Author Topic: bumpy feeling..fat or breast tissue? (pic included)  (Read 10370 times)

Offline rockin813

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my chest has a gritty feeling under my skin.  im able to squeeze it when not flexing. i worried that it was breast tissue but i get that same gritty feeling when i feel my stomach (where there is excess fat).

i have no nodules or lumps under my nipple area. and when i stretch my arms behind my chest flattens out with no problems.

so, im hoping my chest just has some fat and will go away when my body fat % drops (currently 17%).

ur thoughts?
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Offline Gcp

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You my friend, are quite buff. (your chest looks like it doesnt have gyne at all, gtfo =P)

Offline rockin813

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thanks for the comments. however i do have some breast tissue as confirmed by two drs.  i have just started a 3 month script of tamoxifen 10mg/day to see if it reduces as its only tissue and no nodules or hard lumps. 

my T is still low with low LH levels, so hoping the tamox will increase LH to produce more T.  know my testes are working as wife and i conceived last year...and again 3 mos ago!

thanks though. will keep anyone posted if interested.  just pm me if u don't hear from me via the board as i don't post as often.


Offline manic91m9

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ha you look great, what does ur wife think? she shouldn't be complaining.

Offline rockin813

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hey guys.  i had an mri done on my pit gland a while back...with nothing abnormal found plus my prolactin levels are ideal.  reason for low lh and low T is cuz i had excess estrogen in my body from using tea tree oil over 3yrs daily and religiously (3x/shower letting it soak in thinking it did good for my hair).  anyway, since quitting is when i got back into shape although my T is still low and thus my libidio.  also, my chest does have breast tissue in there confirmed by two drs (nothing scanned...just feel).  both advised on tamoxifen.

so far 2 wks w/no change...although studies show improvement after 4 wks. also thinking of increasing dose to 20mg /day as studies show (mine is 10 cuz its not that bad).  will ask dr his thoughts after the 4wk mark.

wife thinks im fine and loves my body. its how i feel that makes me use the med..also i've read several medical lit that shows tamox to increase T by increasing LH i can hopefully get rid of breast tissue and get my hormones back in order at the same time! wishful thinking i know...but studies have shown reason to believe it will.


Offline mthatch1

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Did the Tamoxifen work for you? 

Offline rockin813

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no.  i used it for 3.5 wks before discontinueing as i started to feel worse with regards to libido.  i had another dr appt who said he didn't think it was gyne at all...just some fat from having such low T levels.

my T was 350 with a ref range of 250-1100.  this was a blood test done at 8am when T is supposed to be highest.

My lh was 3 w/ref range of 1.5 - 9.  my fsh is 5 w/ref range of 1-6. 

for those who have read up on hormones u'll agree that my numbers aren't promising.  i don't believe i have secondary hypogonadism though cuz my FSH is pretty ideal...and my sperm is potent as wife is pregnant for 2nd time in 3yrs.

my dr has put me on TRT (androgel 7.5mg) and wants me to get my T levels back to high normal and then we'll see about tapering off.

He believes my T was suppressed by the estrogen created from the Tea Tree oil shampoo. he had other studies showing the absorption of hormone disruptors thru the scalp is very high.

I'm on TRT gel for 2.5 wks now.  nothing major changed as of yet but it takes 4 wks to get T levels to normalize and distributed to the androgen receptors. estradiol is less than 10 with ref range of 10-54.  normally high estradiol is what causes gyne...esp in ppl who abuse steroids. im now confident my chest is mostly fat and will go away with higher T levels.


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