Author Topic: Can i lose my chest if its mostly fat ?  (Read 7906 times)

Offline joe6767

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Hello im 16, unlike other photos of people posting their gyno mine looks different. My nipples arent pointy and thick. I dont feel anything behind them but i feel this soft tissue in them like a little flab. I think its mostly fat. I'm 5'8" and weigh  a little over 180 so im sorta fat not too much a little chubby and my chest is just thick its hard to explain ill put some pictures soon but can you guys help me out if i lose weight im trying to lose 20 pounds...If my chest will go down? Because lots of people say if its all fat it will go down when losing weight. Any help please ?

Offline boobs-no-more

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Well, losing that weight surely wont hurt! however, i think its different for everyone in terms of if you lose 3lbls does it come from the legs, bum, stomach etc! Im not sure, lose the wight and see! Whats to lose? :)

Offline joe6767

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yeah that's true...I can only lose...weight ! ha.


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Hello im 16, unlike other photos of people posting their gyno mine looks different. My nipples arent pointy and thick. I dont feel anything behind them but i feel this soft tissue in them like a little flab. I think its mostly fat. I'm 5'8" and weigh  a little over 180 so im sorta fat not too much a little chubby and my chest is just thick its hard to explain ill put some pictures soon but can you guys help me out if i lose weight im trying to lose 20 pounds...If my chest will go down? Because lots of people say if its all fat it will go down when losing weight. Any help please ?

Wearing the extra fat is not healthy.  Check out your risks with a BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)

Plastic surgery is better after weight loss, losing weight is a coarse tool. Plastic surgery is better used for refinement.

Fat reduction weight loss can make a big difference in the male chest.  Losing weight does not help with the gland and possible loose skin.

Weight Loss, Dealing With Excess Skin of the Chest and Body is also a major emotional issue.

Check out this new section on the emotion of body lift surgery for those after massive weight loss:

Personal experiences and emotions of dealing with weight, loose skin, and body lift surgery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline Gcp

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Those pics of that man with gynecomastia who lost like 60 lbs would be ideal for me. I might not even want the surgery if my chest looked like his after all that weight loss, and his breasts are bigger than mine.

Offline gettingrid

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this is not clear....i didnt have this when I was thin but when I gained weight and then tried to lose weight theres no way to make it go away I am stuck with getting really thin to see if it goes away or come to a healthy weight and get the surgery...I chose the latter since I was tired after losing 40lbs and still not getting rid of could work for you though so definitely try to reduce some weight and then decide.

my gyne is also the way you describe nothing behind the nipple mainly flab in front extending under the arms. I had ~3000cc of lipo done without excision....but just be sure from consults that it really is only the pseudo-case before u decide on the surgery.


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