Author Topic: surgery in india  (Read 5079 times)

Offline banger

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i am going to india first week in may to get surgery, i will post up information once its done with before and after pictures.

I am a little concerned about something and wanted to ask.....

i been told by the dr.  i will be able to go home (back to hotel) the same day of the surgery & will need to return 2 days for a follow up etc. 

Want i want to know is- would it be okay to go travelling to goa from new delhi after the follow up or will i be in pain/bruise etc?

the dr. tells me the procedure is painless and miminal pain afterwards as he is using TUMESCENT TECHNIQUE (!?!)

any help, info, assistance would be really appreciated.

Offline jackanonymous

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yeah you'll probably be fine.
And here you can find out more about the tumescent technique ->
(warning-graphic pics)

Offline sasidon

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i am going to india first week in may to get surgery, i will post up information once its done with before and after pictures.

I am a little concerned about something and wanted to ask.....

i been told by the dr.  i will be able to go home (back to hotel) the same day of the surgery & will need to return 2 days for a follow up etc. 

Want i want to know is- would it be okay to go travelling to goa from new delhi after the follow up or will i be in pain/bruise etc?

the dr. tells me the procedure is painless and miminal pain afterwards as he is using TUMESCENT TECHNIQUE (!?!)

any help, info, assistance would be really appreciated.

how much are they charging?
**Surgery done @ Appollo chennai**
Surgeon : Dr K Ramachandran

Surgery exp :
Pics :
**Pretty happy with the results...**
"All you need is to be mentally strong with enough financial support...get them off"

Offline gyne_se_tang

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I am also planning to get the surgery done when I am back to India in August.  Do you know of good doctors in Mumbai and Goa region?
Looks like you are getting the surgery done from Delhi, how much is the doc charging you and did you find out if its safe to do air travel of 20 hours(India to US?) right after surgery??

Offline banger

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Jack, thanks for the info... and link.....

i am back in Uk now... had my glands removed and lipo too.... i even saw the nastiness afterwards.... i must say the whole thing was painless and i was awake during most of the procedure....... i think i felll asleep for a while.. but there was smoothing music, the doctor and his 2 assistants who operated on me for around 2.5 hours....

the cost 80k rupees around 900 uk pounds and 1800 us dollars... hich is nothing compared to the prices i was being told in uk... i had surgery on the saturday afternoon... went back to hotel to rent and the following day i went out walking and shopping... and on monday evening i went back to see my doctor to take out the bandages.... on tuesday morning i took a flight to goa and was doing everything i would normally do.. like ride a motorbike, go for a massage, sit in a steamroom... eat as i please ( and even smoke!)

my scars on the nipple have healed, the stitches disolve by themselfs so no going back to a doctor in the uk, i am please so far.. i know i have to wait for 3 months before seeing the final results... but i am so so so so so so glad i went to india, as it was a very nice experience and my doctor (Dr. ratti, Vital clinic, new delhi) was very good... explained everything and took his time too... his wife even showed me a presentation on laptop.... so they are professionals who work very hard, been at the game for over 16 years....

i would recommend anyone to india, you save a bomb, you have a wonderful experience and a holiday too... the food, people, places and weather was all perfect, there are some nice hotels which are cheap... i would not use the guest house.. but hotels like 'the hans' is very good and discounted rates over weekend as its more of a business weekday hotel...

if you want any info.. do let me know... go get it done.. it will change your life only for the better....

Offline a-monk

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hey banger..congratulations on your surgery man!
I'm from bombay and have been looking for the right surgeon for a few months now. Unfortunately, got no inputs on bombay surgeons from anybody on this site. After reading about your experience, I'm considering Dr.Ratti even though I'd have to go to Delhi. Just got a few questions:
- Did they remove your glands by excision? or just tumescent liposuction? I consulted a couple of doctors here in mumbai, one of them said I need both lipo and gland excision, the other said I only need gland excision without liposuction since my tissue is mostly glandular.
- Also, are you a smoker(cigs)? Well..I am. Would I have to stop smoking for a while before the surgery? How long?
- Are the bandages really bulky? Can they be easily hidden under your shirt? When do they come off?
- What did they say the recovery time would be before you could carry out all your daily activities including exercise?
Finally, I'd really appreciate it if you could post some before and after pictures! thanks...

Offline banger

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Did they remove your glands by excision? or just tumescent liposuction? I consulted a couple of doctors here in mumbai, one of them said I need both lipo and gland excision, the other said I only need gland excision without liposuction since my tissue is mostly glandular.
- Also, are you a smoker(cigs)? Well..I am. Would I have to stop smoking for a while before the surgery? How long?
- Are the bandages really bulky? Can they be easily hidden under your shirt? When do they come off?
- What did they say the recovery time would be before you could carry out all your daily activities including exercise?
Finally, I'd really appreciate it if you could post some before and after pictures! thanks...

hey monk,

i had both gland removal and also 150g of fat removed via lipo, i think you should get seem by someone else to be sure its just glands you need removing.. dr. ratti will see you for a consultation which cost 500 rupees... i got seen in the uk and knew what i needed...

i am a smoker.. and i was smoking right upto 3 hours before the surgery and even in the evening after surgery.. i guess this is bad as its best not to smoke.. but i guess we have to do what we got to do... i even went traveling 2 days later via plane and hired a motorbike in goa for 3 days.. no problem.. no pain, no blood...

bandage is not bulking.. its just cotton rolled around you chest area with a compression vest.. you take this off 2 days later.. and then its just the compression vest.. which you are given.. i would advise to get at least 3 or 4 of these.. as i only got 2 and had to order another 4 from which is a very good site.

i did go to the gym... but to sit in the steam room and have a shower.. today i went to the gym and did some cycling, running and also worked my biceps.. i didn't want to risk putting any pressure on my chest so stuck to exercises where i worked my arms and lets and also some sit ups..

the whole procedure is painless and you are awake, you get a few itching sensation afterwards but nothing a man can't handle....  as for the procedure, i had 2 smalls inserts on the side of each breast, where they took out the fat and also he cut a tiny line in my nipple  to take out the glands... the thread has already disappeared.. and its slowly forming shape, i will not know the end result until 3 months..

i did post some pictures on here, u need to search for my post.. its only the pre op pictures.. i still need to take new ones and put them up.. will do.. but i would prefer to email them.. so message me your email via personal message..

all the best..



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