Author Topic: 11 months post op  (Read 2209 times)

Offline billygoat21

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I'm 11 months post op with fielding....i have to admit there has been improvement but I still have a huge LOOKS kinda more like pecs then man boobs now but it just doesn't look right at all....with shirt on or off. When he took the vest off after the 2 weeks i was flat as a board and then it slowly began to swell up and it has never gone back down...i can only presume that it is just swelling. one side more swollen then the other. been feeling more bummed out about it recently as its coming up to 1 year and i guess i have come to the realization that it's not going to fix itself.

Offline Idlewild

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Swelling can take a long time to go down, months even. Possibly try diuretics, eliminating salt (retains water), or a low-carbohydrate diet(also retains water)? Since a low-carb diet can be high in salt, in my experience I would say that it is more effective than the eliminating salt route. Also, a topical solution containing caffeine would help draw out the water on your chest but you would have to do some real sweating exercise for it to work well. One topical that I used when I thought my gynecomastia was pseudo was Yohimburn. It has caffeine and yohimbine in it which helps you burn stubborn fat in that area and reduces water for faster aesthetic results. I was skeptical about a "fat-loss cream" but yohimbine merely allows the fat to be mobilized as free fatty acids, allowing you to burn them better. So you still have to do consistent exercise. It was very effective for me and allowed me to see right out that my gyno was gland related, it was as if the gland was stretching against the skin.

Good luck!


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