Author Topic: Surgery Dr. Fielding, Toronto  (Read 15468 times)

Offline prodigy

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I had my post op today. It lasted literally 1min. My chest looks flat as a board....  really really pleased with the results thus far. Just need to heal so I can hit the gym again.

Offline smithers

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So I had my post opp, as with prodigy it lasted about 1 min. The results fantastic! flat as a board although, a couple of hours later and I think I feel some swelling. To be honest with you it kind of looked too flat, Fielding said I could hit the gym in a couple of weeks however, I may hold off until Mid May or early June just to be on the safe side.

I have had a smile on my face all afternoon and I should post my before and after pics later on this evening and any feedback would be great.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2009, 06:10:10 PM by smithers »

Offline smithers

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The following are my before and 1 week post-op  pics:

Offline dondante

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looking fantastic, man! You should be over the moon! Congrats!

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Looking awesome my man!  ;)

However, you and prodigy must keep in mind that it will most likely get worse before it gets better. Sure, it looks great now, but when swelling sets in, this may lead you to think that your G has come back. I assure you though, that this is furthest from the truth. Swelling comes and goes and in the end, all is good!

Also, GRS recovery can, at times, be an emotional roller coaster ride. You're on a 'high' right now. Looks fantastic and your G is finally gone... right? Cloud 9... right? Well, when the swelling sets in, you will have serious doubts as to whether the surgery worked. You may start to freak out... If you start to feel down on yourself,  talk to us here and we will get you past the 'lows'....  ;)

Above all.... be patient guys. Your chest will not heal in a week. You have to give your body at least 3 months before you can pass any judgment on surgery results. So many post-oppers who are 2-3 weeks in, complain that their post-op chest looks like their pre-op chest. Swelling guys, swelling! It does go away... trust me on this!  ;)

So... for the next 3 months try not to think about it too much and let MoNa do her thing...  :)


Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline dondante

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wise words, indeed!

Offline smithers

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GB I agree with you 100%, I will pay no attention to my chest until the 3 month mark. Yesterday I saw the end result or at least what I can expect once all the swelling goes away and that I can live with.

Dondate, how long was it before you hit the weights? Fielding said 3 more weeks however, I am a bit nervous to start working my chest 4 weeks post-op.

Offline dondante

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I hit the weights at 4 weeks post-op, with Dr. Lista's blessing.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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3-4 weeks seems to be the general consensus...


Offline smithers

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Today is exactly 8 days post op and I must say over the last day and half I have felt the most uncomfortable in terms of soreness since 1 day post op. The swelling is definitely kicking in but it has not swelled nowere near to what my gyne looked like.

Offline Merangue

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Today is exactly 8 days post op and I must say over the last day and half I have felt the most uncomfortable in terms of soreness since 1 day post op. The swelling is definitely kicking in but it has not swelled nowere near to what my gyne looked like.

That sucks. Does the soreness feel like after a heavy work out or is it painful? Also if you don't mind, could you post some pics with the swelling.

Offline smithers

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Hi Merangue,

The soreness feel like after a heavy work out and depending on the way I turn or stretch can be painful. I will be sure to post some pics shortly with the swelling and as I said before the swelling is not as bad as I thought it would be.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Keep in mind that everyone recovers/heals at different rates and to different degrees. There are many factors involved that dictate how your body heals.

One post-opper reported that he had no swelling at all...

As the saying goes...  'Individual results may vary.'


Offline dondante

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To add to GB's comments, my bruising didn't really set in until 2 weeks after the op - so the status of the recovery is subject to change at any point for at least the first month.

Offline GynosaurusRex

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looks good there appears to be a scar below your left nip - how do you feel about that? will it go away?

Dr. told me that he was going to cut around the nip and then some tiny ones on the rib area.


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