Author Topic: revision with fielding... done... ouch  (Read 3792 times)

Offline brebguy

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Ouch is what I have to say about revision...

you would think that the full surgery where they put you asleep and cut some parts of your body would be worse that a 45 min minor surgery where they suck up some fat and don’t even put you to sleep... WRONG

My surgery did not hurt at all, maybe just a bit of discomfort but the lipo only under local anaesthetics was not a pleasurable experience.... You see (and feel) everything:

  • the canula (quite big by the way) getting in your chest and poking around
  • the doctor sweating over your chest trying to get the canula around
  • the fat coming out of your chest
  • some bits and pieces of fat getting of your the lipo holes and arriving on your forehead
  • even if you were frozen (locally), you still feel everything (very weird). at first it doesn’t hurt but some areas are painful :"oh I’m guessing I’m hitting some scar tissue here and there..., you won’t like me, it’s going to hurt a little"... YA IT DOES... lol
plus along with Fielding and his nurse who was participating to this type of surgery for the first time :" what’s wrong, why isn't working ? oh, I forgot to plug in the pump... where is the cord dr Fielding?".... there were about 6 students in the tiny room coming and going and talking to Fielding as if he was taking a walk in the park... they would take a look at my chest and ask a few questions : "is it normal that the chest is swelling so much already?", "why is the tissue so hard ?"

so basically, not really fun, i mean really not...

after 45 min Fielding says he has taken out enough (thank God, cause I couldn’t wait for it to be over). he said he was quite happy with the way it went and the amount of fat that was taken out. I looked at the pump, there was quite a bit of fat indeed (kinda gross too), so that’s cool. he said he went quite aggressively to remove as much as he could (yes, my chest can testify about the "aggressiveness")

the students came and said bye Fielding and I, half naked on the surgery bed, with blood and other liquids squirting out of my sides.
everybody was really nice the whole thing was just so weird...and a bit painful too...

Anyways, I have to keep the bandages for a week and wait the usual 3 months to a year to get the "expected results"
now i'm just hoping that this time will be the good one.
surgery did not work...:-(
Dr. Fielding (TO - Ontario : 416.766.8890) on august 9th, 2006 and revision on september 21st, 2007

Offline G-Man99

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Hey Brebguy, hope it's over for you and that your swelling won't last a year. Do you know how much fat was taken out of each side?

I might have to do revision on my left side as well, but you kind of scared me describing the whole scene with 7-8 people coming in and out....

Good luck!!!

Offline brebguy

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well you dont have to be scared about the students... i mean everyone is very nice and it doesnt mean anythig if they are in the room... its just weird to have all these people around you ans asking questions while looking at your bare chest...

but they all they can to make you feel as comfortable as possible (especially in this kind of situation)...

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Congrats and I hope u get the desired results!

Thanks for sharing... :)

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline brebguy

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I had a revision because the first surgery just did not work. Fielding was quite surprise at what i came back with after a year : " he said that there was a improvement gland wise but that it wasn't visible to the eye. so lipo was necessary.

as for having students in the surgery room its always like that, i think resident surgeons are required to spend some surgery time with students and this is something you were told before the surgery : you sign a release stating that students might be there during the surgery and that some of them might actually help the surgeon... it is pretty standard...

i did not pay for the revision (being a revision)...

Offline Give me Life

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Hi Brebguy:

Thanks for the explanation about your 2nd experience. Hope you will feel better now. And eveything will go as you desired.

Well, we are in same boat. Mine was done on last year sept. And I would not say that I am 100% satisfied. I think I don't have gland tissue but the fat which makes me uncomfortable going shirtless on beach. Otherwise, I can wear t-shirts and those tight shirts no problem. I have an appointment with Dr. JCF on monday. Let's see what he says. Wait some time or come for 2nd time under knife ???

Question, is there a choice to go fully under anaesthetia not just the local so you don't see what's going on arround you? Was choice given to you? Interesting to hear from you.

Hope you will feel better.

Surgery done on Sept 6th, 2006 with Dr. Fielding - Toronto. Not 100% cured but will get there for sure !!!

Revision done on December 7th, 2007. Let's hope for best !!!

Dr. Fielding
Suite #401, 2425 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Tel: 416.766.88

Offline Give me Life

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There was a really good article in Golbe & Mail Life section in Sept 26/27 about Lipo surgery. (After someone died from Lipo...from LIPO). There were some question answered why they put you only under local anaesthetics not your entire body a sleep. Main reason is when you go for Lipo, there are chance for blood clot formation which is very harmful (reason for death in many cases). So by keeping your cheast part only under local anaesthetia, you other body part moves (like to turn to see arround what's going on or move your legs or whatever). Hence due to your body movement in arms,legs and other parts blood move more freely then a sleep mode. Hence less chance for formation of blood clots. And less chance of side effects.

It was very good article. Explain my Dr. Lista why you choose the best doctor in this business rather than any so called plastic surgon. I think the person who died, went to some other plastic surgon than the best in the business (whom she already had the appointment but a long wait time) and died due to some complecation after the surgery. Very good article indeed. If you get a chance, must read. It was in life section and on the main cover story page as well.

Going to see Dr. Fielding tommorow for my year after surgery consultation. Looking forward to see him !!!

Offline brebguy

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so i'm 10 days post-2nd op...

the first time i removed the bandages i was not happy at all. well i did remember the first time i remove the bandages and the first look was amazing. this time it really didnt look good. but today, i kinda saw improvement (i think). i'm still wearing the tensor for another 10 days or so.

i developped a pretty big hematoma on the left side (always the left side...) so i'll probably be going to the hospital tomorrow to get i fixed. anyone ever had the liquid sucked out ? i wonder how it will feels or how they proceed...

cant wait to see the final results and hope that they WILL be FINAL...

Offline loman1

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Really hope this the end of your ordeal brebguy.  Hope it goes really well for you.

Offline brebguy

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thanks buddy, i sure hope too cause for sure, i am not going back to surger!!!


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