Author Topic: Compression garment?  (Read 3724 times)

Offline yet-another

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I have read through a few of these posts and am realizing that I may have strayed away from the recommended compression routine.  I am 1 week post-op from lypo only.  I wore the vest they gave me the day of surgery (the one that is fastened by velcro).  The next day and since I have worn a relatively tight spandex type shirt. 

Did I screw up?  Should I have worn the other vest for longer?  Is me wearing this spandex type shirt going to effect the final results.  Should I change anything right now?  The nurse said that this shirt was fine, but the doctor himself never saw it.

Thank you very much.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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At a minimum, I recommend that my patients wear a firm compression garment for at least 3-4 weeks after surgery -- and longer if possible.

Then you could consider moving to a firm, spandex-type shirt.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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I have read through a few of these posts and am realizing that I may have strayed away from the recommended compression routine.  I am 1 week post-op from lypo only.  I wore the vest they gave me the day of surgery (the one that is fastened by velcro).  The next day and since I have worn a relatively tight spandex type shirt. 

Did I screw up?  Should I have worn the other vest for longer?  Is me wearing this spandex type shirt going to effect the final results.  Should I change anything right now?  The nurse said that this shirt was fine, but the doctor himself never saw it.

Thank you very much.

After Gynecomastia Surgery Chest Compression can really help minimize pain, swelling, and help with healing.

A spandex shirt offers very little compression.  Totally inadequate for right after surgery to stabilize and protect early healing tissues. A First Stage Compression Garment is far superior.  I prefer to individualize the timing for wearing the first stage garment for each of my patients.  One day is nowhere enough. 

The spandex shirt also will not help with adequate scar compression. A Second Stage Compression Garment is much better but too dangerous to use right after the operation.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia

Offline yet-another

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Thanks for the replies!  I broke down last night and purchased the $100 dollar stage 1 compression vest.  I'm having it overnight shipped and will begin using it as soon as it arrives.  In the meantime I have gone back to my original compression shirt, which I would say is basically a stage 2 vest.  It is definitely a little difficult getting on and off.  Tighter than the spandex shirt for sure. 

I hope I haven't screwed anything up to bad by not wearing the stage 1 vest the first week.  How much longer should I wear the stage 1 vest?  I am now 8 days post-op. 


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