Author Topic: Possible Gyno? Letrozole Questions.  (Read 12218 times)

Offline MikeBane

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Hello. I've had this condition since I hit puberty. I've been working out really hard for a little over a year and made huge changes to my diet. I've lost 30 pounds. You can't tell really from these pictures, but my body looks disproportionate. My arms, legs, neck, and face look pretty slim but I have a little bit of a gut but definitely not that chubby. That is slimming down. But no matter what I do I can't seem to lose my chest fast.

I do cardio 3-4 times a week, varying 30min-50min (some days interval training), lift twice a week, I move around a lot for both my jobs, and I get eat very healthy.

My breasts are saggy like a woman's and it's caused much psychological damage over the years. I've only recently conquered my depression which I feel since I was fat as a child, has been an underlying cause of it. My brother used to lift up my shirt and embarrass me in front of his friends and MINE. Swimming class during school was the most dreaded days of my public school years. I guess I am merely repeating the agony we all probably have felt.

I have started taking Letrozole today, starting at 2.5mg/ml. I don't feel a lump behind my nipple or anything rubbery, they feel a little sensitive if I squeeze them hard enough but I feel that would happen with anyone's breast.

Judging from the photos, would you say this is gyno or pseudogyno? It is my hope that Letro will reduce this. I am not asking for it to be eliminated, I figure only surgery will do that, but I just want it so my breasts aren't saggy and reduced to a size where I can b/s it off as muscle.  :P

I would really like some opinions on this. Also, what can I take to reduce the symptoms of Letro? I haven't seen any forums talking about it. Can't you take some supplement to lubricate your joints? Vitamin D and calcium will keep my bones healthy? Thanks!!

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Yes, you have gyne and no, Letrozole will not benefit you -- sorry.

If you want to deal with it, you should wear a snug compression garment or consider having surgery.

Dr Jacobs

Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Chronotoker

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Do not do what I did and get on the letro train - rebound can make them worse as it did in my case.

I'll never ever take letro again once I get off.

Offline karly

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hi just want to ask opinion if my chest has a gyne or still fat that need to lose.


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Definitely looks like gynecomastia to me. My breasts started growing when I was young.  My mother took me to the family doctor, we were told it would be best to wait until they are finished growing. My breasts were probably about the same size then as yours are now. That was about 25 years ago.  I now wear a 38G in most of my bras. I would see an endocrinologist and try to get a handle on them and figure out what is going to be best for you.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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You have both fat and breast tissue on your chest.  If you continue to lose weight, you might make your breasts slightly smaller because the fat component will get smaller.  But the breast tissue will remain and may, in fact, appear more prominent in relation to your now slimmer body.

Dr JAcobs

Offline John Parker

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There are many guys hitting the gym hard and thinking that exercise and eating healthy will take away the appearance of the moobs. i agree with the Dr's sentiment that you should go for a compression shirt and keep on exercising and eating right as it does assist.


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