for gland they didn cut me open... 1 small incision on both sides under the armpit and thats it... in my case...noticed some blood yesterday from one of it...i applied hansaplast and covered it..nw good... that hole looks like a 3.55mm headphone jack.. ;) thats it..nothin much...i think lipo and gland removal ws done through dis tiny hole on both sides... no other incisions..

everything yu need to know can be found on dr.hari menon's website it....and bst of luck...will post the pics soon...

Offline anothergyne

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hi dcboobie,hope my friend prince has answered your questions.Well , since my parents dont know abt the surgery,i had to move around myself from day 1 of the surgery.And lemme tell you, apart from the slight tiredness i had,i was able to move around,carry my bag up and down the stairs and do literally everything from day 1.But i wont ask you to do so and take proper bed rest.You also have to be careful that nothin hard its ur chest area.Other than that the recovery is pretty awesome.As far as the corset is concerned,like prince said its unconfy in the first 4-5 days .But then u get used to it.As of now i guess im more confortable wearing the corset  ;D Im very happy with the results as of now but full results would be evident only in a months time.Right now i can feel the scar tissue in some places and swelling has reduced from last week.Il post the post op pics soon.Im waitin to get my hands on a good camera. :)

Offline anothergyne

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2 weeks post op pics.password is gyne1234

Offline yesiam

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anothergyne, how do you managed the money?
im ashamed to remove my shirt n i want to undego d surgry asap

Offline anothergyne

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hello yesiam.well i had savings since i was lyk 14yr old.And when i went to do my graduate studies,i carefully planned how much il need for a month as expenses and usually asked a 1000rs more to my parents.Cheeky i know :D but had to be done.I also received a good amount as scholarship every year.The hardest part was takin the money out of the account and i managed to come up with a pretty gud xcuse for that also.Well i wud advice u to take ur parents into confidence.
Right now im 5 weeks post op and ter is some considerable amount of swelling near nipple i decided to keep the vest on for another week.A lil bit paranoid about that but as i read through this forum i found that it is common and the real results will take anywhere from 3 to 6 months.So keeping my fingers crossed.

Offline princerockzz

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swelling around the nipple for me too man...projection after removing the vest for some time....saw hari doctor today and he said its normal and it will go away...hope it heals soon....i wear inner tees  upto neck before wearing a shirt to hide the vest which is not always possible because of our hot climate... :)

Offline anothergyne

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hi princerockzz.glad to hear that.ive thot about visiting him but had to put it off due to various reasons.What else did he say?should we wear the vest for some more time?if yes,should we wear it for 24 hours?and what about hitting the gym?ters still some pain on the areola region for me and i dont wanna do anything that would aggrevate anything.


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