Author Topic: Made appointment with Fielding  (Read 9637 times)

Offline fourrings

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Hello all,

Just booked an appointment on Monday to see Dr Fielding.  Was bummed to find out that I had to wait until Sept 12 for my consultation.  On Wednesday I called his office to see if there was a cancellation and sure enough there was one!!!  I'm now set for July 19!!!  Will be travelling form Ottawa.  Hopefully I won't need to wait too long before the procedure.

I've always wanted to get something done about the gyne, but always figured it would be latter on because of cost.  Recently though I've really had the urge to look into it and that's how I stumbled upon this site.  Then I found out that most would be covered from OHIP and that was it.  I'm really kicking myself that I didn't look into this sooner.  I'm 27 now and I've had it since puberty.

I must express my sincere gratitude to each and everyone of you for providing the wealth of knowledge.  I would seriously not be going through with this if it wasn't for the information from this site.  Thank you.

Although my case is not severe it is still very noticible.  I've always worn T-shirts and the such but never felt comfortable in them.  I cannot wait to be able to wear anything I want without worry.  I'm looking forward to public pools, beaches, water parks etc.  I'll be all set for next summer!  I never though I'd be able to enjoy those things.  What a change this last week has been.  Plus I feel really confident in Dr Fielding and I haven't even met him yet!

Will keep you posted on how the consultation goes.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Welcome and Congrats!

Yeah, JCF is DA MAN! He'll fix you...   ;)

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Achilles

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Hey fourrings, I'm from ottawa too and booked my consult with Fielding for the end of August.  Have you seen any of the Plastic Surgeons in ottawa?  I'm gonna see Dr. Labow and Dr. Silverman, just to compare opinions but after reading everythig on here, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go with Fielding.  Can you ask him what he does for post-op if you're from out of town (and can't stay a week in T.O.  for it)?

Offline fourrings

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Hey Achilles,

I haven't seen anyone in Ottawa since Dr Fielding is so well recommended on this forum (plus the OHIP coverage is a big plus  ;D)

I'll be sure to ask for you RE post-op.  I was planning on just going back to Toronto after the week myself.

You should call to see if there are any cancellations.  Unless of course you're comfortable with your August date.  I can't tell how exicted I was that my date was brought forward 2 whole months!  

Offline Achilles

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Hey fourrings, are you a student too?  If so the fee is awesome compared to what the regular price ranges between the doctors.  I'm actually okay with my appt. date at the moment as I'm not planning on having the surgery until xmas vacation at the earliest and spring break at the latest.  I have my first consult with Dr. Labow on the 26th this month, I'll let you know how it was and then Dr. Silverman on the 26th of August and then Fielding on the 29th.  Fielding seems like the most experienced PS with gyne though and everyone here speaks VERY HIGHLY of him so my choice is pretty much made.

Offline fourrings

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No not anymore,  I graduated in Dec 2001.  Although I still have my  U of O ID card  ;)

I choose Fielding because of the unanimous praise from this board.  I feel I'm in very good hands.

Let me know if you have any other questions for Dr. Fielding.

Offline Achilles

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Well I know from everyone here that the student price is 1070 (GST included) so that's why i was asking if you were a student.  I have so many questions to ask him but I'm sure I'll have them all answered once I see him.  Something that you may be interested in though, someone had mentioned that they would maybe be able to get their travel and accomodations paid for by the insurance, so depending on how you're planning on going there and where you plan on staying it may be worthwhile to ask him about that.  (My plan is to go there by train and back and stay at a hotel, I have friends in T.O. but I don't want too many people to know about the procedure).

Offline fourrings

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I'll be travelling by car most likely.  I'll probably have my parents drive me home the day of the procedure.  I'll let you know what the doc quotes me when I get back.

Offline Achilles

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So how'd your consult go, Fourrings?

Offline ASRel

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Well I know from everyone here that the student price is 1070 (GST included)...

Just thought I'd let you know that the fee varies depending on your condition.

I got the student rate, but Fielding ( I just had my second consultation, all set for the Op on August 24th :) ) said that I'm a severe case, and is why I've paid 1200+GST. I think 1070 is the student rate for Moderate to severe, chances are that you'll pay less than that.

Offline fourrings

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Had my consultation with Fielding on Tuesday.  It went well, he's a very nice man.  My big day is booked for October 5th.  Dr Fielding's office is going on holidays soon. I can't freaking wait!!!

I was quoted $1500 + GST (btw he mentionned that I was a medium case, which is what I figured anyway)  Damn it!  Wish I had known about this site back when I was in School!  >:(


I asked about the post op visits and Dr Fielding said that it's not required to go to him after the procedure.  He said that you could easily recover from a gynecomastic operation at home and never have to go see him for post ops.  There can however be complications but they are pretty rare (hematoma etc.)

Offline Achilles

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Cool, thanks for asking!  1500 seems like a really good price, I hope it all goes well.  I have my first consult with a PS on monday so I'm getting anxious and will get a list of questions written down so I don't forget anything.

Offline fourrings

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Hey Achilles,

How did your appointment with Labow go?

Offline Achilles

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I ended up having to rebook it because of my work schedule, it's now on Sept. 6th (if I go); I have a consult with Dr. Silverman in Ottawa on the 26th of August and Fielding on the 29th, so I may not bother going to Labow if I decide to book with Fielding on the spot.  I'll keep you updated on my consults once I have them.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 06:16:48 PM by Achilles »

Offline Achilles

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Fourrings (or anyone else from Ottawa) have you seen an endocrinologist in Ottawa?  My parents support my decision to do the surgery, but they also want to make sure that there isn't an underlying cause for my gyne so that I don't go through the procedure and it comes back.  So if anyone knows of any good endo's in Ottawa, I would really appreciate it if you could post their info on here.


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