Author Topic: Overweight men who have had the procedure?  (Read 7546 times)

Offline ziggynj24

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Any phat dudes have the procedure done?  What was your experience/recommendations?

Ok, so I’m a fat dude.  By the BMI index link on this site I’m like, really fat, 35 BMI or something.  What that translates to is I’m 5’11” and weigh about 250.  Now, though I’m fat, I’m not that, that fat but I’ve got some big ol boobs...biggest I’ve seen on a guy my size.  I’ve seen guys way bigger than myself that have nothing in comparison.  Both plastic surgeons I’ve gone to were like, “Wow, those are really big!” seriously, they were both taken back (as I am daily).  Still, both plastic surgeons and my hands would agree that I’ve got fat and not real boobs...psudo-Gynecocomastia.  

Well, “Pseudo” or not they’re still big boobs and it’s terrible…been terrible all my life.  I mean (and no offence---I know it’s all relative) when I look at most of the before pics of Gyneco I’m like, “Shit, I wish I had boobs that small!!”  If my boobs were that small I’d sing songs about em.  In any case, my point, “pseudo” or not, they’re still just as painful and just as real.

I hear people saying that one planning to get the operation should wait to loose weight before they go forward with the procedure.  But then again, many also say that even after they lost the weight they still had to get the operation.  Huh?  So, aside from a little less skin for the surgeon to deal with, a little less fat to suck, in the end does the lower weight change all that much about the experience…except delay it a bit?  Do people suggest that fat people should loose the weight first because (like many think) a fat person has been bad and doesn’t deserve the procedure; they only have Pseudo Gyneco and should loose the weight in order to deserve the change?

Well, all rhetorical questions aside, I would like to know if any overweight guys have had the operation done and what their experience was like.  It is so difficult to date, to be happy, to feel secure, i.e. to be empowered enough to loose the weight with big ol boobs hanging about.  I am thinking of getting the procedure done (yes, even while still fat) and I want to know that I’m not crazy in this decision; I need to know that doctors have performed the operation and that they have been successful…Any info would be great!  

Thanks a bunch!

Phat boys UNITE!!




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You know man, you should consider yourself really lucky that you can virtually eliminate "gynecomastia" just by losing weight. So if its tormented you that much and you're virtually guaranteed a large improvement by losing weight, then why not do it? Not only will your gynecomastia go away but you'll be healthier.

Offline ziggynj24

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Well, according to the plastic surgeon I would have to go drastically underweight to eliminate the Gyne (excuse me Pseudo gyne) that I have.

But let's just assume for a sec that I wouldn't have to go underweight to get rid of the are saying that if I can do something about it on my own I should not get the operation and take care of it myself?  In other words, Pseudo-Gyne sufferers should take care of it themselves?

Thanks for the reply...  I'm just trying to think this through.


Offline Give me Life

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Hi buddy:

I think your best option is first to reduce weight to say 200 lbs and then go for surgery. That way you will eliminate extra fat in your body specially near your breast and cheast. And then what left is Gyne. May be some more fat as well. But atleast you will get better reslut from surgery that way rather than going for  asurgery with this weight.

Sooner or later you have to reduce the weight else it will not clear your problem. Then why not first?
Surgery done on Sept 6th, 2006 with Dr. Fielding - Toronto. Not 100% cured but will get there for sure !!!

Revision done on December 7th, 2007. Let's hope for best !!!

Dr. Fielding
Suite #401, 2425 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Tel: 416.766.88

Offline Biggy

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Ziggy -
I am also a fat boy - way big... 6'5" and 367 pounds at the time of my surgery.  Having the surgery was the best thing I have ever done for my self esteem, and probably the best thing I've ever done for myself.

I hope my story helps you - I've read posts here for about a year and have never posted or responded and it is time for me to start doing so.  I think my experience can people.

I share with every story of shame and teasing and social withdrawal and depression and bad relationships, etc.  My emotional healing still goes on.  I have always been a chubby kind of guy.  The summer between 5th and 6th grade I started growing my boobs on top of being chubby. 

I was always told by coaches, parents, dr's, that I should lose weight to try to lose the boobs.  When I was 20 I put on a full charge diet and got down to a weight of 215 pounds, the skiniest I have ever been, and the boobs persisted.  Still kept my shirt on with my girlfriend, no public swimming, hot tubs. I got kicked out of the gym for fighting with a college basketball coach (a-hole) because I wouldn't go skins. 

I have lifted weights since I was 15 on-and-off to try to fill out my muscles and try to work off the boobs - my bench press went up, but the boobs did also.

PLEASE HEAR THIS!  The people who tell you how lucky you are that you are fat, so you can just lose the boobs when you lose your fat DO NOT UNDERSTAND GYNECOMASTIA.  It is a thing that is just there in your chest, and it is not just fat - Yes, when I was skinnier the boobs were smaller, but they were also almost more noticeable because they were so out of place - being fat, does somewhat help blend the boobs because of fat everywhere, and only wearing the right kind of shirt(s) helps to hide it, skinny or fat.

At 33 years old and almost 370 pounds, in early 2006, I met with a Dr. that I researched thoroughly, met with, and talked over my circumstance.  "Wow those are really big", was also my diagnosis (maybe we saw the same Dr.) and although I was/am heavy, I am in great health otherwise.  He recommended surgery even at my heavy weight.  The cost estimate was HUGE compared to what I thought it would be.  I met with him one more time, then set the surgery date for the end of July 2006.

I did the surgery - was under for 6 hours and came out fine.  I was out of work for 2 1/2 weeks, and wore the bandage for about a month.  Was really sore for the first 2 weeks, but it went away.  Having the drains pulled out was the worse part - I never took 1 vicodin for pain until right after that, but that was it.

My Dr. did an unbelievable job - my chest is un-freaking-believable (to me).  With a shirt on it looks like a buffed dudes chest (the weights I've lifted all my life help me now, I'm sure).  I wear any tshirt I want, without layers, without any hesitation or fear - I could not be happier.

Now, there is a down side that you should know about.  I lost feeling initially across my entire chest, and it is now 5 months after the surgery and about 80% feeling has come back.  I still have no feeling directly on or around my nipples - for me that is actually good, because I was very sensitive before, and any rub would just remind me of the boobs, now I have no boobs, and no nipple feeling - maybe it will come back, maybe not, I really do not care.  I REALLY DO NOT CARE.  The boobs are gone, and that is enough.  I also have some dark spots on the nipples, but again, I don't care.

By the way, the Dr. warned me that because of the enormous size of my gyne, that I would lose some feeling and possibly have some nipple scarring (the dark spots).  For me before the surgery it was a good trade-off, and I can say confidently now after the surgery that it is still a good trade-off.

If you can relate to this, or if anyone else can - I have been suicidal at times over the gyne, and in general just plain depressed.  Not doing things in life I want to, and not feeling like a man.  Slouching all the time, not talking confidently in front of people, and women.  I fucking hate gynecomastia - and that is all there is to it.  Not having the boobs, depression, suicidal thoughts, hatred for the blowing wind, and stares from other people is an incredible feeling.

For me, being fat and having the surgery worked out fine.  Like I said, at least for me, even losing the weight did not help my gyne.  I am now extremely active in the gym, and have taken off about 25 pounds in the past 4 months.  I play basketball, volleyball, and softball, all without the swinging and bouncing and I HAVE NEVER FELT BETTER!

I am more than happy to share the name of my Doctor, my costs, and my pictures.

Offline gabbyhey

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Hey Biggy- I know what you mean about now looking like you have a buff chest.   "When I took the bandages off my surgery, I asked my doctor, do you think you took out enough?  My chest is still big."  He said that's because all of that is muscle.  At first I didn't believe him but then I flexed and realized it was the first time I'd ever seen my pecs.  Haha.  I look like a bouncer now.

Offline Biggy

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Gabbyhey -
I'm glad you had success also, it is an awesome, awesome feeling.  Before I did my surgery I had read from other posts that some guys had the same reaction you did.  I have to admit, the day after my surgery, I could already tell there was a HUGE difference.  As painful as it was I had to pull up the bandages and take a look and I could absolutely not believe the change, seriously like a miracle - like I was dreaming.  4 weeks post surgery I was still a little swollen mostly under the armpits and where the drains were - but I would just walk around the house without a shirt on - I never did that even in private.

Offline gabbyhey

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Yeah, I know! I never walked around in private with a shirt off either.  It's still hard to remember that I can now do that.  I catch myself  every once in a while putting on an extra shirt over my t-shirt and then go, "what am I doing?"


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Any phat dudes have the procedure done?  What was your experience/recommendations?

Ok, so I’m a fat dude.  By the BMI index link on this site I’m like, really fat, 35 BMI or something.  What that translates to is I’m 5’11” and weigh about 250.  Now, though I’m fat, I’m not that, that fat but I’ve got some big ol boobs...biggest I’ve seen on a guy my size.  I’ve seen guys way bigger than myself that have nothing in comparison.  Both plastic surgeons I’ve gone to were like, “Wow, those are really big!” seriously, they were both taken back (as I am daily).  Still, both plastic surgeons and my hands would agree that I’ve got fat and not real boobs...psudo-Gynecocomastia. 

Well, “Pseudo” or not they’re still big boobs and it’s terrible…been terrible all my life.  I mean (and no offence---I know it’s all relative) when I look at most of the before pics of Gyneco I’m like, “Shit, I wish I had boobs that small!!”  If my boobs were that small I’d sing songs about em.  In any case, my point, “pseudo” or not, they’re still just as painful and just as real.

I hear people saying that one planning to get the operation should wait to loose weight before they go forward with the procedure.  But then again, many also say that even after they lost the weight they still had to get the operation.  Huh?  So, aside from a little less skin for the surgeon to deal with, a little less fat to suck, in the end does the lower weight change all that much about the experience…except delay it a bit?  Do people suggest that fat people should loose the weight first because (like many think) a fat person has been bad and doesn’t deserve the procedure; they only have Pseudo Gyneco and should loose the weight in order to deserve the change?

Well, all rhetorical questions aside, I would like to know if any overweight guys have had the operation done and what their experience was like.  It is so difficult to date, to be happy, to feel secure, i.e. to be empowered enough to loose the weight with big ol boobs hanging about.  I am thinking of getting the procedure done (yes, even while still fat) and I want to know that I’m not crazy in this decision; I need to know that doctors have performed the operation and that they have been successful…Any info would be great! 

Thanks a bunch!

Phat boys UNITE!!



Wearing the extra fat is not healthy.  Check out your risks with a BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)

Plastic surgery is better after weight loss, losing weight is a coarse tool. Plastic surgery is better used for refinement.

Weight Loss, Dealing With Excess Skin of the Chest and Body is also a major emotional issue.

Check out this section on the emotion of body lift surgery for those after massive weight loss:

Personal experiences and emotions of dealing with weight, loose skin, and body lift surgery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline bigkev

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I just read the post by Biggy and now I am inspired to go ahead and get the procedure done myself.  I am 5-11 and about 300lbs.  I have lifted weights on and off my whole life and found that my chest actually looks better with me carrying the extra weight.  I have always read that one should lose as much weight as possible, but as most of us big guys know, it ain't always just that simple!!!  I will plan on having the procedure sometime this summer as to give myself ample time to "get in shape" as so to heighten the results.  I just think ANYTHING would be better than what I currently have.  I am 34 years old and have struggled with this condition long enough.  I am currently looking for a doc in the Houston area.  I have heard that Dr. Mentz is good and also that Dr. Newall is very good as well.  I will keep you guys posted. 


Offline Friederich Miescher

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The topics a bit stale, but heck, I'll chip in here, even though I haven't even taken the first steps of doing anything in regard to surgery.

I was an average sized kid (not skinny, but not overweight) when I started developing what looked like breasts. Being a year from Jr. High, this was a nightmare. I desperately tried losing weight, and it didn't go away. I tried working out and lifting weights. I was, as a 13 year old, bench pressing almost 200 lbs (I think I got up to 185) in hopes of getting rid of my condition. This really made it a lot worse. Ironically, being in the best shape of my very short life, I had the worst self esteem, and eventually went to home schooling to avoid the name calling.

By my mid teens, I had given up on working out, stopped eating right, and as I got a little chunkier, I felt like gaining weight might solve my problem and mask my situation. So gain weight I did. Of course, this sort of worked, but as the rest of me grew, so did my breasts.

About two years ago I went on a serious diet/exercise routine hoping that maybe now that I would lose them along with excess body fat. I went from around 380 all the way down to 250. But as this happened, my breasts didn't really decrease all that much, and because I did lose significant stomach size, they seemed to jut out much farther than ever before. It was humiliating and defeating. I didn't know that there was such a thing as gynecomastia at the time, otherwise I would have tried corrective surgery then. But unwisely, I figured that I'd rather be fat and have one large rolling blob than to be only a little overweight and have massive breasts. So back off the diet I went, and now here I am, weighing in at the upper range of the 300's once again. My wife wants me to go exercise with her, but when I think about that, I remember my experiences both in JR. High and two years ago, where both times I was in relatively the peak health of my life, and how bad I felt both times. So frankly, psychologically, I don't WANT to lose weight until I can correct this issue, or be prepared to. That's just my take.

Hopefully Biggy is still somewhere around here, I'd like to hear more of his story.


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