Author Topic: Regrowth after surgery - questions.  (Read 2226 times)

Offline wrh90

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I have already had two gynecomastia surgeries - 1 major with gland removal/lipo that gave me good results for 3 years and 1 revision very recently that aimed to address regrowth in one of the pecs (doctor removed gland the size of a pea).

My questions are as follow:

After the revision, I never really had a flat pec again, either it was really swollen or scar tissue was present. It has been over 3 months and the scar tissue has decreased substantially in size but the breast has continued to grow. I have noticed a few new lumps and can't understand whether it is more scar tissue or more gland regrowth. Can scar tissue still continue to form 3 months after a minor revision surgery?

My chest was perfect for three years until I mistakenly tried my friend's THC spray thinking it was breath freshener. After that day, the itchiness began and my right pec grew gland again forcing me to go for a revision. Aside from this, I don't take drugs of any kind and am an active 25 year old.  I have never had hormonal tests but is it possible to be that sensitive to something that a small spray can onset breast growth? If so, could consumption of alcohol be also contributing to my gynecomastia? I ask because up until two weeks ago prior to a night of heavy drinking, my recovery was looking good, it seemed like the swelling was almost gone and I started to look normal again. However, after that night, the breast grew and the nipple has become really puffy?

I am beginning to suspect that I may have some type of hormonal imbalance that is causing this regrowth and activities such as drinking or even just refraining from exercise cause my estrogen levels to elevate. How can something like this be identified or treated? Does a permanent fix exist for individuals with this type of condition?

I have an upcoming follow-up with my surgeon and will express all my concerns to him. However, in the interim I believe that your answers to my questions may relieve me of some stress I am currently undergoing. I look forward to your responses and can provide more information if needed.


Offline wrh90

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I can understand that what I posted above may be a lot to read, but would really appreciate some input.


Offline DrPensler

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I know there are numerous lay descriptions of "regrowth after surgery". As a surgeon it is always difficult to respond to these for the following reasons. Regrowth is exceedingly rare,not sort of rare its exceedingly rare. By regrowth I mean new growth of glandular tissue. I am not talking about gaining weight and existing fat cells increasing in size. Scar occurs after any surgery and is a bit unpredictable. What most patients are talking about after surgery is typically not scar but a small resolving hematoma or a piece of avascularized necrotic fat that is being resorbed by the body.THC and gynecomastia links are far from clearly established.
See your surgeon and see what he/she has to say and report back.
Jay M. Pensler,M.D.
680 North Lake Shore Drive
suite 1125
Chicago,Illinois 60611
(312) 642-7777

Offline wrh90

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Thanks for the reply Dr. Pensler

I did have a follow-up with my surgeon and he was in agreement that one pec was bigger than the other. However, he mentioned that after four months, it still could be scar tissue that is healing. He asked me to come back after 3-4 months if it doesn't resolve and we can talk about options. 

I'm optimistic that maybe it does go away - I really don't want to have a third procedure. I'll keep everyone posted. 

One question that I do have is, why after a night of drinking does the gyno or swelling look a lot bigger?


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