Author Topic: Doctors Visit  (Read 1353 times)

Offline Sophie

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During your annual physical, you need to mention your gynecomastia. It's a personal choice but wearing your bra for your visit will also bring attention to the fact that you have breasts that can affect your overall health. You can request that you would like a "Diagnostic Mammogram". This will establish a base line for any future changes that you may experience in your breasts. After that, depending on what they find and your insurance, you may be on scheduled for annual or biannual mammograms. 


Offline gotgyne

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I know doctors who downplay the gynecomastia. I am a 40 C since several years. Some years ago I went to a male(!) dermatologist for a mole. He didn't even mention my gyne, thus I asked him about it. He palpated my breasts a little and answered "no, there is no gynecomastia".
My female GP on the other hand informed me that I may feel nipple tenderness in general and pain during strenous sports from the movement. 
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline Parity

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I'm in the same camp.  My male Dr. takes a completely different approach to the issue.  My general Dr. a nice caring woman was great.  She retired and a male took over.  I to want to find a female Dr. who is caring compassionate and empathetic.

Offline taxmapper

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Had my doctor's appointment and tomorrow go for blood work. 

When I stated the gyn., she didn't hesitate and went to such questions as "discomfort of growth, nipple discharge, heaviness, etc" 

I did ask for a hormone check.   

Offline Dudewithboobs

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Hey y’all it’s been a few weeks since I logged in. Wanted to get diet and lifestyle in check and focus on health after my labs came back. 
In the graph of green and red my eatrogen for men says at highest end of normal range should be 39, mine was 47. Total T at lowest should be 250, mine was 265. Free T at lowest should be 46, mine was 37.6. My SHBG and Albumin and Prolactin were fine but bio available T at lowest should be 110, mine was 83.2. 

My results came back confirmation of Hypogonadism and after googling that it wasn’t fun. 

My NP didn’t think it was concerning and I got a second opinion and they asked things most probably do about health, diet, exercises, supplements etc. A prior post I noted I had been taking red reishi for some time for joint pain and at higher doses cause my body just doesn’t do much with standard dose of anything. Always from Tylenol to medication doubled the dose. The MD I spoke to said he has heard and read a lot about red reishi and it’s effects on testosterone negatively and when told him I had stopped taking it immediately he said it’s likely what caused my hormones to swing so out of balance. I have an appointment to have my labs re ran in about 2 weeks. He asked if I wanted to try T to boost my levels and see how my body responds to it and when I asked if he had any natural options first he recommended trying Zinc and Stinging Nettle or Ashwaghanda as well using more resistance workouts to see if I notice a difference naturally. 

I will say after taking that advice my body feels better, more normal, my ED has gone away and I feel almost 18 again. My libido is back from a very long vacation lol. 

My breasts have gone from 36.5 under and 39 over to 36.25 under and 40.75 over in the last month or so and losing 8lbs has had no noticeable changes in my breasts. 

I know we all accept our breasts and even come to love them and nurture them as much as a woman would. But for me I’ve become quite comfortable with my boobs but when things happened recently I was insecure and found it hard to adjust to my added increase of breast growth. 
My breasts push against my shirts more, my nipples are thicker it seems and draw more attention even when in a bra, the movement and jiggle has become more pronounced, when standing my under bust has become more defined and rounded, when sitting or crossing an arm over the crease in my breast is obvious and overall it is just noticeable in every way at how my chest has changed more. With my b cup bras no longer fitting in the cups as they had prior to giving more indication it isn’t just in my head. 

It’s one thing when your breasts grow and the cause is idiopathic and it’s a what can ya do situation for me. It is another to realize you were just trying to ease pains in joints and took a supplement that aligns in every area that caused a tremendous imbalance and caused issues, growth and problems. Re accepting accepting my breasts as my body rebalances has been tough but am thankful for forums like this that when times are tough in accepting I can log on and realize it’s not a lonely world in being a guy with breasts that may or may not get larger. 

Offline tryingtoaccept

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Dudewithboobs, thanks for the update.  I am dissatisfied with my urologist and just had a consultation with another for a second opinion.  I go down next week for blood work.  I hope my new urologist finds something; if not she is at least trying to help.  I hope I have a good outcome like you are having.
Redfox 🦊


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