Author Topic: Calgary:Perron or Haugard?  (Read 3613 times)

Offline Travelincook

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Hello.. first post on this site.. I'm 24,6'0" and 220 lbs definetly not all muscle! I can remember having gynecomastia ever since puberty and most doctors have said it's not overwhelming though it is there. It's definetly noticeable but I've never really ever been made fun of and have some what in my mind seem unattainable girlfriends! Which I would blame on charm more than looks ;D!

Anyways I have to get rid of this before I go nuts, I can't look in a mirror unless I push 'them' up against me to wonder what it would be like with a flat chest... Now the dilemma, I want this to be done well and have heard that Perron is an awesome doctor but have heard alot of people going to Haugard but I've never read any post ops from him, which could be a good thing... anyways anyone know which PS to go?

Offline Calg-puffed

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Hey.  My advice is book a consult with both of them.  That's what I did.  I'm going to see Perron on Feb 6th, and Haugrud on March 21st.  They both belong to the University of Calgary plastic surgery faculty.  Haugrud is listed as a breast reconstructionist, so it looks like he specializes in it.  Perron is listed under general aesthetic plastic surgery.  I spoke to one of the receptionists at Perron's office who said that her brother had it done by him last September and is very happy with his results.  Her brother does a lot of water sports so he is happy with his shirt off as well.

The only difference is that with Haugrud the surgery is 100% covered by Alberta Health Care whereas Perron charges the amount (around $2700) to you.  I don't think there would be much of a difference in the quality of their work.  Neither have any before or after pictures of gynecomastia correction surgery, and the reason I'm told, by both of them, is that they consider it such a minor surgery, and also because results are standard for almost all of their patients, they come in with moobs and they leave with a flat chest. (of course they didn't use the term moobs tho).

Good luck and phone them quick because it takes a while to get a consult... they're very busy.

Offline Travelincook

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Hey man, thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. I think I read on another post what you have said about Perron (not many before after pics, and not many people going back because of bad surgery). I did not know the same went for Haugard, makes me feel a little more at ease.

Offline Calg-puffed

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No worries.  Have you phoned them yet?  How long are they taking to book consults now?  Ask to get on the cancellation list.  They won't put you on unless you ask.  My consult with Perron was going to be months and months down the road, but a cancellation came up so I got in.

Good luck!

Offline Travelincook

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Well I phoned Haugard last month and they booked me for april.. if Perron and Haugard have both satisfied customers i may as well just stick with Haugard. I work at camp so the date in april is good. Besides I want to have the operation by july (hopefully) I'm trying to get into better shape for it and have a 6 month plan... how did yours turn out?

Offline Travelincook

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oops sorry I guess you haven't had the operation yet.. let me know what Perron says if anything different then Haugard

Offline Calg-puffed

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I'll definitely keep yall posted as to what I hear from both of them.  Meeting with Perron is in 10 days.  I can't wait to get this done.

Offline outshined

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hey guys.. just seen haugard last week and i'm booked!.. they gave me a time frame of 6 - 9 months which should be just in time for my south america trip and the end of the year :)

and yes he also said its covered by AHC.. its nice to find value in the 100s of dollars ive been spending on AHC and only using it thus far for the flu lol

Offline EDMGyno24

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Just got on this site, I'm going to call Dr. Haugars's office tomorrow to book a consault, Let us know how your consult goes outshined.


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