Author Topic: Post Op with Dr. Frank Lista - Pics  (Read 5851 times)

Offline killbill

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I first developed gynecomastia when I was approximately 13. I can remember my GP saying that it usually goes away. Needless to say, it didn't. Like many on this forum, it's something that's bothered me my entire life. I'm 39 now and finally decided to pull the trigger.
I met with a few plastic surgeons, none of whom, other than Dr.Lista, was a specialist in gynecomastia. I didn't meet Fielding or some of the others that are mentioned on here. Lista was recommended to me by another doctor I trust and I liked his pull-through method that would not leave me with scars around the nipple. I can see why others have expressed concern about his bedside manner. His casual confidence could be off-putting to some because it seems a little blase, but it didn't bother me.

My major concern with the traditional method was that I might be trading one thing I hate, gynecomastia, for another, scars. I understand that the traditional method may have resulted in a more complete removal of the gland, but I'm optimistic the trade-off was worth it. Time will tell.

I'm 5'11" and in just about the best shape I've ever been in, 168 lbs. I've never been overweight, but I have been as high as 185. I weight train, run and basically eliminated sugar from diet for the last year, so my chest was about as good as it was going to be.

I have posted pictures pre-op (including marked up by Lista) and 1 days post-op. Post-op there is was basically no pain whatsoever. Some discomfort, but I didn't even bother taking the prescribed painkiller. Not trying to be macho, just isn't an issue. You really feel like you could just get up and go through a pretty normal day, but I'm going to take the time over the holidays to just relax and give my body time to heal as per recommendations.

I can see why people complain about the compression garment, but it's not really that bad. I timed my surgery for this time of year, so that I can hide it under clothes as much as possible. I'm much flatter than before, but from everything I've read you really don't know where you'll end up until months done the road. In the images, you'll see some bruising and lines from the garment. My nipples look a little weird, but could just be from the garment.

I'll keep updating here so that you can see the progress.

Offline killbill

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More bruising is showing now. No major pain, but I'm taking a couple of extra strength Tylenols at night. My back aches a bit in the morning, which I think is a combination of having to sleep on my back (I normally sleep on my stomach) and the garment holding my body in a sort of an awkward position. I do get the occasional strange sensation in my nipples. It almost feels like a slight tugging. Not much else to report.

Offline killbill

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I didn't post any pictures with the compression garment previously, so I've included some pictures of me wearing it. Dr. Lista also has you put some foam pads over the nipple to add some additional pressure. Pics of those pads are shown.

Day 9 and things are progressing well. Bruising has gone down significantly. I no longer have to use the foam pads, but as everyone knows, the compression vest sticks around until 4-6 weeks after surgery. No way to know to know how long until my 4 week appointment. I had my 1 week appointment today, met with just a nurse. She showed me how I to massage the area to prevent scar tissue build-up. That sucked. The area behind my nipples is still extremely sensitive, so the thought of pushing and rubbing there is not fun.

I was told I could start walking to exercise now, but not at the gym. They want to make sure that you don't overdo it.

Offline thisischris

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Congrats,  looking good.

Offline killbill

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I'm a couple of days shy of 4 weeks and things are healing nicely. All visible bruising is gone and the scars are healing very well. (I'm fair-skinned and historically have scarred well, so this isn't surprising). I'll post pics of the scars another time. They should be all but unnoticeable. I did try silicon strips on the scars for a couple of days, but strangely my skin went a little red in that area. I'll try again later this week to see what my reaction is. Silicon shouldn't react with someone's skin, so maybe it's the adhesive, but I'm not sensitive to that kind of thing generally.

Massage sucks, but sucks less each day. It just hurts and if it hurts I assume that's where the scar tissue is forming, so I put even more effort into massaging that area. I have noticed a slight crease in one nipple. I've increased my effort at massaging directly in that area to try and minimize the impact long term. Dr. Lista always made a point to make sure I understood that it wouldn't be perfect, so that risk was always there. At least they're not puffy anymore.

Definitely been hitting the junk food pretty hard since Christmas which really doubles down on not being able to exercise. I can see the impact of that in my stomach and chest. I cleaned up the diet last week and I intend to start light cardio (walking on the treadmill) this week, so hopefully the next time you see some pics things will be tightened up a bit.

Offline killbill

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5g gland removed from each side and there was 250cc liposuctioned from the left and 150CC from the right.

Images of the scars at 4 weeks. Left looks a bit better than right.

Offline Cristalis

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You are still around Killbill? I need to ask you a few questions, hit a reply if you are seing my post!



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