Author Topic: Surgery Done - Apollo Hospital, Delhi  (Read 24179 times)

Offline D_lost_world

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Diagnosis : B/L Gynecomastia

Method  : Liposuction assisted Excision

Anaesthesia : Local aneasthesia with sedation

Date : 24/04/2009

Hospital : Apollo Hospital, Delhi (

Doctor  :  Dr. Lokesh Kumar (

Am 1 day post-op all wrapped up with the compression vest on it. A bit uncomfortable. Have not seen the results till now.

Surgery Experience was fine.

Will keep posting.

And yeah A GREATTTT THANKS to No one could have helped me better than the posts on this forum.

I haven't seen my results till now, fingers crossed. :)

« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 12:12:08 AM by D_lost_world »

Offline fighter

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hey dude ! Congrats for really a real life   ;D

how much cost of this surgery ?

n please upload pre and post op pics

and share Your surgery experience .



Offline D_lost_world

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It all started last year end... when i finally realized that gyne was a problem and need to be cured.

So this year started with a resolution to cure myself off gyne.. and it had to happen within this year.

Started searching for almost everything tht i could and should have known about gynecomastia long back ... well but better late than never :)

Went through a lot of posts/websites/surgeon profiles .... and finally decided on one..... Booked a Surgery a month back.

Did some blood tests... all was fine and i was ready to get it done.A day before surgery gave my measurements and all to make the Compression garment.

It was early morning of 24th of april..

5 AM  : Got up and ready to go around 6 AM

6:45  : Reached Apollo, did some paper work and all,

7:15  : Sent to the Day care Unit. Clothes changed. Physician Tests done. These tests were general like Blood pressure/pulse rate and all. They asked me a few questions about my past medical history. Thats it

7:30 AM   : Sent to Pre op Room. One of the doctors came in and did the markings on my chest. Took some snaps.

8:30 AM    : Taken to the operation room(OT).
I was made to lie down. There were 2 big lights over me. It was toooo cold. They gave me a blanket. I was given an oxygen mask and my face was covered. They gave me some sedatives and local anesthesia. and then the real work started.
I was totally awake during the complete procedure and i did feel something going on on my chest. Every now and then i could hear something being suctioned, and i knew it was the liposuction being done which was sucking out the fat.

I was sooooo concerned abt the Gland removal that i almost asked the doc 4/5 time before finalizing surgery and also reminded him once during the surgery ;D. Although the doc had already informed tht gland removal is the major part of this surgery along with fat removal.

11 AM : Finally it got over when i heard him say its done. The uncovered my face and My chest was wrapped up and the compression garment was put on and the first thing i said now is 'I wanna see the gland' . they showed me the gland they had taken out from left and right side. and also the fat. I was taken to the recovery room now.

1130/1145 : Taken back to the Day Care Unit, where my mom and dad were waiting for me.

1 PM    : Given food to eat.

4 PM : Given a dose of antibiotic and Pain killers

5 PM : Finally discharged and came back home.

The whole procedure was painless. I am still on antibiotics and pain killers, taking rest. I can easily move around in the house but a lil difficult to move my hands much, and my shoulders appear a lil higher than they usually are :)

I have still not seen my results. My bandage will be removed tomm or monday. Although i am not very eager to see my results but i do feel a lil curiosity. So lets see.

Its pretty late now. So logging off...

Oh yeah and the cost

Hospital charges : 51000 Rs
Pressure garments : 3600 Rs
Blood tests : 1600 Rs

So sum it upto 60000 considering medicine costs and all.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 01:08:08 AM by D_lost_world »

Offline gtg

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have you seen any difference

Offline D_lost_world

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I got my bandage removed yesterday.

And my chest looked reallly flat despite of swelling. I just have the compression vest on now.

i would want to wait for a couple of months to have a final verdict.

Ill post my before/after pics asap.

Offline 666

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Hi lost world !

Congrats man !
We both have our resolution for this year in common i too wanna get rid of this Liability
have consulted & deposited  adavance for surgeory by Mr. Kuldeep Singh apollo Delhi,
lets c how soon i could do that , amount is almost same as yours

plz keep updating

Offline leo_the_beast

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hi lost world,
congrats man.....

i wanna ask u a few questions...please find some time to ans.

1) For how long u were in the hospital? according to your post it seems that u get admitted and discharged the same day?

2) For how many days you are on off from ur daily work?

3) How much pain u feel after the surgery and now?

4) and finally what is ur current state (satisfied with the results)?

Thanks in advance for replying dude.....

Offline sdkn

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Hi Lost World,


please give me the full doc details along with his department, contacts, emailid.....

take care urself...


Offline Ganesh

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hello d_lost_world,

how are you doing now...How is the outcome of the surgery..?

i have a surgery scheduked with lokesh Kumar next month..

it would be helpful if u give me some insights about your results...



Offline u_free_luv

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I have asked him already...but he doesn't visit this foruma nymore i guess.....

Offline Ganesh

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i verified with my surgeon abt the cost of the revision surgery..he told that it will be around.... 65,000Rs..

Im a bit surprised...Only for lipo.. 65000Rs under local that normal..?

will it be the same amount as the primary surgery?

Offline u_free_luv

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I guess d cost is 2 high....maybe cost for revisin surgery is high...i would suggest u meet anup dhir also may be there is some difference in costs ...i will b meeting both docs in a week or will let u know

Offline Ganesh

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Im planning otherwise..

This site has a high profile on Dr.Anantheswaran..  I have sent a mail to him.And im also considering JB Ratti of vital clinic

Now i have almost decided not to have it from Lokesh Kumar.  I am not comfortable with his consultation.

He might be a great surgeon who knows.. but the way he talks without seriousness.. i dnt like it.

Offline D_lost_world

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@ All,

well the results have been fine.... i wont say its perfect..... but much better than what it was.... overall i am OK....

The bad thing is have got a lil bump on the left hand side.... but nothing which bothers me as of now.. the area over all is still a lil sensitive to touch....

@ Ganesh
Agreed with u that Dr Lokesh behaves a lil casual... but his profile is really impressive.... now its a call on u to go for him or not...

« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 03:31:14 PM by D_lost_world »

Offline D_lost_world

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Sorry for the late reply

1) For how long u were in the hospital? according to your post it seems that u get admitted and discharged the same day?
    Just one day--- morning till evening,

2) For how many days you are on off from ur daily work?
    3/4 days....

3) How much pain u feel after the surgery and now?
    no Pain --- the chest just feels heavy

4) and finally what is ur current state (satisfied with the results)?
    I would rate it at 7 or 8 out of 10... Its not perfect like the ones u call extemely flat chests.... after all its not my natural chest :-) .
    But over all i am happpy... i know longer have to think of hiding anything... i wear any t shirt i want.... so for now i am ok with the    results...


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