I took propecia a couple of years ago, and have had some slight growth in my chest area; with some of the tissue being mostly firm. I can also feel some slight lumps when I lay down, and press my skin between my fingers. These seem to come and go.
The gyno does not center around my nipple, nor is there really anything around my nipple within maybe an inch or so. It protrudes from my armpit, and extends outward to my nipple. It is probably 3/4" or so around my armpit, and about 1/16" deep or so around my nipple area.
The gyno feels more or less tender at certain times, and there are definitely things that can make it feel worse with some slight discomfort (I would not call it pain at all)....such as: ejaculation, less than 9 hrs of sleep, alcohol, exercise, going too long without food, it being later at night, etc. I touched on most of this in a longer post in my thread, which also included some photos. Link to thread with photos:
https://www.gynecomastia.org/smf/1/gyno-one-doctor-says-no-one-says-get-checked-out-immediately/I can feel the gyno getting worse, and can feel many other symptoms that all come and go. I have had this going on for a couple years now, and although some symptoms have disappeared, others have not. The gyno has slowly worsened.
Given the very noticeable changes throughout the course of the day, is it possible that my hormones are still out of wack? If so, how can I possibly fight this? It seems like exercise makes things worse, but it is hard to tell.
Here is some recent bloodwork. I am a 30 year old male:
Testosterone, Total: 628 (241 to 827 ng/dl)
Testosterone, Free: 11.2 (8.7 to 25.1 pg/ml)
DHT: 46 (16 to 79 ng/dl)
Estradiol: 37.1 (<=39.8 pg/mL)
Cortisol, serum(9am): 23.24 ug/dl (4.3 to 22.4, AM range)
SHBG: 53 (11 to 56nmol/L)
Do any of these results seem out of wack? It seems as if Free T is a bit low, Estradiol a tad high, cortisol a tad high, and SHBG a tad high. Given that the gyno is not terrible, but it is very troublesome, does this make sense? These tests are in the morning, on a day when I was feeling slightly better. I am always worse at night.