Author Topic: My Story - Poland 2012  (Read 5202 times)

Offline r1

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What size needle did you use mate? Did you get it from needle exchange or the doctors?

Any problems? Feels a bit numb and slightly firmer now.

Offline Poland2012

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Kataryzna gave me a few 18 gauge needles with 20ml syringes. However, I'm not qualified to tell you what to do, so check with the surgeon first.

Offline sjwsjw

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Congrats on the surgery although you can't compare the nhs to private health care. You did after all pay for the op and private health care in the UK is (as it should be) far superior to the nhs.

Offline sjwsjw

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That's not to knock the nhs. They have some very skilled staff but naturally they can't always afford everyone the time that you get going private. A lot of skilled PS decided to work outside the nhs in their own practice and as anything the number of times a procedure is done the better that person is. They tend to try not to do gyno ops on the nhs so they just don't get the practice to get things right as often as a private PS that does them daily.

As for swelling be careful massaging too early. I waited 3 weeks before I even really touched my chest. You need to heal some before you poke it around too much.

Have you been wearing a compression vest after the op?

Offline r1

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I also paid for the nhs op as ive worked since am sixteen and paid national insurance! Obviously the surgeon wont be as experierenced but if he cant do the job then he shouldnt have attempted it and I can guarantee he got paid a lot of money for his job and that op.

Anyways its over now. Been to see the docs hes not keen on draining it and thinks is possibly infected so hes prescribed me some anti biotics. He thinks swelling shoild go down in two to four weeks and told me to keep an eye on it.

Stitches are out, all looks very neat. Theres a pink scar at the moment how long did it take for others for this to go down?

Will post pics up soon.

Offline zack42

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Be good to see your pics r1 - hope the antibiotics do the trick for you.

Offline DamienUK

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Nice one! Do post some pics mate, :)

Offline r1

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Will do, i very bushy in work and laptops playing up, I will do it next week, swelling has reduced now Im also wearing the vest that the surgeon gave me, the Macom vest over that and a Nike Pro vest one size too small over that haha.

In the day in work I just wear the Macom and the Nike Pro over it. If the fluid is still there in two - three weeks I will probably drain it. Pleased with results so far just can;t wait for the swelling to go completely.


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