Author Topic: Free Surgery in NWT  (Read 2628 times)

Offline Northern

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Hey all.

I first read this site about a year ago. I was sick to death of looking at my own chest and being embaressed and ashamed.

After doing a google search, I came across this site, and thats when I decided to bite the bullet and just have surgery. ( i had thought about it often, but not having any real information, I didnt even know if it could be done)  

After asking my health plan, various health nurses and such, I was sure I would have to travel to Alberta to get the proceedure done.  VERY expensive when you consider a flight down and back is almost $1000.00 just to get a cosult. and then the cost od the operation itself.

after booking an appointment with my local doctor to discuss it with him, I was shocked to find out that not only do they have surgeons who can do this come up here, it is also completely cpvered by my NWT health care plan! (why couldnt they answer that when I asked?)
So, after waiting 4 months, only to have the surgery canceled 2 days before, and then waiting another 2 months. here I am, about 7 hours away from the operation and im too excited to sleep!

If you live in the NWt, and you have this like me, go talk to your doctor. its free and then can do it right here!

Offline Raven

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Nice!! Good old Canadian Health Care, you just can't beat it.
Best of luck with your surgery Northern!

Offline Northern

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Ok. just a heads up. surgery is all finished. very little pain today. just when I raise my arms and stuff. (mostly what i expected)

it seems so amazing to look down and see a flat chest.  I can hardly wait till tomorrow when I get my follow up and get to see myself without the compression badages.

Offline Achilles

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Congrats on your surgery!

Offline finallygotitdone

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hey northern , i had my surgery done in yellowknife , it has only been four days since my surgery and i am happy not to see moobs anymore . i am still healing (obviously) and have drainage tubes sticking out of me, which are going to be removed on monday(hopefully)if there is enough drainage i guess . i dont have any type of compression garment , one wasnt even offered or mentioned to me . i wondre if im supposed to have one? ill ask my doc on monday i guess . nwt healthcare is great , i had mine done with no cost by dr. steward .


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