Author Topic: TUMESCENT TECHNIQUE @ Vital Clinic in New Delhi????? anyone?  (Read 9648 times)

Offline banger

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Hello, i am planning on going to the vital clinic with Dr. JB Ratti,Cosmetic Surgeon in new delhi... i wanted to find out if anyone had gone with this place and if it is okay etc and how much you paid, the thing is they use a different procedure then the usual.. its called TUMESCENT LIPOPLASTY

Tumescent technique is done in the best surgery centers in the world.
The procedure is done entirely under TUMESCENT LOCAL ANAESTHESIA (only the
chest area is made numb and you, while being fully awake, do not feel any
pain during surgery). This makes the surgery extremely safe.
The entire surgery is done through very minute cuts, placed in hidden areas,
which are hardly noticeable after few months.
Tumescent technique makes the surgery virtually BLOODLESS (no bleeding).
Tumescent technique makes the surgery completely PAINLESS (no pain)
You may go home immediately after surgery when it is done by the TUMESCENT
No drainage tubes are required
There will be early return to normal activities after surgery

can you tell me if its okay and it the results are better etc...

any info is appreciated.

thank you

Offline desi

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its liposuction, technically speaking.

there are diff types of liposuction techniques, power assisted, etc..etc.. all techniques target fat and not the gland. you need to have excision combined with lipo..
Formerly, 'Fattgayee', as in 'Torn Apart' or more so 'I am Screwed' :)

Offline bloregynacomastia

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 Fully agree with desi . No matter how small your glands are, you will need excision + lipo . Because if you leave the gland there and do the lipo, U will have unever contours on your chest it will look crumpled and the gland may look more obvious when all the surrounding and shape-supporting fat is sucked out.

My request is for people to avoid small clinics.Unless they are fully equipped and the surgeon has a track record it is not advisable. Else you are Guinea pigging your own body dude.

Doctors are human beings who devoted years of study to medicine. But they are still human beings like you and me. Now would you trust every human being you meet? same with doctors.Ppl think that a doctor is near God or something and believe any crap he says...BE ALERT Be wise.

FYI, my neighbour lost his mother because their life long family doctor misdiagnosed a cancerous  lumpy swelling in her breast as just a normal swelling. 4 months later she went to Mallya hospital and was diagnosed with full blown carcinoma. Her long trusted family doctor who was expert with cough cold and fever medication was not competent enough to diagnose cancer and was the cause of her death.Just because she trusted his expertise beyond doubt. Blind faith.... Be careful  dear people ,it can cost a persons life and more.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 12:35:24 AM by bloregynacomastia »

Offline goodmorningusa

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Hey good question about the right doctor in Delhi.
I got mine done from delhi too... flew down to NEW DELHI a year back after getting in touch with some really good doctor: Dr Ratti.
I went on a shopping spree over the internet and also all over delhi to find the right clinic. Most of them are just wannabes and some just scamming especially since some of the places like Vital Clinic at new delhi came up with the first tumescent technique. They're by far the best and the genuinely authentic ones (probably the only ones). I recommend only their clinic. The price is peanuts compared to that in the US and the doctors there are super specialized too. They have more than 12 to 16 years of experience in the field and were really very helpful in the post surgical consultation too.

No exceptions, if you're going to get lipo, male breast  etc done... esp in india, Delhi is the place to go. its the capital of india too and the place go in delhi is Vital Clinic... Ask for Dr Ratti and his wife.

And yeah while you're at it, ask the doctors to give you 6 pack abs too. They just came up with this really amazing technique to bring out your 6 packs and 2 packs in women. i think they are the only ones doing it in india. No questions asked, just refer to and get in touch with Dr Ratti. There will be no regrets later, you'll get the best in the field.

- cheerio

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