Author Topic: I Think Im giving up the fight!!!  (Read 1893 times)

Offline cduub

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Hey Doc's I went in for surgery today just to get told my blood pressure was to high :( Any thoughts on this? I feel like im loosing this fight that ive been trying to win for so long.....

Offline DrPensler

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I do not know any of the aspects of your medical history.From my limited perspective I can only say that while surgery for gynecomastia is extremely important and can have a tremendous positive impact on your life, the surgery is not emergency surgery. It would be beyond foolish to fail to maximize the patient's health in order to minimize any significant risks prior to surgery.
Jay M. Pensler,M.D.
680 North Lake Shore Drive
suite 1125
Chicago,Illinois 60611
(312) 642-7777

Offline cduub

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Well I just saw my Dr today and my blood pressure is fine  :'( For some reason it was high for surgery now he has to monitor it for a week (another push back)!!!! In order for me to get a letter of clearance to have my surgery. Im getting sick of this!! Has any Dr on this forum dealt with a similar case to this?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You probably have labile hypertension, meaning it goes up and down.  Having high blood pressure going into surgery is not a good idea -- it should be controlled and in a normal range.  It would be best if you would see your physician and have the BP checked a few times.  If it is consistently on the high side, then he may want to start you on anti-hypertensive medication.

Dr. Pensler is absolutely correct -- gyne surgery is elective surgery and you want to have all positive factors on your side before you go into the operating room.

And yes, I have cancelled elective surgery in the past when a patient's BP was too high.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline DrPensler

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I have a friend who is afraid of doctors and he becomes so nervous when they measure his blood pressure that it is almost always elevated,along with his heart rate.When he calms down which takes about an hour his pulse rate and blood pressure normalize.So if someone gets nervous about surgery they can certainly bump up their blood pressure in the preop area.If this is a consistent problem you might go in a day or two before surgery just to have a blood pressure taken to document that when nerves are not an issue your pressure is  fine.


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