Well, here i am on the other side! crazy...it's day 1 post-op (just over 24 hours since I left the clinic)
Just as you guys said, the surgery part was easy stuff. You lie down on the table, very friendly staff get you positioned and ready, the anesthesiologist puts in the Iv, the oxygen mask goes on...and, what seemed like a moment later, I was in the recovery room!
It took be no time to bounce back and be fully awake, I didn't even have a snooze like most people do immediately after waking up after surgery. I was feeling quite happy, big smile on my face, partly due to the drugs i imagine, but mostly feeling relieved that part was over and thinking about what I am looking forward to.
Left the clinic with my loot-bag of drugs and went home to rest. When I got home, I grabbed a bite to eat and was sitting at the table reviewing my drug schedule when I realized that i was feeling good enough not to be instinctively heading for bed...but I quickly reminded myself that that the nurses orders were to head straight to bed for 24 hours, getting up only to go to the bathroom and eat.
So, all in all, I'm feeling good. My chest is quite sore, only felt nauseous once. I'm taking the oxycocet, I don't know how you guys are ok without it. Feeling sore like this makes me feel nauseous without pain meds. For some reason I have a harder time dealing with being sore than actual pain. Like you said, everyone is different.
Hmmm, I wonder if it's when the pain meds are wearing off, that combined with the actual soreness makes me feel nauseous...oxycocet can definitely do that.
Soon I'm going to be taking off the vest to take a shower...I'm expecting it to look pretty nasty as you guys have said, so I hope that I don't feel to shocked to see my body look that way. Thankfully we have this discussion board to know exactly what to expect so we don't flip the f@#* out!!!
The hardest thing for me now is getting out of bed! lol, I'm trying so hard not to use my arms at all so I kinda roll off the side and use my abs to get up. I'm so worried about not being careful enough since on a few occasions I picked something up or tried to open something that causes a slight bit of pain.
How did you guys handling that the first few days?
well, that's it for now...updates to come. wish me luck for the unveiling! lol