Author Topic: MY TRIUMPH OVER GYNECOMASTIA: Surgery with Ostrowska-Clark on 02/11/2011 +pics+  (Read 23558 times)

Offline Poland2012

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It is now past the 1 month period of my original 'challenge' so I would like to post an update. As you guys have said 1 month was not sufficient to see a considerable difference. As always work and other obligations prevent me from fully devoting my energy to diet and exercise but I have some good news.

I have lost a few kilos! I have noticed small improvements to my chest but so far only on certain occasions: When I get up in the morning, I am dehydrated and appear slimmer in my torso, this apparent slimness reduces the contrast between fat around my nipple and the depression under my nipple. Also, the days proceeding a heavy gym workout sees my pectoral muscles become swollen. This helps to fill in the void spaces in my chest and pushes everything out.

These minor changes give me hope for the future but it is not an expectable improvement YET.  I feel strongly that I shouldn't have to blow my pectoral muscles up like that to get a normal appearance to the nipple after this surgery. At least this gives me hope that in my youth, as long as I loose the weight and keep the muscle build on my chest, I might just be able to have a normal looking chest! But of course when I get older and less inclined to gym things might not be so ideal.

My gym has a pool and on better days I feel confident enough to take my shirt off. At least for the brief walk from the changing room to the pool. So I think I will be making use of these facilities soon and hopefully the swimming will help me trim down. My ideal weight is around 74 kilos and I still have some way to go to get there. I was 70 kilos in 2009 but I think that weight is unsustainable and I actually start looking like a deflated ballon at that weight.

I will continue the regime and will update again. Most likely on or near December now.

Good for you, mate. I'm glad to hear that there's hope without surgery. Just give it time and focus. Cut out junk food and sugar, incorporate aerobic exercise into your routine (try walking or cycling to work) and you'll get there easily.

Offline Poland2012

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One last suggestion; if you want to build up your chest, get a pull up bar. They're great for upper body strength, and if you install it at home, you can do a few pull ups whenever you have a minute.

Offline isambard

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Today (02/11/2012)  was the first year anniversary of my gynecomastia surgery in Poland. I thought I would make a post on here acknowledging this.

Although it has not yielded 100% ideal results YET, I am still so very pleased I made the decision to go out there and have the surgery.  In many ways it was something of a rebirth for me.  I remember how elated and proud of myself I felt afterwards. How after years of being unhappy with myself I took a bold step to do something about it. I even felt a sense of smugness because I had gained something I wanted for so long, that other guys had and took for granted, but I had finally acquired for myself through ambition and through a great conscious effort! In general it was a great example of how one should just 'GO FOR IT' in order to realise one's ambitions.

As for how things are going with my recent concerns; I am making slow progress and remain optimistic. I don't regret having it done for a moment. Thank you Pauldrayton and Poland 2012 for your recent support and comments and to everyone else who has commented on this thread in the last year.

A more substantial update will follow soon.


Offline zack42

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Glad to hear you have no regrets isambard.  Looks to me from your photos like you're doing the right thing with the weight loss and I think it'll make a big difference to the overall shape of your chest.  Good luck with it.  It would be good to see some photos in due course.

I've just come back from Poland and surgery with Katarzyna Ostrowska Clark so I'm just at the start of my recovery process.

Offline thetodd

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You look good , but i think youd be better off getting bigger and broadening your shoulders rather than cutting.

Dont think just because your at the one year mark, thats it you've stopped healing. If i was to show you a picture from me a year post op and three years post op there have massive changes.

Im not to familiar with the polish surgery stuff, but there are methods to deal with depression like fat transfer im not sure its an option. But might be worth a punt
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline jakeyboy08

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Just a throwing in my personal opinion, Judging from you photo's you really dont need to loose any weight at all there is nothing on you, You cannot just loose fat on your chest your body will decide were it will take it from.
Bulk up hit the weights eat/sleep/train properly you will have a body of a god in a years time, Take a look at my photos how i managed to change my body round in just 1 year.

If you need any help with the above feel free to PM me.



Offline aki1111111

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I had surgery done on Jan 2013. i have a similar depression on the lower part of left side of the chest. i wanted to ask you how is your depression now after more than an year. Does wearing compression garment for more than 6 weeks help.
Have you tried gymming.any other advice



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Dude, I think the surgery has failed.  :'(
You still have those puffy nipples.

Offline Greenblue

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