Author Topic: Please please please help  (Read 2329 times)

Offline Luke1

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Hi Everyone
I need some advice urgently. I have lived with gyecomastia for many years but recently decided to go for it and just get the surgery even though money is quite thight at the moment. I am from ireland and the surgery here is very expensive here, as a result i decided to go to Poland to have the surgery. I found a surgeon who quoted 1500euro so i decided to go for it. When i got to Poland though he said that i would just be having liposuction and not excision as it is not possible to do them both in one day. I was really disappointed about this as i had travelled all that way to hear this, so i decided to go ahead with the surgery. Now two months on i am really disappointed with the results. While my chest has absolutly no fat, i still have protruding nipples due to the glands beneath.

My question is what should i do now?? I really cant afford to go to a whole new surgeon as they will probably quote me 2000euro that i cant afford now and i really doubt the surgeon who done it is going to listen to my complaints.

Does anyone know a surgeon in eastern europe who would do excision for really cheap price- i seriously cant handle gynecomastia anymore but am stone broke!!!

Please give me some hints tips   

Offline jakeyboy08

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Hello Mate,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but liposuction will not do anything for gynecomastia alone to get rid of the glands you will need an extraction.

The only thing you can do now is pay again and go to another surgeon to get an extraction which i believe without lipo costs £1280. I no a surgeon who will charge this price not sure what others charge.

If you decide to choose another surgeon please post on here who it is so we can check then out first as you basicly got ripped of by the last surgoen.

Hope this helps



Offline isambard

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Luke1, sorry to hear about your bad surgical outcome. You could always talk to your Polish surgeon and get him to do a revision but think about this: Any reputable surgeon would know the importance of having the glandular tissue removed along with liposuction as part of a proper gynecomastia removal surgery. The surgeon who operated on you doesn't seem like a reputable surgeon. Perhaps a revision with him would just end in further disappointment?

 I don't know of many surgeons in Europe but have recently had surgery with Katharzyana Ostrowksa-Clark and was very pleased with the results. She removed both the gland and did liposuction. A lot of people on here have had surgery with her and are happy. There are also surgeons in the UK some who are very good but much more expensive. (a link to my story is in my signature below)

The inconvenient truth is that you are probably not going to find a surgeon who will remove your breast tissue really cheaply. Most importantly you don't want someone doing it as cheap as if they were doing it from the back of a van! You've already had a bad outcome from a disreputable surgeon, you don't want a repeat.  I know it's upsetting and you just want an end to what is plaguing you but think sensibly and find a proper surgeon. if that means saving up to pay for the higher fee than so be it. To have it done right will be worth it in the long run!

Good luck.

Offline Luke1

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Hey guys
Listen Jake and Isambard, i really appreciate your advice. I think what yas are both sayin is dead right and really helpful. I kinda knew the answer to me question but suppose just needed to hear someone else say it. Jake could ya please pm me the name of that surgeon who would do it for 1280.

Again thanks a million lads


Offline jakeyboy08

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Well on the plus side you wont be making the same mistake twice, and you've been through it before so you no what to expect.

Let us no how you get on.


Offline properanon78

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Hey there,

As most poeple in the Europe section,  I have just got back from op with Katarzyna Ostrowska-Clark in Poland.

All I can say is, results have been fantastic.  Surpassed my expecations.

I had fairly bad case of Gyne.  Now Im free from it.  Im about to update my thread with results.  Infact I will start a new thread. detailing everything that happened.

I am really sorry to hear of your experience.

There is good news and bad news for you.  The bad news is, you will have extra expense, as due to bad advice from your previous sergeon who was infact wrong...  you know have to pay for another op.  The good news is, its only money at the enjd of the day and you can still have the chest you want.  And to be honest.  I fully recomend, Katarzyna Ostrowska-Clark in Poland.

Where I had both gland removal and lipo at same time.

Its been one week for me.

Results are good, infact they surpassed my expecation.

I know in a way that kind of sounds like Im rubbing it in.  Im not, thats not what I want to achieve by saying that.  I just want you to know that, there is hope for you. and you can have the results you want.

Good luck with everything.  And To let you know I will update with full account of experiences (and useful tips to make your stay better)

All the best.


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