Author Topic: SEVERAL HARD LUMPS ALL OVER BODY  (Read 5554 times)

Offline uknowd81

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I am a male 30 years old no history of any serious health problems. I have had many hard lumps all over my body about 12 or 13. They range in size but none are bigger than a quarter. I have one located on my left breast right above the nipple, 4 in a cluster under my left rib cage on my abdomen area 2 really close together under my right breast in the crease where my right breast stops and 3 up the right side of my back, and one under each arm close to the bottem of my rib cage. They roll around between my fingers but all are really hard lumps. I've had several docs look at and feel them but none seem concerned or know what they are. Just recently like 3 weeks ago I started getting a numbing and tingling sensation in the middle of my back that's getting worse. I have had some for a few years and a few others just poped up. I've had a lot of blood work done and rays taken even MRI and lumbar puncthur and all is normal. I don't have insurance but I work full time and they won't do a biopsy because no insurance. Do you think I should be concerned? What kind of cancer acts like this, is there any that can cause this many lumps in so many diverse places? Would they have found something in all the test the ran if it was something like cancer? I'm horrified I just got married and had a son I'm trying really hard to get some insurance. Any advise please I can't get a straight answer? Thank you!!!

Offline Litlriki

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It is impossible for any of us to say what's going on, though in a 30-year-old male who is otherwise healthy with lumps of the sort you're describing, my suspicion would be that they are lipomas, which are small fatty tumors.  They are usually benign, and they are fairly common.  Ask other members of your family if anyone has had one before.  In some patients who have a lot of them, they will sometimes have another member of the family who also had them.  Blood and other tests won't tell you anything if they are lipomas.  By the time you've spent all of your money on the tests, you probably could have bought health insurance!

Rick Silverman
Dr. Silverman, M.D.
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
29 Crafts Street
Suite 370
Newton, MA 02458

Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery


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