Author Topic: Dr. Anantheswar - HOD,Dept of Plastic & reconstructive surgery MANIPAL Bangalore  (Read 66539 times)

Offline bloregynacomastia

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All I wanna say is that if You wanna see more pics go to Dr.Anantheswar and ask to see them from his patients album.

Im not here to do modelling nor was this pic meant for passers by. If people seriuosly had guts and are genuine, they'd go quietly n get their boobs chopped up and not sit like arm chair critics and voice out.

and one more thing. My pics are personal. it is out of generosity that I post them.
and if i decide not to. Its none of anybodies freaking biz.

I dont wanna share my happiness with people who dont know how to appreciate good work. Get that right in your head dear viewers.

Thought for the day : Half or little knowledge is dangerous.

Offline karnik_y

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hey man.. u r doing a very good job.. I definitely appreciate it..:).. atleast i was curious to see a front view pic to see the difference.. but after all as you mentioned it is personal.. no problem.. also really appreciate the fact that you are still visiting this site.. Thanks.

Offline Onemoresufferer

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Sorry dude - i didnt know that you will take this seriously - Anyway apologize for my request.

Thanks for your help

Offline Spunk

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@hungry.tides, bloregynecomastia
Dr. Ananteswar and Dr Shetty it is.... i am going ahead for the endo the first thing 2moro.
thank you for the 1.5 month guide. i see tht u have shelled out 39k  & that u got a semi-private ward. i would also like to do the same as i choose to remain completely under covers during the op till the drains are out.. ;D .Was the stay in manipal comfy? Anyway sooner or later ill hav to come out with it as i stay with parents in blore coz of the vest and medications.

And wat if it is actually hormonal imbal.?

Offline bloregynacomastia

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Hi spunkie boi !

Nice to see another bro joining our ranks  :P. Regd the hormone imbalance issue, It doesnt impact the surgery at all ( Ask Dr Anatheshwar also to confirm this). The gland will be fully removed so even hormones cannot make it grow back again cuz the gland isnt there anymore in layman terms.

All the best and inform us of your progress . Thanx n  buhbaaay ;D

Offline hungry.tides

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 bloregynacomastia is right abt the Harmonal imb thingie, Once gland is out, there is no reason why it shud be back. Doc told me this.

Surgery Date: 25th June 2007
Age: 24 years
Lipo + Excision (<100% removal around nipple)
Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Ananteshwar, Manipal, Bangalore
pre & post pics link:
Know more @ :

Offline wantnewlife

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how much gland would be removed during surgery? is it 100%

Offline bloregynacomastia

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Gland removal varies from patient to patient. Its purely doctors discretion. He will evaluate and perform the needful to give you the best possible looking chest.

Offline bobjones

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I got surgery done by dr anantheswar on 3/26/08 results seem good right now : ).  Bloregynecomastia & hungry tides- how long did it take for your nipples to fully heal or look like they were before and how long did it take for the holes from the drains to heal over?  Im very please with the results i cant wait till i start working out again.  And i think he showed me Hungry tides before & after pics. 

Offline hungry.tides

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hi there, I'm doing good. But I'm angry with myself, I dont work out at all, I have ecery reason to work out, but i dont
Abt my chest, though its not totally flat, it doesnt draw any stares at all, its totally normal chest, by normal i mean, almost every person, has some fat tucked away here and there, so in a way i gel in the crowd !! i go swimming, wear Ts without any second thoughts.
My nipples are puffy even now as they were before, Sesation is returning fast. I am happy about the results, and realise that now its upto me to take good care of my body.

Hope this clears some air, as i havent posted since a long time now, bloregynacomastia, how r u doing buddy?

Offline bloregynacomastia

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Hey Hungrytides....Take care of your diet and ensure you dont put on weight around your flanks (  side area under your armpits). the fat there may spoil the shape of your chest.

My chest is FLAT. it cant get flatter than how it is now else it will have a depression that can be felt. By the way when i massage my chest sometimes i feel my ribs (beneth a thin sheet of flesh/ muscle tissue)  I guess everybody's results vary a little bit.

Yes sensation is returning.But i think its close to 1 year now n still i feel the  healing  process is still going on while sensation return is happening. Never knew it takes so much time.

I guess when doctor said " You need a full 1 year of care after surgery,,,he was talking sense and we dumbos thought  1 year  what da hell.????? "

Frankly speaking i never wore the compression vest for more than 2 to 3 months... I got bored of it....But i guess my chest responded well n shaped itself flat.

And contrary to the belief that i would look sexy....body  just looks normal after surgery. i realised for a sexy look you will need to hit the gym and build all surrounding areas as well.

I dont feel shy to undress in public. because i look like any hairy uncle. not that I have a greek god look.but nobody can realise that i ever had boobs or underwent gyne surgery. Even my new partner never noticed any deformity with my nipples while orally stimulating (sucking) them ( my nipples hurt like shit when this is done but i never reveal the pain). Also swimming is a pleasure now. No more do i fear the pool or people around me in the pool.

Anyways i still remember life before surgery and how embarrassing it was. That thot always makes extremely happy with the current state of affairs with my chest.

Offline icarus

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These are my pix, it's a severe case for a man in my figure and weight :-\.. i know, so i resolved to have my surgery operated by the next month "after years of usual torture!!"... it harmed me deeply inside, so bad.. so i finally decided to wage war against those ugly things i have to carry around, hide, be ashamed of, get mocked for, and frustrated about for all the time ; and for no reason but my genetics... so bad :'(
i narrowed my list "due to extensive research on this board and other resources" and for other reasons to those two" (1)Dr. Ramachandran,Apollo Hospital,Chennai, INDIA.
                                                                                                                               (2)Dr. Ananteshwar, Manipal, Bangalore.
by the way: i'm not Indian, i'm from Africa, and this will be my first time to go to India, so, any information or suggestion will be helpfull given that i'll be travelling alone.

important: if i wanted to contact Dr. Ananteshwar, how can i contact him, and how can i get assured that he will do the surgery personally?

i know you will be tired of repeating infos... but how much it will cost me approximately in a private ward??

who of the two doctors do you recommend?

thanx in advance

« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 07:36:45 PM by icarus »

Offline bloregynacomastia

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Hi Icarus..... Im glad that you have zeroed in on Dr.Anantheshwar. He's da rite surgeon for you.

Your boobs are extreme. I dunno how they will do the surgery because after removing the gland (which is predominantly what you have) and doing a little lipo surrounding it.. You will have drooping and sagging skin. My question is how will this excess skin  settle back on you chest perfectly and your nipples fit still perfectly back in place on your chest ????

You need to ask Doctor about this and if any further trimming of skin might be necessary (caution it might leave a scar).... If your young and have elastic skin...maybe the skin will shrink on your chest without any further surgical intervention apart from the regular gyne surgery procedure.

I will personally recommend Dr. Anantheswar. bcoz his skilled hand has done many many gyne surgeries.

the contact details are mentioned in the first message of mine in this thread. go up and get the info.

All the best icarus. :-)
« Last Edit: April 24, 2008, 12:43:02 AM by bloregynacomastia »

Offline icarus

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thanks bloregynacomastia,
yeah they are extreme .... and thats why i chose Dr.Anantheshwar for it.
details about excess skin and areola diplacement i think should be taken care of as a part of the procedure "wouldn't they??"
do i have to pay any more fore excess skin removal and areola replacement??? (though money is not a problem)

i'm already working out and building up pectorals for perfect surgical results...
i'm 22 years old... but still dont want to have a saggy chest that i will have to hide for more months or years...
what do you recommend for contacting dr.Anantheshwar:personal e-mail or the "plastic surgey dept" phone?

does he answer emails sent on the bigfoot address??

Offline bloregynacomastia

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Hmm good question...I really dunno if hes got time to answer e-mails.

Whole day he's doing surgeries and doing rounds in hospital.....when hes free he spends time with his family.

Try your luck first emailing him. If you don't get a reply withing 5-7 days . I suggest you pick the phone and make that call.

 They respond promptly on the phones.Tell them your calling from Africa so that they hurry up with your queries. BTW: which country in Africa are you from?


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