Author Topic: Doctors  (Read 3832 times)


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Figured this would go here given exposure to a dr may arise the question or suggestion. But I have heard people say their doctors have actually personally without being prompted or asked if they told directly that they need to wear a bra. 

Does this actually happen? I cannot imagine a medical professional telling a man due to how a man may react and simply a man telling another man on that level alone that he needs to wear a bra. 

How did this go if so with you and did they actually write a script of sorts for it for proof for the wife or whoever to believe it was seen as medically helpful to wear 

Offline RAPC

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At my regular checkup in November, I described the symptoms I was having to my doctor and after asking me a couple of questions about it, he asked me "do you think you need to wear a bra?" I was pretty nervous at the time and it really surprised me when he asked that. Anyway, I told him "that's what I have been doing" as I had been wearing a bra for a couple of months already. He then told me about compression shirts that might also be an option, and I mentioned that the worst thing about wearing a bra was worrying that people would notice. At this point we laughed and I wasn't so nervous. He then told me my condition was "harmless and benign" but if I noticed certain signs and symptoms (like lumps) I might need further testing. His final words on the subject were that I needed to give them compression and support and said "if you are self-conscious wearing a bra, then a compression shirt may be an option".

So... he didn't really tell me to wear a bra, but I sure got the idea that it was an option.

Offline Johndoe1

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I would bet you are not the first man who admitted to wearing a bra for breast tissue. If you need the support, wear a bra and don't worry about it. Remember, it's your comfort that is important, not others.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline mgr

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I just saw my internist last week and she asked me why I was not wearing a bra when I arrived. I have had several discussions with her over the past three years and have actually worn a bra for my last physical, which she said she was fine. She has ordered mammograms for me etc. and conducted breast exams.  I did not wear one this time thinking it may have made her uncomfortable.  I was incorrect in my assumption. 

This last visit was because I thought I felt a lump in my breast. She did another exam and I am scheduled for a mammogram and ultra sound this Thursday with a possible biopsy as well.  I have breast cancer in my family and am currently on testosterone replacement since I lost both of my testes from an auto immune reaction from having a vasectomy coupled with the trama down there from Prostate cancer surgery.

She was very supportive of me wearing a bra. She said you need to be comfortable, so why not wear one.  There is no reason to walk around in pain or any type of discomfort.  Please wear one next time you come in to see me.

Our original conversation was going through what was available....compression, bras, sports bras, etc. she was helpful.  My endocrinologist suggested compression or a bra.  She said she has a few men who wear sports bras so their nipples don't chafe.  

I hope this helps you.

Offline walt

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Hello , my Endo Dr told me that being i wear a bra i really need to be properly fitted , he said too many of his patients wear the wrong size bra , so i asked  him how many male patients of his wear a bra and he said a handfull. I have had 2 mamo`s and ultrasounds as cancers run in the family .That was for both the Girls and the jewels.I  am a 48-C/D bra Best Wishes and stay well.

Offline oldguy

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After being diagnosed, I went for a follow up with a PA.  She told me that I should consider getting support.  My nipples were sore and when running they bounced, a lot.  Got a sports bra and that really helped.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Not all sports bras are created equal.

Some are simply leisure bras that offer little or no support. The opposite is a tight binder that is uncomfrtable or painful to wear. What you want is the one between those. 
Grandpa Dan


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