Author Topic: FINALLY HAD SURGERY WITH DR Sue Thistlethwaite  (Read 3500 times)

Offline Gynoboy11

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Hi all,

This is my story. After years and years of having gynecomastia i eventually had surgery on 27/01/2010.
I arrived to Linley Clinic at 7.15am and waited to about 30 mins to get into the room which i was going to be staying in for the day. I met the nurses, anesthesias for the first time, they talked me through what was going to happens throughout the day and then Sue came in and drew on my chest to indicate what areas to work on. They are all very nice people.

At around 10:00am i was called to go in to surgery and because i hate needles i had told the anesthesias to put me to sleep using the gas and after 3 breaths i was out. i woke up and i was in my room trying to wake myself up but my eyes kept shutting, so i just gave up and went to sleep. A few hours later the nurse gave me some biscuits and something to drink followed by some jelly.

I hadn't felt any pain. A few hours later Sue came in and told the nurses to pull the drains out and this is the part that i was dreading about the whole time. To be honest with you i didn't feel a thing. the nurse looked at me and said all done and i told her are you serious. The key to the operation is to clip or shave your chest and arm pits otherwise you will be in pain when they remove the tape  off the drain tubes. Sue had told me that she usually removes 50grams of breast tissue on average but she said in my case that it was a few hundred grams and it had a peek and it looks WOW!!

I arrived to the hotel at around 7:00pm, it was a long day. I felt sorry for my fiance waiting there from the morning.
I feared this day for a long time thats what put me off this operation but it is no where near as bad as everyone thinks.

I will hopefully post some piks up when can move around a little bit more.

If you have and questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you to all for giving me their feedback over the past year of so.

Thank you

Offline zyron420

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hey could you tell me about the total costs involved please.thanks

Offline Gynoboy11

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Surgeon: $3500

Anesthesias: $1000

Linley Clinic: $2389


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