Author Topic: 10 months post puffy nipple ? HELP  (Read 1390 times)

Offline PhilippW97

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[font="Open Sans", sans-serif]Hello,
I got glands removed January this year. Post op nipples were flat but over the course of the first couple months they developed hard tissue behind them. This tissue has gotten smooth due to massaging etc. On the right side it completeley resolved itself but left side still has some soft tissue behind the nipple which makes it look puffy again. It's right behind the nipple, the rest of the areola, like the transition area from the chest skin to the areola is flat, which was puffy before surgery because of the gland.

On the first picture you can see that the left nipple looks also different in colour, brighter I find because of the tissue behind it. Second pic is my perfectly flat right nipple and third pic is the left nipple which has something behind it left.

Could this be scar tissue since the tissue got smooth (hard originally) and less ? Will this get any better 10 months post op ?

Thanks very much[/font]

Offline J88

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Alright mate

I'm not too sure bout that sorry but I'd imagine that it could still be scar tissue and you're still healing.
But can I just say your chest looks good man. In terms of scarring and stuff as well you don't even see any! Where did you get it done???
But I'd give it time if I were you cause you look good. Just keep workin out an massaging I guess

Kind regards


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