Author Topic: My Surgery with Dr Timothy Hewitt, Perth W.A.  (Read 20226 times)

Offline V8R

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Hi guys,

Just wanted to write about my great experience with Dr Hewitt as I have been a long time lurker here.

I am 21 y.o. and had Gyne in both 'breasts' although it wasn't severe it was noticeable enough that made me not take off my shirt during most of my teenage years! I thought it was time that I did something so that I can enjoy my youth and I decided to do some research. There is very little information here about any Surgeons in Perth W.A. and I strongly believe this will hopefully benefit MANY current and future lurkers who visit this board who live in Perth.

I did A LOT of research I had a budget of $8,000 and rung around to every single registered Plastic Surgeon in W.A. D. Hewitt had the best 'rate' for the surgery then any Plastic Surgeon in W.A. and he also had a lot of information about Gyno on his website which prompted me to get a referral from my GP to see Dr. Hewitt. I saw Dr.Hewitt 14 days before my surgery at my consultation he was extremely helpful, honest and I felt very comfortable talking to him about my problem. He showed me some before and after pictures which looked great and I quizzed him about how he would go about the Surgery to make sure he isn't one of those PS that just use Lipo, he wasn't to my excitement he replied back with everything I wanted to hear which was Excision of the glands followed my Liposuction, he also told me about the importance of leaving a very small amount of gland to prevent the nipple collapsing which was great - this gave me confidence to proceed with the surgery!

Here I am exactly 9 days after the surgery and I am extremely ecstatic with my results - even though there is some swelling not a single complication or anything! He didn't even have to use drainages which I was afraid off! Honestly I was expecting to be in a world of pain post surgery however I was NOT and have not been to this day apart from being very sore, terrific! After the surgery he came to visit me at my bed to talk about surgery (the nurses were surprised a surgeon did this! haha) he told me he took out as much as he could and he sure did, I have never except prior to puberty had such a flat chest. It's perfectly contoured like a normal chest ought to be and there is absolutely no issue with concave nipples and all that other crap that can go wrong, nipples look great during animation!

Total Costs

Surgeons Fees: $3000
Anesthetist: $1200
Hospital (including bed, day case): $1247
Garment: $103
TOTAL: 5550

This was extremely, bloody good value! And the cool thing about this I know my result is going to get even better in the coming months!

Offline amyo

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Hey thanks, this is some really great information. I am in Perth too, and am looking at getting the surgery done.
I went to Dr Briggs originally, several months ago, but simply could not afford him (he quoted me $7000 just for his fees alone, thats $3500 per side. and thats before hopsital/anasthesia fees etc).

So to hear someone will do both sides potentially for $3000 is music to my ears. A few follow up questions though.

1) What extent was your gyno? Was it pretty much just puffy nipples? Thats what I'm dealing with, puffy nipples, with a slight little blob of fat/gland tissue behind it. And so now when you look at it, does it essentially look like a completely normal chest? with no breast-like appearance or wierdness at all? Also, were there plenty of before/after pics of people with just small gyno (ie puffy nipples)? Dr Briggs didn't have any before/after pics of people who looked the same as mine.

2) Glad to hear that Dr Hewitt knows his stuff and removes the gland as well as lipo on the fat (i definitely have a lot of gland tissue in there). Was wondering what method he used to remove it? Was it an incision around the bottom of the nipple? or from the side? and how big is the scar from the incision.

3) Timing is also going to be an issue for me. This is something I have always been keen to have done, but never got around to it yet. I was in no rush and to be honest was putting it off because I was so scared of it. However, I have now been offered  chance to do some travelling, and will get to travel all around the world over the next 2 years if i accept. A lot of it is in very beachy places though (ie the Carribbean) and at this point i am too embarrassed to take my shirt off for long periods of time. So i would really need to get this done ASAP. Its a great opportunity and i know I will enjoy it so much more if I can get the surgery before I go. It sounds like you said it was only 2 weeks between your initial consultation and surgery. Is this correct? That would be brilliant. Did it take you long to get an appointment with Doctor Hewitt? If I could actually be in surgery a few weeks from today, then I could probably get it done before I go away.

4) also, was wondering what hospital you stayed in, where Dr Hewitts practice is located, and any other info you think might be useful for me.

Thanks again for the post.

Offline V8R

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Hey thanks, this is some really great information. I am in Perth too, and am looking at getting the surgery done.
I went to Dr Briggs originally, several months ago, but simply could not afford him (he quoted me $7000 just for his fees alone, thats $3500 per side. and thats before hopsital/anasthesia fees etc).

So to hear someone will do both sides potentially for $3000 is music to my ears. A few follow up questions though.

1) What extent was your gyno? Was it pretty much just puffy nipples? Thats what I'm dealing with, puffy nipples, with a slight little blob of fat/gland tissue behind it. And so now when you look at it, does it essentially look like a completely normal chest? with no breast-like appearance or wierdness at all? Also, were there plenty of before/after pics of people with just small gyno (ie puffy nipples)? Dr Briggs didn't have any before/after pics of people who looked the same as mine.

2) Glad to hear that Dr Hewitt knows his stuff and removes the gland as well as lipo on the fat (i definitely have a lot of gland tissue in there). Was wondering what method he used to remove it? Was it an incision around the bottom of the nipple? or from the side? and how big is the scar from the incision.

3) Timing is also going to be an issue for me. This is something I have always been keen to have done, but never got around to it yet. I was in no rush and to be honest was putting it off because I was so scared of it. However, I have now been offered  chance to do some travelling, and will get to travel all around the world over the next 2 years if i accept. A lot of it is in very beachy places though (ie the Carribbean) and at this point i am too embarrassed to take my shirt off for long periods of time. So i would really need to get this done ASAP. Its a great opportunity and i know I will enjoy it so much more if I can get the surgery before I go. It sounds like you said it was only 2 weeks between your initial consultation and surgery. Is this correct? That would be brilliant. Did it take you long to get an appointment with Doctor Hewitt? If I could actually be in surgery a few weeks from today, then I could probably get it done before I go away.

4) also, was wondering what hospital you stayed in, where Dr Hewitts practice is located, and any other info you think might be useful for me.

Thanks again for the post.

I had minor Gyno mate however it did distort the way my chest looked as it sorted of pulled my nipples lower than where someones nipples with the same bodyfat % would be. I did not have round breasts or anything severe like that but I can tell you that Dr Hewitt removed 600ml in total of fat from both sides (300~ml each) excluding the gland which I think was around 35grams each. He did have before and after pictures from memory there was one other person he showed me with about the same amount of gland but less fat, either way I was satisfied with the before and after pictures. And yeah I always had puffy nipples prior to surgery now post surgery they're always small, no more puffyness which alone is farken kick ass!

Dr. Hewitt makes an incision at the bottom of the areola the cut is nearly a 180 degree around the bottom if you know what I mean, typical size for the type of incision. He removed the gland through here he ALSO makes two very small incisions under the armpits each for the liposuction, his reasoning for this he told me is it lets him get at area evenly and produces a better result. Don't freak out the cuts are so small will fade away in some months time.  

The only thing I had to wait for ages was getting an appointment to see Dr Hewitt I am not sure if it was because the time of the year (January) or what but I had to wait almost 25 days so I urge you to call ASAP to get the earliest time possible for your consultation. Try get a referral from your GP too see Dr Hewitt specifically it gives you back $70 back from the consultation fee and you can claim about $800 worth of the total via Medicare if you have no private insurance. Oh and yes I had to wait 14 days after the consultation to get the surgery done, just ask for the earlier slot and perhaps ask them to phone you if anyone cancels as the secretaries there are extremely nice and helpful.

Dr Hewitts office is at St John of God Hospital and he does all his surgeries literally a walk down the hallway from his office to the theatre wing.

Man get this done ASAP you will have such an amazing time on your holiday with this 'baggage' gone for ever you like me where so restricted by this bullshit Gyne crap it's time to act you won't look back!

Offline amyo

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OK so I just rang Dr Hewitt's office. Booked in for a consultation on March 11. And theres a surgery slot open for March 28 which hopefully I can get. Fingers crossed.

Offline thezombie

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all the best amyo
thats a bloody good price..

hey vbr .. did u get lipo + gland removal done?
My Before and After :

Offline V8R

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all the best amyo
thats a bloody good price..

hey vbr .. did u get lipo + gland removal done?

Yeah that's right excision of the gland followed by Liposuction.

Offline amyo

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OK so I have been in for my consultation and was very happy with what I heard. Dr Hewitt really took the time to explain everything from what gynecomastia is, what causes it, and the surgery. I couldnt have asked for more information. He showed me lots of before and after pics, even ones from people with all different kinds of gyno and people of different sizes and shapes, just to give me a good understanding of the different forms it can take and the differences between different people with gyno.

Anyway, I was very happy with what Dr Hewitt said and showed me so I have booked myself in for the surgery.
I got the same price, $3000. Plus $1200 for the aneasthatist.

They were very helpful in booking me in too. I told them I needed to get this done quickly and they were able to work around the dates i gave them. I am going in for the surgery on Wednesday the 23rd of March, and I'll give an update after that.

Also, yes the receptionists at Dr Hewitts office are extremely friendly and helpful in organising the payments, asking questions, and just generally helping me throughout the process. Obviously I haven't actually had the surgery yet, which is clearly going to be the biggest factor in how I will feel about all this, but so far it is going perfectly.

Oh, also V8R, was hoping to get an update on how your situation is going now. Its been a few weeks since you had your surgery done. How is it feeling and looking? Is it all pretty much healed up now? are you happy with the results? Does it still hurt and are you able to do exercise/lifting etc?

Offline V8R

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OK so I have been in for my consultation and was very happy with what I heard. Dr Hewitt really took the time to explain everything from what gynecomastia is, what causes it, and the surgery. I couldnt have asked for more information. He showed me lots of before and after pics, even ones from people with all different kinds of gyno and people of different sizes and shapes, just to give me a good understanding of the different forms it can take and the differences between different people with gyno.

Anyway, I was very happy with what Dr Hewitt said and showed me so I have booked myself in for the surgery.
I got the same price, $3000. Plus $1200 for the aneasthatist.

They were very helpful in booking me in too. I told them I needed to get this done quickly and they were able to work around the dates i gave them. I am going in for the surgery on Wednesday the 23rd of March, and I'll give an update after that.

Also, yes the receptionists at Dr Hewitts office are extremely friendly and helpful in organising the payments, asking questions, and just generally helping me throughout the process. Obviously I haven't actually had the surgery yet, which is clearly going to be the biggest factor in how I will feel about all this, but so far it is going perfectly.

Oh, also V8R, was hoping to get an update on how your situation is going now. Its been a few weeks since you had your surgery done. How is it feeling and looking? Is it all pretty much healed up now? are you happy with the results? Does it still hurt and are you able to do exercise/lifting etc?

I'm really happy for you mate awesome to hear that you've booked.

I started lifting two weeks ago, recovery has been exceptional and I healed up very quickly without any issues. I'm thrilled with my results. I am still wearing the compression vest though and I recommend you buy one too as I know Hewitt won't really recommend it but I reckon it's really helped me as my skin tightness is just that tight as looks mint.

Offline amyo

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I'm really happy for you mate awesome to hear that you've booked.

I started lifting two weeks ago, recovery has been exceptional and I healed up very quickly without any issues. I'm thrilled with my results. I am still wearing the compression vest though and I recommend you buy one too as I know Hewitt won't really recommend it but I reckon it's really helped me as my skin tightness is just that tight as looks mint.

awesome. thanks man. I'm hoping im really happy with my results too.
thanks a lot dude. if you hadnt made this thread i wouldnt have known about Dr Hewitt and probably wouldnt have got this done.
Now just fingers crossed that everything goes well and i get rid of this once and for all.

Offline amyo

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An update for anyone insterested, its been 2 weeks since the surgery and im healing up nicely. I'm pretty happy with the results. Its not 100% perfect, but it is improved immensly. The nipple on the right hand side is now perfectly flat, although the rest of that side of the chest could maybe have had slightly more taken out to smooth the appearance. Left side, the chest is fine but the nipple could maN'T ybe have a slight bit more taken out, it is VERY SLIGHTLY puffy around the edges still but overall much improved. I know Dr Hewitt goes by the philosophy of better safe than sorry, you can always have a second operation to take more out, whereas its very hard to fix if you take too much out. I can't have another operation as i dont have the time but yeah, i dont know that i would bother having a second one anyway as it is so much improved already.

Also, with regards to the cost, this whole thing turned out to be AMAZINGLY cheap. Heres the breakdown.
Keep in mind, I do have private health insurance with HBF, but it is not some super expensive one. It is just their bare-bones minimum policy, the "Singles Super-Saver" plan or something.

Original consultation was around $160 (roughly, dont remember the exact price). However you can get $70 back if you have a referral from a GP. I DIDN'T have a referral but Dr Hewitt rang a Dr friend of his and got them to do me one up, so i ended up getting the $70 back anyway.
So it only cost me $90 after the refund.

Cost of Surgery was $3000, which I had to pay up front. However, I then got $670 back from Medicare, plus another $205 back from my private health fund HBF. So it was only about $2100 out of pocket. Plus i also wanted to get 3 moles removed, which Dr Hewitt threw in for free!

Aneasthatist fee was $1200, but they sent this directly to HBF and i didnt have to pay a thing.

The fee for the hospital was also sent directly to HBF, and I just had to pay a check-in fee of about $80.

So at the end of the day, in total, after all the rebates, it only cost me about $2300, and that included having some moles removed.

Offline V8R

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An update for anyone insterested, its been 2 weeks since the surgery and im healing up nicely. I'm pretty happy with the results. Its not 100% perfect, but it is improved immensly. The nipple on the right hand side is now perfectly flat, although the rest of that side of the chest could maybe have had slightly more taken out to smooth the appearance. Left side, the chest is fine but the nipple could maN'T ybe have a slight bit more taken out, it is VERY SLIGHTLY puffy around the edges still but overall much improved. I know Dr Hewitt goes by the philosophy of better safe than sorry, you can always have a second operation to take more out, whereas its very hard to fix if you take too much out. I can't have another operation as i dont have the time but yeah, i dont know that i would bother having a second one anyway as it is so much improved already.

Also, with regards to the cost, this whole thing turned out to be AMAZINGLY cheap. Heres the breakdown.
Keep in mind, I do have private health insurance with HBF, but it is not some super expensive one. It is just their bare-bones minimum policy, the "Singles Super-Saver" plan or something.

Original consultation was around $160 (roughly, dont remember the exact price). However you can get $70 back if you have a referral from a GP. I DIDN'T have a referral but Dr Hewitt rang a Dr friend of his and got them to do me one up, so i ended up getting the $70 back anyway.
So it only cost me $90 after the refund.

Cost of Surgery was $3000, which I had to pay up front. However, I then got $670 back from Medicare, plus another $205 back from my private health fund HBF. So it was only about $2100 out of pocket. Plus i also wanted to get 3 moles removed, which Dr Hewitt threw in for free!

Aneasthatist fee was $1200, but they sent this directly to HBF and i didnt have to pay a thing.

The fee for the hospital was also sent directly to HBF, and I just had to pay a check-in fee of about $80.

So at the end of the day, in total, after all the rebates, it only cost me about $2300, and that included having some moles removed.

Hey mate good to hear!

2 weeks after surgery you're going to still have A LOT of swelling. I had minor swelling until around week 6 only now around week 9 am I seeing the complete and finished result, couldn't be happier.

So give it another 5 weeks for more of the swelling to go down.

P.S. yeah that's bloody good value mate!

Offline obie2303

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Just curious mate, how long did you have to have off work?

Offline sidewinder

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After many years of suffering from this (18 years) i have finally bitten the bullet and went and saw Dr Hewitt for a consult and subsequently booked in for surgery.

Couldn't be happier with the process so far, in terms of the way things have been run in the office, the meet and greet and consult with Tim, the likely outcomes etc.

Bit nervous re the actual surgery part, but not sure if because not had any surgery before or it is the weight lifting of my shoulders from carrying this around with me for so long!!!

How was your recoveries? Any regrets?


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