Author Topic: New Member w/ photos.  (Read 2594 times)

Offline DeQuincey

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Hey gents,

  Just want to thank all of you who have made contributions here, good to know I'm not the only poor bastard out there!  You're all top shelf guys for having the courage to share your photos, stories etc.  Thank you and good luck with each of your cases, no matter how big or small, we're all with you.

  I have an appt with Dr. Fielding in the next few days and chose him based on your reviews here (thanks G-Pa Bambu et al).  Speaking with Lesley was a pleasure and she was very polite and we actually spoke for sometime about their practice etc.  I like them already.

  Here is a little about my situation.  30 years old, 6-2, 190 lbs.  A brief caveat before I share:  I realize my problem is not nearly as severe as many of you on here and I am in no way posting pics to make anyone feel worse about their gyno, just wanted to share and let other guys know it affects all sorts.  I try to get to the gym regularly, but have my 3 month spurts on and off.  I have never had a weight problem and have always been a rake until recently when I got older and the metabolism slowed a bit and work/schedule causes the diet to head toward the fast food stuff...  My gyno started around early teens with burning nips and ultra sensitivity too.  I couldn't leave them alone, because they were so sensitive and I could feel lumps or odd growths underneath them.  My mom was always telling me to take my hand out from underneath my shirt because I was always squeezing and trying to move the growths around.

  All through high school, uni and adulthood I have become a master at putting myself in the "right" situation.  When I'm cold (like a lot of you I've read about) my nips look just fine, you'd never know a thing, but when I'm hot (sauna, mowing the lawn in humidity, hot tub, hot bath/shower etc) my nips melt like Hershey Kisses in the microwave.  They literally go from firm, normal sized nipples to blobs of unformed fat on my chest.  This is emphasized by the fact that I'm not carrying a lot of extra weight around, so everything else is firm(ish) except for my nipples which look really odd and kind of hang off of my chest.  I took some friendly heat from buddies who knew, but for the most part I just didn't put myself in situations where I would be exposed.  I'm definitely my own worst enemy with regard to my gyno, but in the end it's your body, right?

  Anyway, it's time.  I've always been told "to each there own" and although some of you may say don't worry about it, you're crazy and so on.  I have decided to finally do something about it and I'm excited to finally rid myself of this pain in the butt and be able to take my shirt off in any situation, heat be damned!  I'll be sure to follow up with you guys with all of the details like many of you have and some after pics too, when the time comes. 

  With regard to the pics, I've done my best to show you both sides of my gyno, the normal and the "melt", but in order for it to be at it's worst I need to be in the summer or a hot spot.  Tough to do in late October in Ontario, but you should get the idea, it does look a lot worse in the right situation.


Offline DeQuincey

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  A few more pics to give you a better idea, for those of you out there in a similar situation.  Oh and for the record, I do know it's gyno, it's not just fat up there, it's a large, hard gland etc.  I've been researching this for a decade, I know my boobs!  You can actually see the gyno in the right light in some of these pics too, it's a white mound behind, and around the whole outside of the nipple.  If you go to youtube and watch the surgery performed (I would recommend this), you can see what they pull out is a white, solid substance, with a tail and a head....gross!  It's alive! hahaha 

Offline DeQuincey

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  I already wrote this huge thing and I lost it, so this one will suck and be super brief.  Had appt. today, Dr. was very, very cool and so was Lesley, both very helpful to the point that I ran out of questions.    Booked for first week of Dec. @ 2K, even, taxes in.  I picked up quite a bit of info from them, but the thought of writing it out again makes me very angry (!!) so if you have any questions or have a case similar to mine and want to bounce anything off of me, shoot!

  I'll be sure to put up post op pictures and would appreciate anyone else with a similar case doing so as well, thanks!

cheers all and good luck out there!

Offline Nutsandbolts

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Good luck with the surgery!!

Keep us informed, I might have some questions for you.

Offline DeQuincey

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Had the surgery this past week.  Dr. Fielding was great, no concerns with his bedside manor or anything.  Very skilled and knowledgeable, very easy going and honest, which was extremely refreshing.  Surgery took about an hour or a little more and was mildly painful rating about a 4 on a scale of 10.  He spoke to me throughout the procedure updating and sharing as much detail about the surgery as I inquired about, which was a fair bit.  I elected not to be knocked out as I was very interested in the whole deal and got to see the gyno and the bit of lypo that came out too.  Interesting, educational, but gross all the same.  Two other pre-meds were there too, both good looking girls, not the ideal circumstances for their company, but it's all good, gotta learn somehow, so I didn't object.  They were fine, just wish I had been working out leading up to the surgery and not sitting on my fat, lazy ass instead for the last 4 months.

  Had to pop some Tylenol 3's for the first three nights before bed to help sleep, but I'm on night four or so and I feel pretty good.  Wearing the compression vest right now and will to continue to for three or four more nights until I get to see the results.  Dr. was quite pleased with himself after he was done, which makes me feel pretty good about the result without having actually seen it yet.  One week, I get to take the vest off and wash it and take the pads off the wounds.  3 weeks he said I can be back in the gym, after a week or so I can get back to doing cardio.  Asked about the scarring and he said I didn't need to worry about it, it looks after itself, so no need for polysporene or whatever.  Been a bitch to have to bath before work, working around the vest and not showering, but I've gotten by thus far.  Compression jacket is surprisingly discreet and no one has spotted it even beneath just a t-shirt, shirt and tie at work, no issue at all.  Pretty comfortable all in all.

  Can't wait to get the flak jacket off, counting down the days.

cheers guys and good luck to all, any Q's fire away.

Offline Nutsandbolts

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First off Congrats on a safe surgery. I am wanting to see how long your rehabilitation takes, in particular going back to the gym (being active). I know everyone is different and this is something to discuss with my doc, but I am curious all the same. I'll check back with you later.

I wish you the best for your recovery


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